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SWTOR an exercise in disappointment. Can it be salvaged?


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For me, the only way this game can continue is by extending the individual class and companion stories. They must continue the stories as they were started. We were promised to be the heroes of our own adventure, and after 50 this stops dead. No story, your companions won't speak to you at max affection, that's it. Zip, zilch nada. And you know what? It sucks. Badly.


Without story extension for the individual classes, and even new classes, with new stories, this game is doomed.


They've said they don't want to go that way, but it's up to us players to make them change their minds and give us the individual story extensions we want and deserve.


Frankly, someone pointed out, and I agree that it really wouldn't take much when it comes to the class stories- maybe one or two per class for each expansion would probably go a long way towards seeing folks happier.


I mean, let's face it, there's only, what? 3 or 4 for the lower leveled planets that have them. They already have to get the VA's together for the expansions, anyway, and the environment is getting created for the same reason (to make the expansion). So, really, realistically, just how much more would it take to toss in what? 16 extra missions while they're at it?


Now, I'm not saying that they should do it for places like Oricon you know- those small daily areas they're always putting out (which I think is a great thing that they are), but for things like Makeb, I think folks would have been far happier if it had just one class mission even if it was a simple: "This is why you're in the area, you need to go and do this" type of thing.


Now, I have been told and ripped a new one for being hugely and hideously wrong but, frankly, I have yet to see anyone explain to me exactly why or where that would be such a huge expense and/or mistake since, again, as I said, the resources already have to be up and running in order to make the expansion anyway- all it would take is to extend production just a little. A touch more expensive, yes, and it would take just a little longer but they're releasing new content like crazy already (even if it is a small amount each time), I honestly don't think that anyone would notice if they took a little extra time in light of all of the people who would be cheering that New Class Missions Are Coming Soon!


As for this becoming Galaxies....


No. Please no. Galaxies was good, I'm sure but if I wanted to play Galaxies, I would have played Galaxies. I like missions. I like MMO missions. I love the storyline content of this one because it makes things different from the others but I like this being a standard MMO. I'm probably going to get told that I'm wrong and completely ripped a new one yet again for this outlook but that's just my opinion. :cool:


Of course, that being said, I would like to see some Guild Ships or Ship Decoration but that's about it.

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While I would love to have more story for each class the thing is when an MMO converts over to FTP the reason is that they aren't doing well. I've shown that over the past year or so that Bioware has had 3 layoffs including closing down an entire branch office. They aren't doing well money wise.


So when a gaming company isn't doing well what is one of the things they end up doing? Trying to do more with less. The name of the game becomes how to produce the most player content with the least amount of money spent. Making 8 different class stories that players have to be at the old games max level is pretty much the exact opposite of that. Instead of making 8 stories that everybody can play, you've made 1 story.


Sure most players have alts and the like, but in the end somebody is going to need to have 8 max level alts to see all of the content instead of 1 max level alt. It's not something that I like, but I can understand the thinking.

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While I would love to have more story for each class the thing is when an MMO converts over to FTP the reason is that they aren't doing well. I've shown that over the past year or so that Bioware has had 3 layoffs including closing down an entire branch office. They aren't doing well money wise.


So when a gaming company isn't doing well what is one of the things they end up doing? Trying to do more with less. The name of the game becomes how to produce the most player content with the least amount of money spent. Making 8 different class stories that players have to be at the old games max level is pretty much the exact opposite of that. Instead of making 8 stories that everybody can play, you've made 1 story.


Sure most players have alts and the like, but in the end somebody is going to need to have 8 max level alts to see all of the content instead of 1 max level alt. It's not something that I like, but I can understand the thinking.



In most cases you are right. But there are some instances where companies have come close to bankruptcy and ended up pulling their *** out of the fire by being innovative and investing in their own resources rather than cutting back. Apple did this in 1995 and Heinz Ketchup did this during the great depression. (Though I am sure a few more companies have managed to pull this off).


I am not a business major, I am an AP Literature Teacher so forgive any naivety I may have here when it comes to running a business. But I have read books on how some people have turned failing businesses around.


One of the things BioWare needs to do is put together a better business plan. One that does not include cutting back. "Cutting back reduces productivity and minimizes profits by playing it safe" (Lee Iacocca) . I am not sure if BioWare is unionized (this would make what I propose more difficult) But if they are not then one of the things they need to do is to give out employee incentives to get them to work harder. "If the money is not there then they should give the promise of money in the form of profit sharing." (Brad Shaw) ...Shaw Communications did this in Canada during the recession and now they are the largest Media company in Canada.



Honestly though if Bioware is seriously laying people off, closing offices and doing cross the board cutbacks, I think I am just going to refuse to renew my subscription. If their owners do not have faith in their product, then why should I?

