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F2P and Kids


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Shortly after F2P began, someone posted on this forum that he noticed an increase in disrespectful people. More people were need rolling, ninja-ing chests and mission glowies and other wrong things.


I've noticed the same.


I think that the reason is the F2P brought an increase in kids playing.

When we had to sub, kids were dependant on their parents paying for their subs.

Now that we have F2P, more kids can play since they only need occasional money from their parents.


Of course, there is no way to prevent this. F2P has been shown to be profitable, and many other MMOs have also adopted the F2P model since it makes money.

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Shortly after F2P began, someone posted on this forum that he noticed an increase in disrespectful people. More people were need rolling, ninja-ing chests and mission glowies and other wrong things.


I've noticed the same.


I think that the reason is the F2P brought an increase in kids playing.

When we had to sub, kids were dependant on their parents paying for their subs.

Now that we have F2P, more kids can play since they only need occasional money from their parents.


Of course, there is no way to prevent this. F2P has been shown to be profitable, and many other MMOs have also adopted the F2P model since it makes money.

maybe you need to predict that someone is going to steal your quest mob/chest etc and take it out immidiately instead of fighting the npcs


Maybe the problem is with your inability to think and counter instead of expecting the world to be a happy nice place just cuz you want it.

Tbh i support anyone who steals chests, makes a certain type of person get mad or annoyed while they shouldnt. It is just a game you deserve to feel bad and annoyed if you take it to seriously, and if your incapable of finding the obvious solution to that issue


so as usual people are trying to blame others instead of looking at their own selves

Edited by ralphieceaser
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maybe you need to predict that someone is going to steal your quest mob/chest etc and take it out immidiately instead of fighting the npcs


Maybe the problem is with your inability to think and counter instead of expecting the world to be a happy nice place just cuz you want it.

Tbh i support anyone who steals chests, makes a certain type of person get mad or annoyed while they shouldnt. It is just a game you deserve to feel bad and annoyed if you take it to seriously, and if your incapable of finding the obvious solution to that issue


so as usual people are trying to blame others instead of looking at their own selves


So you advocate chest and objective stealing?

Cool post bro!

Can you tell us your server/character name so we can pre-ignore you so we don't even up in FP's etc with you?

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What world are you living in where you just expect everyone to be nice? I mean I do the opposite. I expect EVERYONE to ninja my loot. Anticipation is key here. Still what ever sheltered world you are in? Take me there! I want to live there too!
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What world are you living in where you just expect everyone to be nice? I mean I do the opposite. I expect EVERYONE to ninja my loot. Anticipation is key here. Still what ever sheltered world you are in? Take me there! I want to live there too!

its called detachment from reality, most gamers have it since they prefer to live in a virtual world that is nice and makes them feel important than dealing with the real life, have you seen how many more ppl play single player stuff(pve included) compared to pvp? Theres a reason for that


So you advocate chest and objective stealing?

Cool post bro!

Can you tell us your server/character name so we can pre-ignore you so we don't even up in FP's etc with you?


"oh no he said something against common ideas that i believe so i ll ignore every argument he makes so i ll feel im right"

You forgot to add direct degrading insults, that usually makes people feel non-threatened by what someone says no matter how many points he might rise

Edited by ralphieceaser
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All of these issues happened well before F2P. Don't forget to mention the influx of skilled players as well. I ended up doing a few WZs with a merc healer who was either F2P or did not understand how to unify colors. At any rate, they did a great job of healing.


These threads are not constructive.

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So you advocate chest and objective stealing?

Cool post bro!

Can you tell us your server/character name so we can pre-ignore you so we don't even up in FP's etc with you?


There is no such thing as chest and objective stealing. No one owns the contents of the chest until someone opens the chest. Once the items are in possession of the person who opened the chest, no one can steal them away. Same goes for objectives. If you click on an objective before I can get to it, the objective is still there and I can click it once the game allows me to do so. There is no way for someone to steal that objective away from me.

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It would've been better if F2P hadn't been necessary to save the game. BW certainly made their mistakes, but the incessant whining about how a sub was not worth was equally bull.


Of course with F2P anybody can play and kids with little or no income are part of that. I don't think it's just kids though. I am sure a lot of adults are riding that wave. Luckily I don't run into them needy bastards too often, but yeh it does happen.


I still think it was bad decision to make legacy names non-unique because I would've like to be able to ignore accounts instead of individual characters but hey.


But I wouldn't be so quick to say it's all kids doing it. What I will say is that nowadays we live in a world of self-entitlement and that makes the need-greed system a bit pointless. Why? Because the current generation doesn't really differentiate between need and greed. If they want something, they need it.


Added to that, the need-greed system is optional. It's not against the rules to roll need. Problem is that F2P players cannot trade. So if I ever run into one who rolls need when he shouldn't, I automatically put that one on ignore because I cannot judge whether it was accidental or on purpose. If you pug you should always check first if you can trade with people to see if they are f2p or not and agree upon need/greed rules before you start the fp or ops. Otherwise just deal with whatever happens. It's sad but it's the only way you can protect yourself.

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It would've been better if F2P hadn't been necessary to save the game. BW certainly made their mistakes, but the incessant whining about how a sub was not worth was equally bull.


Of course with F2P anybody can play and kids with little or no income are part of that. I don't think it's just kids though. I am sure a lot of adults are riding that wave. Luckily I don't run into them needy bastards too often, but yeh it does happen.


I still think it was bad decision to make legacy names non-unique because I would've like to be able to ignore accounts instead of individual characters but hey.


But I wouldn't be so quick to say it's all kids doing it. What I will say is that nowadays we live in a world of self-entitlement and that makes the need-greed system a bit pointless. Why? Because the current generation doesn't really differentiate between need and greed. If they want something, they need it.


Added to that, the need-greed system is optional. It's not against the rules to roll need. Problem is that F2P players cannot trade. So if I ever run into one who rolls need when he shouldn't, I automatically put that one on ignore because I cannot judge whether it was accidental or on purpose. If you pug you should always check first if you can trade with people to see if they are f2p or not and agree upon need/greed rules before you start the fp or ops. Otherwise just deal with whatever happens. It's sad but it's the only way you can protect yourself.

The F2P is a garbage model. P2P model fo lyfe.



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Shortly after F2P began, someone posted on this forum that he noticed an increase in disrespectful people. More people were need rolling, ninja-ing chests and mission glowies and other wrong things.


I've noticed the same.


I think that the reason is the F2P brought an increase in kids playing.

When we had to sub, kids were dependant on their parents paying for their subs.

Now that we have F2P, more kids can play since they only need occasional money from their parents.


Of course, there is no way to prevent this. F2P has been shown to be profitable, and many other MMOs have also adopted the F2P model since it makes money.


translation : lolololol more noobs to pwn lolololol .


What's not to like?

Edited by Kaedusz
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Shortly after F2P began, someone posted on this forum that he noticed an increase in disrespectful people. More people were need rolling, ninja-ing chests and mission glowies and other wrong things.


I've noticed the same.


I think that the reason is the F2P brought an increase in kids playing.

When we had to sub, kids were dependant on their parents paying for their subs.

Now that we have F2P, more kids can play since they only need occasional money from their parents.


Of course, there is no way to prevent this. F2P has been shown to be profitable, and many other MMOs have also adopted the F2P model since it makes money.


I think you are probably observing kid-like sociopathic behaviors in adults more so then kids. In other words.. adults who flock to free play and since they have nothing invested in the game.. can trash it to their hearts content.


Under the EULA.. you cannot legally play this game, even Free, without your parents consent and your parents have to set up the account and are legally responsible for your online behavior.

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