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List of questions


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Here's a list of things I've been thinking about:


1) Fleetfooted vs Jedi Crusader. I've heard some people talk about swapping the two points spent on Fleetfooted for Jedi Crusader. What are your thoughts on that?


2) What do you guys think about pulling a point each out of Swelling Winds and Insight and putting them into Swift Slash and Jedi Enforcer? I honestly don't use my force sweep or cyclone slash very often and for awhile I was using a pvp build where insight had zero points in it. It seems to me like a critical chance increase of 7.5% on one of your most damaging attacks > 2% deduction of force critical chance. It also seems that increasing the damage dealt by Rebuke by 7.5% along with increasing its duration by 2 seconds (especially if the points in Fleetfooted are traded for Jedi Crusader) outweighs a 10% damage deduction for two abilities I rarely use.


EDIT: Or, for that matter, how about pulling both points out of Swelling Winds and putting them into Enforcer? 3 extra focus points + 2100 damage + 4 more seconds of 20% damage reduction seems pretty sweet to me.


3) Doc/Gearing Doc. In soloing the two Heroic 2s on Oricon, my Doc was verging on being a liability. Not only does he regularly pull extra mobs into a fight but I don't think I got any heals from him against the dread host commanders (or at least not many) because he was constantly being stunned etc. That made for some really close calls. Any tips on keeping Doc in the fight? I also had to rez him after nearly every fight in those heroics which leads to my gearing question: I don't have any augments on him yet which would obviously help both his survivability and mine but that's partly because I think I may have gotten some bad advice in the past on what to stack on him. He currently has a decent mix of crit, power, surge, and alacrity but should I get rid of all his crit in favor of power just like for our sentinels? Likewise, should I get rid of all his alacrity in favor of surge? And how about his augs?


Thanks in advance. Sorry for the novel. :p

Edited by Lord_Garrex
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Here's a list of things I've been thinking about:


1) Fleetfooted vs Jedi Crusader. I've heard some people talk about swapping the two points spent on Fleetfooted for Jedi Crusader. What are your thoughts on that?


2) What do you guys think about pulling a point each out of Swelling Winds and Insight and putting them into Swift Slash and Jedi Enforcer? I honestly don't use my force sweep or cyclone slash very often and for awhile I was using a pvp build where insight had zero points in it. It seems to me like a critical chance increase of 7.5% on one of your most damaging attacks > 2% deduction of force critical chance. It also seems that increasing the damage dealt by Rebuke by 7.5% along with increasing its duration by 2 seconds (especially if the points in Fleetfooted are traded for Jedi Crusader) outweighs a 10% damage deduction for two abilities I rarely use.


EDIT: Or, for that matter, how about pulling both points out of Swelling Winds and putting them into Enforcer? 3 extra focus points + 2100 damage + 4 more seconds of 20% damage reduction seems pretty sweet to me.


3) Doc/Gearing Doc. In soloing the two Heroic 2s on Oricon, my Doc was verging on being a liability. Not only does he regularly pull extra mobs into a fight but I don't think I got any heals from him against the dread host commanders (or at least not many) because he was constantly being stunned etc. That made for some really close calls. Any tips on keeping Doc in the fight? I also had to rez him after nearly every fight in those heroics which leads to my gearing question: I don't have any augments on him yet which would obviously help both his survivability and mine but that's partly because I think I may have gotten some bad advice in the past on what to stack on him. He currently has a decent mix of crit, power, surge, and alacrity but should I get rid of all his crit in favor of power just like for our sentinels? Likewise, should I get rid of all his alacrity in favor of surge? And how about his augs?


Thanks in advance. Sorry for the novel. :p


To address your questions:


1) Speccing into either one (or sometimes both) of those is entirely situational depending on the fight. For example, a fight like Dash'roode with slows being thrown out by the adds and the entire raid needing to move would put Fleetfooted in favor. For a fight like Titan 6 or Nefra with regular raid-wide damage going out, points in Jedi Crusader would be perfect for just a bit more Focus generation. So, for fights with lots of raid-wide damage and good timing on your part, Jedi Crusader is quite nice (additionally proper use of Rebuke can result in between 50 and 100 dps increase) but for fights with lots of roots, slows, etc, Fleetfooted is the preferred point allocation. Consequently, a time where it would be beneficial to you as a dps (not so much for your healers) is a situation with both predictable raid-wide damage and slows/roots where I would take points out of Saber Screen and allocate to have both Fleetfooted and Jedi Crusader.


2) This is impossible given the point allocation for a build. You would need to take points out of the Watchman tree (not recommended) and put them into the second tier of the Focus tree. Pretty much for the other two trees, the only points that can be traded without a dps loss is also situational. For fights with exclusively single target damage, I might consider trading points from Swelling Winds to Merciless Zeal to help your healers out. That is really the only thing you can do between those trees. It would require you to use Cauterize nearly on cooldown to maximize its utility but I suppose it could help.


3) I really have no input on this, for the most part as long as he's wearing pants I'm pretty happy with him.

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1. This is fight-specific. There are fights where this is better, and fights where you really need fleetfooted.


2. This is impossible. You have to take the first tier before the second.


3. Companions don't benefit much from alacrity because they're mostly limited by cooldown timers, which alacrity doesn't affect, so go surge over alacrity. And power is better than crit for him just like for you. Augments would help of course, but I've never felt it worthwhile to augment a companion. If you go this route, maybe buy him some legacy gear to augment so you can transfer it to another character of yours someday.

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Ah geez. I'd forgotten that you'd have to fill up the bottom tier of the focus tree in order to allocate points to any of the skills in the second tier.


I did respecc two points into Crusader but a pretty infuriating thing happened in that my accuracy is now at 97.44% instead of the 100.44% that it was at previously. Steadfast still has points so why did I lose 3% accuracy? I can't get it back either. :mad:

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I did respecc two points into Crusader but a pretty infuriating thing happened in that my accuracy is now at 97.44% instead of the 100.44% that it was at previously. Steadfast still has points so why did I lose 3% accuracy? I can't get it back either. :mad:


Put Ataru form back on. When you reallocated skill points, you lost ataru form during the reallocation, so it turned off. This will give you back that 3% accuracy boost from Ataru form (which is separate from steadfast).

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