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Fleet Battles Round 1 Battle 2 Silenceo vs Beniboybling


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So the second battle of round two is fought between the Galactic Empire(Silenceo) and the Zann Consortium(Beni), will the criminal underworld take down the Imperial war machine?



Flagship: Lusankya Executor-class Star Destroyer.

Capital Ships: Imperial Mk II Class Star Destroyers(3)

Frigates: Strike Class Frigates(6)

Corvettes: Vigil Class Corvettes(8)

Freighter: Punishing One

Fighter Wing: Black Squadron(No Vader)




Flagship (1): Merciless

Capital Ship (6): Keldabe-class battleship

Frigates (6): Vengeance-class frigate

Corvettes (8): Crusader-class corvette

Freighter: IG-2000

Fighters: Virago supported by 60 StarViper-class attack platforms


As you can see Beni has been given double the Capital Ships to make up for the massive disparity in power between Flagships.


My initial thoughts are this: how OP are the StarVipers? lol

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I wouldn't call the IG-2000 a freighter...but details. /Shrug


Anyway...yes the Starvipers are pretty nice outfitted with some decent weaponry too.


But onto here....to be frank, I don't see the IG-2000 having any problems. If it's being piloted by IG-88, so long inertia computers and hello insane piloting maneuvers that'll have all the other pilots confused as they are blasted apart.

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Alright, and for the Lusanyka, are we doing the standard 144 fighter compliment for fairness, or are we doing the totally OP thousands capable of the Executor-class? Or perhaps somewhere inbetween? Edited by Silenceo
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Also, i believe i have a strategy that will allow me to take advantage of the lack of shields on the Vengeance-class frigates > : D. I am not sure if my strategy for the corvettes is legal however, so i will wait for more to unfold before attempting it.
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i would not discard shuttles and troop transports so readily... > : )


Also, under fighters for Beni's fleet, is the 60 star vipers his elite squadron, or is that all of his star fighters? Just asking kus 60 is quite a few for a squadron...

Edited by Silenceo
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i would not discard shuttles and troop transports so readily... > : )


Also, under fighters for Beni's fleet, is the 60 star vipers his elite squadron, or is that all of his star fighters? Just asking kus 60 is quite a few for a squadron...


Weeeeelllll.......According to everything I've ever read about them, StarVipers can fold up to smaller than a TIE Fighter and have really nice performance from a carrier...... So I'd say that's not actually not taking up that much space.....

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Atm, if my calculations are correct, if we take into account the 60 from the elite squard, the 216 from the keldabes, then Beni has around 276 fighters. Now, for my own, if we were to have the lowest possible ammount from the Lusankya, i estimate i will have


Lusankya: 144

Imperial MK II: 72 per, so total 216

Strike-Class: 1-3 squadrons. Squadrons have 12, so 12-36 per Strike. 72-216 total

Vigil: Unknown


Grand total estimate: 432-792


I could be off, but that is the aproximate amount if we were to go with the low fighter compliment for the Lusankya *compared to others it is gigantic ofc*


That is one hell of a fighter swarm.


P.S. i am unable to find concrete weapon specifics for the Vigil Heavy Corvette, but from what i have seen, it looks like 6 lasercannons *anti star fighter* and 6 turbolasers *weaker variant* but i am not 100% sure, so would be great if anyone could help me find exact gun numbers.

Edited by Silenceo
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To make it fair we will go with the lowest amounts.


Yes Beni's fighter wing is 60 Star-vipers led by the Virago and that is besides the compliments of the 6 Keldabe vessels.


Luckily I believe this balances out due to the fact of how much better Beni's fighters are in general, Beni has a wide array of very very good quality fighters.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Since Beni's fighters are such high quality, should we do 2 ties = one star viper? in that case the number would be 552. If not, we are then using the 432? After we clear this up, i will just have to figure out how many of those are bombers.


Any idea how many of the 72 ships that a Imperial MKII carries is a bomber?

Edited by Silenceo
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Since Beni's fighters are such high quality, should we do 2 ties = one star viper? in that case the number would be 552. If not, we are then using the 432? After we clear this up, i will just have to figure out how many of those are bombers.


Any idea how many of the 72 ships that a Imperial MKII carries is a bomber?


