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Razer Orbweaver or Logitech G13


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Been looking into getting one of these, since a laptop keyboard is not that good, especially when it comes to shift and alt modifiers.


So have been doing some research on gameboards out there. I have narrowed it down to these two, but i just cannot make the final decision, each one has slight edge over the other in different areas.


Can anyone out there with these devices give me some advice, pro's and cons ect based on their own usage of these.

Edited by Rusah
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I own both. The Orbweaver is in the closet and the G13 is on my desk. Your preferences will vary; some people think the Orbweaver is the best thing since fried rice. I don't, and I'm a Razer fan--the keyboard and mouse on my desk are both Razer. But they've got some catching up to do both in the software and thumb-module design of the Orbweaver to be as good as the G13. About the only thing going for the Orbweaver is that it's somewhat adjustable, so certain hands and bodies are going to find it more comfortable than the G13, but I personally didn't.
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I use an Orbweaver that I replaced my Nostromo with and I really enjoy it. The mechanical keys are nice and responsive and the adjustable portions make it easy to size for your hands.


My only complaint is the row of buttons farthest from your palm are difficult to reach unless you can palm a basketball...in which case the closest row of buttons will be difficult to reach.


Otherwise, its a solid performer. The G14 turned me off because of its odd key placement. I find even rows of keys to be more intuitive to use than varying numbers of keys per row. The Razer allows you to easily set up your UI to reflect the key positions and more quickly learn the location of abilities. No reach and search with your little or index fingers for those odd buttons way out to the side.

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