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The Bastion of Fear: Did you have to reset it for everyone Bioware??


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Yes the mission not progressing was a problem affecting some but NOT ALL!!! I don't see why I got to do it again because others had problems with it, it worked fine for me the other day and the progress was on the the dread palace hypergate point.


Logged in the my character today only to find this quest has been reset and now I got to do dread fortress again despite already progressing past that stage. I kind of feel penalized due to the quest actually working as intended and progressing further than most.


If a progression bug only affects some do others really have to suffer?

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It's too bad they can't retro-actively set everyone's quest to where it should be like they can for the HK issue.


Surely our lockout timer that says we killed Brontes and the associated Achievement should be enough proof.


I opened a Support Ticket for this but they just closed it saying it was a bug that would be fixed later (this after the bug was fixed).

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