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To be fair all of the companies you mentioned have ruthlessly stomped out competition on multiple occasions, and have been accused of being "evil business empires", making many of what was considered by some "unethical" decisions along the way.


Ford with the Pinto and efforts to end Tucker and resist safety feature legislation.


Coca Cola workers in Columbia and Guatemala, pushing against health legislation, not to mention the products original ingredients.


Mcdonalds cover-up of effects of containers on the environment, opposing legislation that required ingredients and nutrition value display, and purchasing from private farms so they can hold private farmers hostage with prices.


GE...wow....resisting laws that prevent sales to terrorists and enemies of the US, lobbying for lower pay and benefits for workers, lobbying for the abolition of OSHA, refusing to allow segregation in workplaces until forced to by the federal government...I could go on and on.

Almost every major company with a long history has engaged in some kind of unethical practice in the past IMO. Often many of the companies cited today as the "do no evil" companies are clearly guilty of committing evils on a regular basis.


Accurate analysis LA :)


It's also why federal authorities in nations around the world have strong anti-trust laws and prosecute them... even in the face of legal tidal waves.


And.. companies like Coca Cola.. value pricing their products. Selling a nickels worth of ingredients for 10-20 times that. ;)

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Dang, I thought you knew... my guess about the same point where argument was beginning to be lost and gradually had to come up with a different one or be forced back under the bridge.


I guess we may end up facing the campaign to save kittens and puppies from the big bad EA before this thread wears down. :p

Edited by Andryah
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Accurate analysis LA :)


It's also why federal authorities in nations around the world have strong anti-trust laws and prosecute them... even in the face of legal tidal waves.


And.. companies like Coca Cola.. value pricing their products. Selling a nickels worth of ingredients for 10-20 times that. ;)

The "we listen to our customers"...and brought to market "new coke" that went over REAL well.

maybe start with the "ethics" of bottles water? "natural spring water" which is really just local tap water run through a filter/reverse osmosis at best.


Legal, ethical, and personal opinions (i.e social responsibility..hate that phrase) are 3 different issues.

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To be fair all of the companies you mentioned have ruthlessly stomped out competition on multiple occasions, and have been accused of being "evil business empires", making many of what was considered by some "unethical" decisions along the way.


Ford with the Pinto and efforts to end Tucker and resist safety feature legislation.


Coca Cola workers in Columbia and Guatemala, pushing against health legislation, not to mention the products original ingredients.


Mcdonalds cover-up of effects of containers on the environment, opposing legislation that required ingredients and nutrition value display, and purchasing from private farms so they can hold private farmers hostage with prices.


GE...wow....resisting laws that prevent sales to terrorists and enemies of the US, lobbying for lower pay and benefits for workers, lobbying for the abolition of OSHA, refusing to allow segregation in workplaces until forced to by the federal government...I could go on and on.

Almost every major company with a long history has engaged in some kind of unethical practice in the past IMO. Often many of the companies cited today as the "do no evil" companies are clearly guilty of committing evils on a regular basis.


I said... sometimes they drift over the line but correct it. Not that any of them are saintly, but they do know how to balance profit vs. consumer satisfaction.


GE was likely a terrible example, since they are part of a huge military industry that has brainwashed people into spending trillion$ to protect us against enemies that do not exist anywhere on this planet.

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I said... sometimes they drift over the line but correct it. Not that any of them are saintly, but they do know how to balance profit vs. consumer satisfaction.


GE was likely a terrible example, since they are part of a huge military industry that has brainwashed people into spending trillion$ to protect us against enemies that do not exist anywhere on this planet.


Well, don't think I am trying to battle against your opinion. Only wanted to point out that information for fairness.

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1. their games suck

2. they outsource all their labor

3. their games suck

4. they used to believe games were a form of art.. apparrantly that philosophy went the way of the birds

5. their games suck

6. EA has the bad rap that it does because it did what it did out of GREED (i.e. everything they have done in the last decade has been purely profit motivated with no emphasis on quality only quantity)


Worst company in America...is laughably shortsighted.


It was an internet poll bombed by self-important gamers from 4chan...and other places, reddit, etc.


Banks that practiced PREDATORY LENDING....that's a problem. Banks that process dept transactions before credits just to put you in debt, THAT'S a problem.


Get real. EA is a video game company, not an evil company of doom...living on top of doom hill, in a doom fortress.

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And.. companies like Coca Cola.. value pricing their products. Selling a nickels worth of ingredients for 10-20 times that. ;)


Seriously? You posted countless defences of why it's ok for EA to charge $20 for dye packs that cost them absolutely nothing.

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I said... sometimes they drift over the line but correct it. Not that any of them are saintly, but they do know how to balance profit vs. consumer satisfaction.


GE was likely a terrible example, since they are part of a huge military industry that has brainwashed people into spending trillion$ to protect us against enemies that do not exist anywhere on this planet.


You obviously don't know anything about GE.

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I guess we may end up facing the campaign to save kittens and puppies from the big bad EA before this thread wears down. :p


i'll bite..Humane society pledging LESS than 1% of all donations for actually HELPING animals in shelters. Vast majority is on internal costs and fundraising. Meaning they spend most of their money asking people for money so they can raise more money to ask for more money.