552 it is, though I should note it is entirely up to Beni what his generic fighter make up is, we just know for sure that his elite Fighter Wing is the Virago leading 60 StarVipers.


Oh and the ratio usually works like this:

For every Bomber squadron there are six Fighter squadrons for every six Fighter squadrons there are two Interceptor squadrons (IIRC), that is the normal make up of an Imperial Star Destroyer's compliment.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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So if i am getting this right, i should have


552/12=46 squadrons


Fighter squadrons: 30


Bomber Squadrons: 5


Interceptor Squadrons: 10


for even fighter distribution using that formula, though it does leave one squadron undecided. Mind if i pop it into interceptor squadrons? for its 30/5/11?


P.S. unexpected good luck for me to get access to TIE interceptors, this changes my plans slightly...

Edited by Silenceo
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OK, some opening argument.


Firstly lets evaluate the strengths of my force:


Merciless: as an Aggressor-class Star Destroyer it possess absolutely devastating firepower, it starts by firing a massive ion cannon that could feasibly take down any shields and immobilize and entire ship, that means no guns, no sensors, nothing. And then follows up with an equally massive plasma shot that without shields, is going to deal crippling hull damage to any vessel. Such tactics were used to devastating effect with the Malevolence and will be used to similar effect here. On top of that it has a cloaking device, so when the going gets tough, it can disappear and recuperate, or else maneuver itself to strike an undefended flanks or rears.


Keldabe-class battleship: these things were designed to compete with Imperial-class Star Destroyers and are more than capable of matching them in battle, along with standard armaments they've got rapid fire mass driver cannons that can tear through shields and inflict massive damage, and shield leechers that with make turbolaser fire more effective.


Vengeance-class frigate: they may not have shields, but that's hardly a weaknesses as their incredibly thick armor more than makes up for that, and more importantly they are armed with four rapid fire mass driver cannons which again can inflict massive damage in a very short space of time. Truly devastating at close quarters.


Crusader-class corvette: are extremely effective against starfighters, and given the cost are likely superior to the Imperial model. These things are chock-a-block with rapid fire laser cannons designed to tear through fighter squadrons and on top of that are extremely agile, the fasted corvette of the current era. And therefore are more than capable of pursuing fighters, avoiding fire and running rings around the enemy. On top of that they are equipped with point-defense systems designed to take down incoming missiles are are excellent against fighters too.


Fighters: it seems I have the Virago at my disposal (very nice, very nice) which is considerably superior to the convention Star-Viper model with advanced weaponry and targeting systems, but the standard Viper's are extremely effective also. As well as being faster than the average TIE-fighter they are more maneuverable, have better targeting systems, are more heavily armed and can deploy swarms of buzz droids that can tear apart enemy fighters.


Now lets go over the exploitable weaknesses of the enemy:


Lusankya: the Lusankya is big and scary looking but the Consortium has taken down Executor's before. And in reality once the bridge is down its as good as useless. In particular is considerably vulnerable to starfighters, it possesses very few anti-fighter cannons and its cityspace makes it vulnerable to trench run tactics, essentially fighters can use the trenches as cover and strike with impunity - remembering Star Vipers are armed with proton torpedo launchers. All that needs to be done to employ this tactic is take down the shields, and with a gigantic ion cannon and shield leecher technology this shouldn't be difficult. Once the sensitive spots are revealed it can be taken down with a few well placed shots - and I'd like to see the bridge survive a blast from the Merciless.


Its also not very maneuverable given its immense size, which plays to a disadvantage considering the speed of the Consortium's corvettes. And its aft and ventral sides are exposed, making easy pickings for a Merciless stealth attack. And of course given its spearhead design all that needs to be done is take out the forward cannons to render it a non-threat if enough distance is placed. The Lusankya will fall in short order.


Imperial Mk II Class Star Destroyers: as already explained the Keldabe's are capable of matching these vessels in terms of firepower, and with mass driver cannons and shield leecher technology their attacks will be far more devastating. Add that to the fact that these vessels are also susceptible to Trench Run tactics - and of course with its shields taken out that bridge poses a massive target. It won't survive long under an intense volley from mass drivers.


