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Please increase the Elite/Ultimate Commendation cap!


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If you LIKE runnign them, you should LIKE runnign them without the comms dropping because you are having fun and getting gear drops off the bosses anyway.


I'm sorry, am I using PvPer logic on you too early in the thread? PvPers don't get dropped loot or gear the way raiders do, nevermind all the money. We get our own comms, comm gear, and a pittance of credits. Yet we play anyway, and if youa re pvping pre 55...comms are more or less pointless, no drops, no fancy new gear, yet we play it because we LIKE it.


If you LIKE and enjoy it anyway, you should be willing to run it without the shiny carrot. Nevermind that you already have a carrot with the dropped non-comm loot.


except you get just as fancy mods (not a lot of people wear operations gear as is, you tend to pull the mods out of it, to put into your preferred appearance), and while you have a max coms you can have limit, you do NOT have a weekly one. so you can keep running warzones to your heart's content and still get tangible rewards for it, just buy a new upgrade once you edge to close to maximum. as for credit pittance? you don't have repair bills in pvp, you get free adrenals and medpacks just for completing daily quests - so virtually no consumable costs and its much easier and faster to jump into an unranked pvp match, vs organizing a successful operation run (even storymode). so, I wouldn't call it a pittance.


I'd love it if ultimate/elite coms worked the way warzone commendations do. which you can exchange for planetary coms incidentally, so bam - there are your upgrades. or credits if you don't want planetary coms. and you get good earpieces/implants earlier through pvp then you do through pve (minus crafting). cheaper too (just bought some for my assassin)

Edited by Jeweledleah
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except you get just as fancy mods (not a lot of people wear operations gear as is, you tend to pull the mods out of it, to put into your preferred appearance), and while you have a max coms you can have limit, you do NOT have a weekly one. so you can keep running warzones to your heart's content and still get tangible rewards for it, just buy a new upgrade once you edge to close to maximum. as for credit pittance? you don't have repair bills in pvp, you get free adrenals and medpacks just for completing daily quests - so virtually no consumable costs and its much easier and faster to jump into an unranked pvp match, vs organizing a successful operation run (even storymode). so, I wouldn't call it a pittance.


I'd love it if ultimate/elite coms worked the way warzone commendations do. which you can exchange for planetary coms incidentally, so bam - there are your upgrades. or credits if you don't want planetary coms. and you get good earpieces/implants earlier through pvp then you do through pve (minus crafting). cheaper too (just bought some for my assassin)


Try organizing ranked warzones and all the consumables needed for it. Grenades for DoT damage, CC, extra direct AoE damage. Theire are also consumables that do not persist through death that can up your stats that are NOT adrenals that pvpers use...they sell for exhorborant prices on the GTN as people have figured out theyw ork in PvP as well.


Yes...it is a pitance that we get.


Given that ops are 55, lets go with 55 pvp. Yes, you can, concievably fully kit out your character in a week of constant grinding PvP. That level of grinding simply makes OPS grinding look like a breeze however due tot he sheer frustration people will run across due to long losing chains and especially as you CANNOT WEAR your expertise PvP gear you are workign towards because each peice you wear lowers bolster effect negatively. Meaning that great gear you say we get, you cannot even use peices of it untill you get an entire full set...including ear peaces and relics/implants...or else you will actually be negatively impacting bolster's effects. If you wear 2 peices of pvp gear, you have less expertise thans omeone who wears no pvp gear, because of the messed up way bolster calculates expertise rating.

So...imagine being in an ops...grinding the SAME operation, over and over again (no change, no other fps...that one ops, that is all you can grind) in entry level HM ops gear, now you have to complete NM mode in gear that barely makes you HM worthy. and you don't just do this once...you have to do this again and again and again untill you have a full set of gear...every single peice...then and only then can you wear ANY of it. That is what it is like in 55 bracket PvP if you want to be competative. Hence why PvPers have no comm cap to speak of, because the distance you have to travel to be competative is absurd compared to Ops.


PvPers, however, rarely whine about this. I am simply giving the reality of the difference out there so you can attempt to objectively read into it.

Raiders, ont he other hand, constantly whine about being gated, nevermind that if they weren't gated they would chew throught he content, have all the gear from it, then immediately start whinning to the devs that they don't have more content to play. Don't even pretend it wouldn't happen as it happens in every...single...MMO. The moment people start getting all of their raid gear, the raiders start whinning like crazy. PvPers get their gear...and keep right on PvPing, only thing we whine about is class mechanics (because you notice differences far more in PvP than you ever will in PvE) and the fact they barely give us new warzones...which take infinitely less time for them to design and impliment than any new planet or raid as the only vocal chat they need is the announcers! Seriously...we should have 3x the wz's we have now given how much PvE expansions have been going on.


No...the starfighter expansion coming up does not count as it is a different style of gameplay altogether (though I personally am lookign forward to it). However, they cannot give anyone up to develop a few more warzones thanks to the raiders whinning about more content incessantly.


