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Why is annihilation not used in PvP anymore?


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So I'm just now coming back on my marauder, and I learn my favorite spec is now useless for PvP. Why is that? What made is not PvP desirable? Now I have to play combat with gimmicky gore+ravage and self root my self all the time, or I guess be another rage smasher.


At the time when I left most marauders could own as annihilation in pvp.

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'Why is annihilation not used in PvP anymore?'

'I learn my favorite spec is now useless for PvP.'


Answered your own question there.


I'll be less harsh: it's fine in regular 8s WZs. I wouldn't bring it into an arena only because of its susceptibility to cleanse. In 8s, it doesn't matter so much. There are 3 other DPSers doing damage that the healer(s) have to worry about. In arenas, not so much.


PS, protip: don't Gore+Ravage unless you know the guys you're playing with are trash. You're asking to be CC'd and have your Gore window wasted.

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I'll be less harsh: it's fine in regular 8s WZs. I wouldn't bring it into an arena only because of its susceptibility to cleanse. In 8s, it doesn't matter so much. There are 3 other DPSers doing damage that the healer(s) have to worry about. In arenas, not so much.



so the clense is the reason it's weak in pvp?

Edited by VoidSpectre
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Cleanse, and a ramp up damage type spec. As said its fine in reg WZ. But its a great spec to duel another player, however in the melees of a WZ, bursting down people is more important. Hence the success of Carnage and Lolsmash.


Be glad marauder have a spec that gets into PvP. Some AC are currently totally out of it.

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So what nerf happened that changed it this much? Because back in the day it had some ramp up, but tore people up.


Never been a ranked favorite. You'll still tear people up in reg, altough the higher ramp out also came with a bleed damage nerf. Carnage burst and utility just make people choose it over annihilation as far as ranked goes.

Edited by verfallen
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So what nerf happened that changed it this much? Because back in the day it had some ramp up, but tore people up.

Healers got better

smash got buffed


Healing got buffed

crit got nerfed (less merciless slash crits, less burst, rely on power stacking for harder hitting dots which get cleansed)


Watchman/anni always had the fundamental problems just as time went by the problems got exaggerated even more by other changes to the game. It was never really the optimum competitive pvp burst spec and when it was at the height of popularity there wasnt really any competitive pvp it was all regstar.


While there was a few teams at the start that did good with watchman at the start of ranked it was generally because most teams where clueless at that point.


Also they nerfed the self healing by half but it only made us slightly more squishy imo.

Edited by AngusFTW
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The fact it works in Reg is not debated. You'll still pull damage. But chance are you'd have helped the team better with a rage or carnage spec there. More healer melting, more utility (as carnage) etc. Basically, if a team fields a marauder, it probably won't be annihilation-spec.


Also if sub 55 I'd say there is a good chance jumping on a level 30 with annihilate is going to wipe him, even with bolster. You just lack the tool around those level to correctly stop a fully specced toon coming at you.


I mean sorc can do decent damage in those by just staying out of sight of a disorganized team that doesnt send someone to shut them up, and they have a lot more issues than annihilation.

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