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Seriously? You posted countless defences of why it's ok for EA to charge $20 for dye packs that cost them absolutely nothing.


It doesn't cost them "0". Everything in the "system" is based on a cost that it takes to pay artists, database admins, servers, electricity, etc.


Those dyes cost them some % of the total cost of the operation.


That's how corporate accounting works. If it didn't work that way, everything a company makes would appear to be free.

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i'll bite..Humane society pledging LESS than 1% of all donations for actually HELPING animals in shelters. Vast majority is on internal costs and fundraising. Meaning they spend most of their money asking people for money so they can raise more money to ask for more money.


....for shareholders. Just wanted to add that little bit.


Most large public companies have shareholder dividends and stock value as priority number one.

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This is why we have


Corporate Social Responsibility


but i'll hold off on that as its time for PH


Maybe ill unload a bunch of my EA shares today since its holding nicely and it would be hypocritical of me to continue to support the company by holding its stock.

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Welp... I think we've covered just about everything. Anybody else want to throw anything in here? I would like to simply add that I'm anti-kitten. An unpopular position I know, but those little guys make me gamble away my money on them, feeding them and nurturing them only to have them grow into cats. The cuteness... all gone. They don't even come when called. Quite unethical if you ask me.
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Seriously? You posted countless defences of why it's ok for EA to charge $20 for dye packs that cost them absolutely nothing.


EXACTLY. I also have consistently classified it as "value pricing" whereas you call it "greed".


AND then I pointed out that Coca Cola does exactly the same thing. ;)


So.. tell me CK.. why is it OK for Coca Cola, but not for EA?

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What don't I know?


That they make almost every major appliance on the planet? Lighting products? Industrial electrical products? Power generation products? Jet engines? Nuclear missiles?


You missed, what at one time and still may be their most profitable business, personal/business finance.

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Welp... I think we've covered just about everything. Anybody else want to throw anything in here? I would like to simply add that I'm anti-kitten. An unpopular position I know, but those little guys make me gamble away my money on them, feeding them and nurturing them only to have them grow into cats. The cuteness... all gone. They don't even come when called. Quite unethical if you ask me.


As with the copy/paste thread, or one of the other ramblings...we need PONIES!!!!!!


there, that should cover everything now.

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What don't I know?


That they make almost every major appliance on the planet? Lighting products? Industrial electrical products? Power generation products? Jet engines? Nuclear missiles?


He didn't even read your post because you clearly pointed out GE as a bad example


some of these guys only know how to defend blindly.. they would have made excellent fodder for a number of wars in the past.

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He didn't even read your post because you clearly pointed out GE as a bad example


some of these guys only know how to defend blindly.. they would have made excellent fodder for a number of wars in the past.


ok, so now OP wants us marched to our deaths via beach landing. I'm sure the ones that actually died doing just that appreciate the attitude you gave to their sacrifice.


Millions have died for you to be able to say such a thing, and to toss it out like they are just fools and best thing for them is wasted on a beach landing says highly of you sir. 11/10 for troll post!

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What don't I know?


That they make almost every major appliance on the planet? Lighting products? Industrial electrical products? Power generation products? Jet engines? Nuclear missiles?


Heh.. they are an integral part of the military industrial complex with it's no-bid fixed price+contracts soaking off tax dollars for products at inflated sole source prices (ie: monopolies under government sanction, at tax payer cost).


They designed and produced the ****shima reactor complex in Japan. The same design proliferated all over the world and worrying the backsides off of governments all over the world.


There are many more examples.


But set those aside.. since they are debatable in circles I'm sure


GE has a history of monopolistic business practices... you know.. that evil thing you constantly complain about. :D


Bottom line... GE represents much more of a social and economic clear and present danger to the public then a gaming company does.

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Heh.. they are an integral part of the military industrial complex with it's no-bid fixed price+contracts soaking off tax dollars for products at inflated sole source prices (ie: monopolies under government sanction, at tax payer cost).


They designed and produced the ****shima reactor complex in Japan. The same design proliferated all over the world and worrying the backsides off of governments all over the world.


There are many more examples.


But set those aside.. since they are debatable in circles I'm sure


GE has a history of monopolistic business practices... you know.. that evil thing you constantly complain about. :D


Bottom line... GE represents much more of a social and economic clear and present danger to the public then a gaming company does.


GE doesn't have forums though

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Maybe ill unload a bunch of my EA shares today since its holding nicely and it would be hypocritical of me to continue to support the company by holding its stock.


So.. you hold investments in the "worst company in the world" and you feel good about that? The company that you constantly rail against as unethical in this very forum.



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EXACTLY. I also have consistently classified it as "value pricing" whereas you call it "greed".


AND then I pointed out that Coca Cola does exactly the same thing. ;)


So.. tell me CK.. why is it OK for Coca Cola, but not for EA?


And I pointed out it is not exactly the same thing. Coke has a massively huge bottling and distribution system that requires ongoing income to pay for that product that was developed 100 years ago. Once a code monkey changes the RGB sliders of a black dye, it costs nothing at all for EA to make an infinite number of those dyes.

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