Concerning the Strike Class Frigates, that ain't coming up with anything on Wookieepedia. And we possess no information on the Vigil's aside from their aesthetics so I can't comment their. Regardless I expect they suffer from similar weaknesses and are most likely outgunned when I up against Mass Driver cannons.


In terms of tactics, I expect the Consortium Fleet will be aiming for close-quarters combat where they can use their weaponry to maximum effect, remembering mass driver cannons draw power from kinetic energy, the shorter the distance the less energy they will lose the the greater the impact. Furthermore the Star Destroyers are weak against fighters at close range and easily outmaneuvered and flanked, but seem to attempt to make up for these deficiencies through superior armor and armament. However with the sheer range of anti-armor tech at their disposal, the Consortium is going to negate this advantage almost completely, without shields they are vulnerable, which means their cannons will be destroyed quicker, and their bridges are exposed.


The Merciless is likely going to hold back, with a few corvettes for point-defense, continually bombarding the enemy from afar with its considerable range. I doubt it will need to use its stealth capabilities for anything other than defense.

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OK, some opening argument.


Firstly lets evaluate the strengths of my force:


Merciless: as an Aggressor-class Star Destroyer it possess absolutely devastating firepower, it starts by firing a massive ion cannon that could feasibly take down any shields and immobilize and entire ship, that means no guns, no sensors, nothing. And then follows up with an equally massive plasma shot that without shields, is going to deal crippling hull damage to any vessel. Such tactics were used to devastating effect with the Malevolence and will be used to similar effect here. On top of that it has a cloaking device, so when the going gets tough, it can disappear and recuperate, or else maneuver itself to strike an undefended flanks or rears.


Personally, the Malevolence has a much stronger ion cannon in my opinion, so it is unlikely that just a single blast will be able to completely drop the shields, though it will be a huge hit. Also, don't we have stealth disabled?


Keldabe-class battleship: these things were designed to compete with Imperial-class Star Destroyers and are more than capable of matching them in battle, along with standard armaments they've got rapid fire mass driver cannons that can tear through shields and inflict massive damage, and shield leechers that with make turbolaser fire more effective.


Very formidable ships indeed, however they do not have many mass drivers, correct? And are the imperial star destroyers heavily armored? Until the mass drivers take out the shield generators, which likely is the first target, the turbo laser cannons will still be splashing against the shields. Though, I am not seeing much anti fighter on your Keldabes or Vengeance.


Vengeance-class frigate: they may not have shields, but that's hardly a weaknesses as their incredibly thick armor more than makes up for that, and more importantly they are armed with four rapid fire mass driver cannons which again can inflict massive damage in a very short space of time. Truly devastating at close quarters.


Four words: Lusanyka Concussion Missile Launchers. Those thing tear through capital ship grade armor and cause massive damage. The Lusanyka has 250 avalable to fire at any given time, and each of the 250 launchers has 30 missiles, one, MAYBE two volleys should turn the Vengeance frigates to scrap.


Crusader-class corvette: are extremely effective against starfighters, and given the cost are likely superior to the Imperial model. These things are chock-a-block with rapid fire laser cannons designed to tear through fighter squadrons and on top of that are extremely agile, the fasted corvette of the current era. And therefore are more than capable of pursuing fighters, avoiding fire and running rings around the enemy. On top of that they are equipped with point-defense systems designed to take down incoming missiles are are excellent against fighters too.


I admit i am severely out gunned in the department of anti-fighter, though there is one phrase i just love. If you can't beat them, join them. This is where my tractor beams come into place on the Lusanyka. I draw them in and use the ships enormous trooper garrision to wipe out the small corvettes crew, then fill it up with my own. Though, that all rides on the fact that this tactic is allowed, since i wouldn't technically be using my own ships then, but yours against you. Though, given how each imperial captital ship and the flagship has tractor beams to capture ships, it would make sense for it to be allowed in my view.


Fighters: it seems I have the Virago at my disposal (very nice, very nice) which is considerably superior to the convention Star-Viper model with advanced weaponry and targeting systems, but the standard Viper's are extremely effective also. As well as being faster than the average TIE-fighter they are more maneuverable, have better targeting systems, are more heavily armed and can deploy swarms of buzz droids that can tear apart enemy fighters.