Anything that gates raiders and forcably slows them down is GOOD, it lets the devs work on other things for awhile.

I personally think the weekly comm count needs cut in half just to slow you all down more and let them have some time for PvP development for awhile, given that every update but one has been focused on PvE. You also continue to get rewarded while in operations, items and cash drop from monsters, items continue to drop from bosses. Your rewards are still coming in, just in the traditional way rather than the comm method. My sniper in a raid will make 20-75k per op and usually have 1-2k repair bill...by contrast that same sniper makes around 2k a warzone. lets say 3 wz's an hour...look at how many wz's I'd need to run to equal that raid in money....hint...it would take FAR more time than the raid.


...and before it gets said...yes...I play both. Just someone has to bloody throw a dose of reality check on the PvE brigade from time to time and it may as well be me. Get off the high horse and realize how good you have it compared to the other side of the player-base. So you have to wait to gett he next peice of gear, you are still being rewarded for doign the content...just not with comms...who cares? If it isn't fun than don't do it at all...if it is fun you shouldn't need that carrot to always be there.

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not if they set it up the way planetary coms work now, with current limits.


aka, you can only hoard so much before you have to start spending or lose coms.


right now - you lose them after very short amount of time, whether you spend them or not, through extremely low weekly limit.


Spend them before handing in your dailies/weeklies, I really don't think you people are earning comms so fast that you never have time to go to the fleet- and if so, isn't that a good thing? You're gearing up super fast, that doesn't seem like a problem to me.


If it's about the weekly limits- well, they have those limits so you can't breeze through, to make the rate of gain more even for people who will never touch the limits (aka- 99% of players). Maybe it sucks for a small group, but the entire point is to not let that small group get their full set instantly then start complaining that there's no Ops to do two weeks later. (aka- what is happening even with the limits, just slightly later).

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Spend them before handing in your dailies/weeklies, I really don't think you people are earning comms so fast that you never have time to go to the fleet- and if so, isn't that a good thing? You're gearing up super fast, that doesn't seem like a problem to me.


If it's about the weekly limits- well, they have those limits so you can't breeze through, to make the rate of gain more even for people who will never touch the limits (aka- 99% of players). Maybe it sucks for a small group, but the entire point is to not let that small group get their full set instantly then start complaining that there's no Ops to do two weeks later. (aka- what is happening even with the limits, just slightly later).


I think you misunderstand. if we could spend them and THEN hand in weeklies? that would be just fine. but spending them does nothing if you hit your limit, the coms are still lost.


its demoralizing is what it is.


for people who cannot spend a lot of time running ops, content is still naturally gated. ultimate coms? are STILL naturally gated, because there's only so many of them you can get a week, before you hit all lockouts (and even then, its not that much more then current weekly limit. but still visibly more especially if you run 16 mans, so it sucks when you end up literally throttling yourself.


elite coms buy you ability to have very slightly easier time to do hardmodes and well.. they gear companions so that you have smoother time soloing. they are NOT bleeding edge by any means.


gearing is already frustrating, because most of the time you end up spending half your weekly coms on a piece that you us a SINGLE MOD from. if you are lucky, you may use 2 out of 3, but that doesn't happen all that often. pvp, on the other hand, they just gave you an ability to buy mods and customize your gear any way you wish.


I pve more then I pvp (in part because there's only so much time I have to spend in a game, so ops and alts tend to eat up a lot of it) but I still pvp, and unless you go into rated, its far easier to get into and out of. smoother. and even if you don't have the best of gear, bolster is there to the rescue. its not much but there is NO bolster at all in pve. organizing 4 people for ranked is not quite the same as getting just the right 8 people together for a progression run, let alone 16. and while you just worry about consumables, progression can cost up to 100k per night or more. cost, even after you kill the bosses.


gear drops you say? crappy rng I say. half the time, stuff that drops is barely useful, going to alts, or vendor, or companions.


yes, I still run ops even if I didn't spread my raiding across couple of alts, so I ended up hitting my limit sometime around Friday. but its disheartening and it feels like "if I don't get what I want, then neither should YOU"

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99% of the gear on that vendor is getting ignored because not a single piece of gear from the Ultimate vendor has a proper Adept (power/surge) or Initiative (accuracy/power) Enhancement 34! Not a single one! Come on, devs, you know that nobody wants ****** Critical/Alacrity Enhancements and Implants! DPS want Accuracy/Power, Healers want Power/Alacrity and they both want Power/Surge. Yet these are not available from the comms vendor in any shape or form just critical, critical, critical, critical and some more critical.




You are not supposed to buy BiS with commendations. You are supposed to get BiS enhancements by looting tokens from the end game content bosses in hard mode and nightmare modes.


As for the commendation cap solution


Both Ultimate and Elite commendations

1) Remove the weekly cap completely or add +100 to it.

2) Keep the max ultimate commendations where it is now

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I think you are looking at the limits from a wrong perspective. Nobody is punishing you for clearing the content. You are welcome to do so and enjoy the loot. The commendation, however have to be limited and it has nothing to do with reward or punishment. Commendations HELP you gear up for the harder content and are provided in limited quantities to ensure the process takes time.