The fighter swarm will likely fall to your own fighters supperior firepower, however, it will allow my bigger ships time to do what i need them to do without having to worry about tiny gnats. Just do remember, when/if you go after bombers, you tend to go in a straight line, and straight lines are great for nearby fighters to pick things off of...


Now lets go over the exploitable weaknesses of the enemy:


Lusankya: the Lusankya is big and scary looking but the Consortium has taken down Executor's before. And in reality once the bridge is down its as good as useless. In particular is considerably vulnerable to starfighters, it possesses very few anti-fighter cannons and its cityspace makes it vulnerable to trench run tactics, essentially fighters can use the trenches as cover and strike with impunity - remembering Star Vipers are armed with proton torpedo launchers. All that needs to be done to employ this tactic is take down the shields, and with a gigantic ion cannon and shield leecher technology this shouldn't be difficult. Once the sensitive spots are revealed it can be taken down with a few well placed shots - and I'd like to see the bridge survive a blast from the Merciless.


Its also not very maneuverable given its immense size, which plays to a disadvantage considering the speed of the Consortium's corvettes. And its aft and ventral sides are exposed, making easy pickings for a Merciless stealth attack. And of course given its spearhead design all that needs to be done is take out the forward cannons to render it a non-threat if enough distance is placed. The Lusankya will fall in short order.


Wait wait wait, 500 anti star fighter cannons is a few? I mean, its no corvette, but that i still a lot of cannons, despite the fact they are thinly spread. Also, if i remember right, Executor-class ships have sections of shielding so that not every section falls at once. Also, are you using the whole *take out just front guns useless* thing from EaW? because i am pretty sure that was game mechanics, if nothing else i could turn it for a broad side. Also, pertaining to its shielding strength, do remember what the shield has withstood before, it would not instantly lose shielding due to leaching technology, it would still take quite a while. If i remember right though, do all imperial star destroyers have a secondary bridge? Why the Executor seemed to fail to use it, it baffles me, since it caused it to collide with the Death Star II. To reach the aft though, you would need to spread your forces very, VERY thin, do remember that is 19000 meters of length, 19kilometers. Star ships are fast, but all but the corvettes and the star fighters will be obliterated if they attempt to go that long along the ships length. Again, is stealth no disabled? Even if the corvettes and star fighters did reach the rear, the shielding is by sections due to multiple shield generators spread across the ship, it would be fresh still even if the forward shield was down.



Imperial Mk II Class Star Destroyers: as already explained the Keldabe's are capable of matching these vessels in terms of firepower, and with mass driver cannons and shield leecher technology their attacks will be far more devastating. Add that to the fact that these vessels are also susceptible to Trench Run tactics - and of course with its shields taken out that bridge poses a massive target. It won't survive long under an intense volley from mass drivers.


Concerning the Strike Class Frigates, that ain't coming up with anything on Wookieepedia. And we possess no information on the Vigil's aside from their aesthetics so I can't comment their. Regardless I expect they suffer from similar weaknesses and are most likely outgunned when I up against Mass Driver cannons.


In terms of tactics, I expect the Consortium Fleet will be aiming for close-quarters combat where they can use their weaponry to maximum effect, remembering mass driver cannons draw power from kinetic energy, the shorter the distance the less energy they will lose the the greater the impact. Furthermore the Star Destroyers are weak against fighters at close range and easily outmaneuvered and flanked, but seem to attempt to make up for these deficiencies through superior armor and armament. However with the sheer range of anti-armor tech at their disposal, the Consortium is going to negate this advantage almost completely, without shields they are vulnerable, which means their cannons will be destroyed quicker, and their bridges are exposed.


The Merciless is likely going to hold back, with a few corvettes for point-defense, continually bombarding the enemy from afar with its considerable range. I doubt it will need to use its stealth capabilities for anything other than defense.


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shoot, just noticed an error, need to fix it. I miss-read the strike class, and it turns out is a cruiser, and will need to replace it with something else, i am sorry for the mistake and will start looking for a replacement immediately *could have sworn i saw frigate there....*
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shoot, just noticed an error, need to fix it. I miss-read the strike class, and it turns out is a cruiser, and will need to replace it with something else, i am sorry for the mistake and will start looking for a replacement immediately *could have sworn i saw frigate there....*


Yeah don't worry it is a frigate, you're fine.

Edited by karadron
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