With those comms being an integral part of that content, I'd say we're being punished for playing that content when maxed out on comms.


Furthermore, you're the one looking at it from a wrong perspective. Commendations do not help you gear up. They're a very important part of gearing. Not only do they buy you otherwise unobtainable armor skins, they allow you to get gear when you don't get lucky on a boss drop and you don't get lucky on the roll. In conclusion, commendations are a big part of the gearing process and that's even with ignoring companions completely.

Edited by slafko
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You are not supposed to buy BiS with commendations. You are supposed to get BiS enhancements by looting tokens from the end game content bosses in hard mode and nightmare modes.


As for the commendation cap solution


Both Ultimate and Elite commendations

1) Remove the weekly cap completely or add +100 to it.

2) Keep the max ultimate commendations where it is now


Yes because we all know how easy it is to get 14 items then 7 mainhands for a BiS enhancement when you are rolling against 15 other people and can only roll on a certain item once a week. Gearing up through tokens only is not viable in any reasonable time frame. I'm not saying they put fully decked out sets of BiS mods but each best in slot armoring, mod and enhancement should be present on the vendor. (Don't forget that they can't be RE'd and 140 ultimate commendations for 1 enhancement will still take a lot of time.)

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Yes because we all know how easy it is to get 14 items then 7 mainhands for a BiS enhancement when you are rolling against 15 other people and can only roll on a certain item once a week. Gearing up through tokens only is not viable in any reasonable time frame. I'm not saying they put fully decked out sets of BiS mods but each best in slot armoring, mod and enhancement should be present on the vendor. (Don't forget that they can't be RE'd and 140 ultimate commendations for 1 enhancement will still take a lot of time.)

Really? I think our group is almost BiS and that is short of some implants and ears by now. That problem in gearing has been discussed already but we don't know if BW is listening? I know there are some classes that need offhand/mh token or one other setbonus piece for the BiS but we have compensated these by giving those items to these classes in the raid group after a while.


BW has itemized things horribly for some classes does not prove that you should get BiS with commendations. It's not even linked to each other. Two separate problems. That merely proves that BW should take closer look to loot class wise. A firm no to getting BiS with ultimate commendations from vendors directly.

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You are not supposed to buy BiS with commendations. You are supposed to get BiS enhancements by looting tokens from the end game content bosses in hard mode and nightmare modes.


As for the commendation cap solution


Both Ultimate and Elite commendations

1) Remove the weekly cap completely or add +100 to it.

2) Keep the max ultimate commendations where it is now

Or they could just make set bonus actually worth getting for all classes. In some cases just a plain 10% increase in damage would suffice.

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Really? I think our group is almost BiS and that is short of some implants and ears by now. That problem in gearing has been discussed already but we don't know if BW is listening? I know there are some classes that need offhand/mh token or one other setbonus piece for the BiS but we have compensated these by giving those items to these classes in the raid group after a while.


BW has itemized things horribly for some classes does not prove that you should get BiS with commendations. It's not even linked to each other. Two separate problems. That merely proves that BW should take closer look to loot class wise. A firm no to getting BiS with ultimate commendations from vendors directly.


Dunno about your guild, but for me to get BiS items I would need each token once (for the set bonus), then I would need five pairs of main hand weapons or boots because the BiS enhancements are only present on those two.


Besides the best mods are already available for commendations from the Ultimate vendor. I really don't see why they couldn't allow us to buy the best enhancements as well, provided that that the price is sufficiently high (~140 Ultimate comms per piece). Because it's random who gets loot, sometimes you can go for weeks without actually winning anything and the commendations are there to make sure that your time is not entirely wasted.


Besides, if you cannot buy BiS mods with commendations what is the use of commendations anyway? NOBODY and I mean virtually nobody I know uses those Oriconian pieces, save for the belt and implants. We all use (used) our 72 mods and enhancements until we got tokens because the items from the Ultimate vendor are just so blatantly bad.


I mean if you can craft BiS 72 mods for everyone (which our guild can), the Ultimate vendor serves no purpose whatsoever! Pure 72 mods and enhancements are much better than 78A and 78B crap. You're doing more damage/heal/threat if you wear your crafted gear until you get tokens.


So what is the point of the commendations vendor then if you can go completely around it, right from the start?

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I agree there could be a slight increase. The caps are very easily and quickly reached now. An increase of 20 or 40 on each weekly cap would more than cover it I think. Don't raise the total cap though. Leave those where they are. :)
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I agree the comm limit really needs to be raised, AT LEAST for Eite comms. I could get behind increasing Ultimate comms to at least 200/week too.


I am by no means a hardcore player, but I can max out my comms limit in just a few nights of running the available endgame content, which I really enjoy.


Perhaps a good solution would be to limit the amount you can spend in a week, not earn. Serves the same purpose of preventing people from gearing up too quickly, but at the same time doesn't punish you for playing the game and running the content you enjoy.

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