Edited by Marrius
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First, you say 'we' and 'us' when saying galaxies is not wanted by the SWTOR players. The forums dictate otherwise my friend. look at the number of calls for Galaxies material to be brought into SWTOR. The fact is (And this was pointed out in another thread) Galaxies shut down to make way for SWTOR so most of the Galaxy fans are here now.


If you're going to start throwing around "facts", then I would suggest you do at least a modicum of research on the topic, first.


Star Wars Galaxies did not shut down to "make way" for The Old Republic. That would only make sense if this game were being published by SOE. Why on earth would Sony shut down a successful game just because a competing product was on the horizon?


In reality whenever you base a product on an existing IP which is currently owned by someone else, you need to purchase a license from them in order to create a commercial product based on that IP. This license doesn't last forever, and when it was time to renew this license with LucasArts the subscription numbers were so low that it just wouldn't have made sense to pay for it a second time.


Why were these subscription numbers so low, you ask? Because SOE did with their game exactly what you're proposing Bioware do here with The Old Republic.


Star Wars Galaxies got off to a rough start due to a rushed launch, with many features of the game being delayed for over a year later, or even cut altogether. Even then the game still would have been highly successful and alive to this day if they had just slowly refined what they already had over the years, but they chose to take the game in a different direction.


Instead they got overambitious and decided to change everything, alienating the last of their fanbase in the process. They took a big risk with rolling out the "New Game Enhancements" and it blew up in Smedley's greasy face. Believe it or not many people are highly resistant to change, so naturally there was a mass exodus right before the NGE bomb was dropped. Most of the servers by then were left looking like ghost towns and abandoned ruins.




You're so quick to chide other people for being ignorant or "wrong", yet you seem to know almost nothing about actual game development. What you're proposing is naive and unrealistic for any developer of a game like this.


Where do you expect people to build player cities?


Where do you think anyone is going to go mining?


What exactly is anyone supposed to colonize?


How would guild capital ships work with the current on rails space game, or even the new space PVP announced today?



These are all entirely unrealistic expectations because literally the entire game would have to be recreated around these concepts. Things like player cities and resource mining worked in a game like Star Wars Galaxies simply because you had entire worlds to explore wherever you pleased.


By contrast in The Old Republic you're only given a small slice of each world to wander around, essentially a small box which is decorated to look like a living world. This is how every Old Republic game has worked for the last 10 years, and to expect anything else is silly at best.



Look, I love Star Wars Galaxies. I bought the collectors edition for it on day one. Played it for years all through every patch and expansion. I even still play it to this day now and then when I start feeling nostalgic and want to relive old memories.


You have to realize though that this is an entirely different game. Star Wars Galaxies was originally a sandbox MMO where you had the freedom to go anywhere you wanted or to be whatever you chose to be. The Old Republic however is a themepark MMO which is crafted after a more traditional RPG which is unfortunately linear.


I would love to have another SWG more than anything, but trying to change this game to more like something it isn't just because it also shares the Star Wars license isn't the way to go about it.

Edited by Blu_Haze
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If you're going to start throwing around "facts", then I would suggest you do at least a modicum of research on the topic, first.


Star Wars Galaxies did not shut down to "make way" for The Old Republic. That would only make sense if this game were being published by SOE. Why on earth would Sony shut down a successful game just because a competing product was on the horizon?


In reality whenever you base a product on an existing IP which is currently owned by someone else, you need to purchase a license from them in order to create a commercial product based on that IP. This license doesn't last forever, and when it was time to renew this license with LucasArts the subscription numbers were so low that it just wouldn't have made sense to pay for it a second time.


Why were these subscription numbers so low, you ask? Because SOE did with their game exactly what you're proposing Bioware do here with The Old Republic.


Star Wars Galaxies got off to a rough start due to a rushed launch, with many features of the game being delayed for over a year later, or even cut altogether. Even then the game still would have been highly successful and alive to this day if they had just slowly refined what they already had over the years, but they chose to take the game in a different direction.


Instead they got overambitious and decided to change everything, alienating the last of their fanbase in the process. They took a big risk with rolling out the "New Game Enhancements" and it blew up in Smedley's greasy face. Believe it or not many people are highly resistant to change, so naturally there was a mass exodus right before the NGE bomb was dropped. Most of the servers by then were left looking like ghost towns and abandoned ruins.




You're so quick to chide other people for being ignorant or "wrong", yet you seem to know almost nothing about actual game development. What you're proposing is naive and unrealistic for any developer of a game like this.


Where do you expect people to build player cities?


Where do you think anyone is going to go mining?


What exactly is anyone supposed to colonize?


How would guild capital ships work with the current on rails space game, or even the new space PVP announced today?



These are all entirely unrealistic expectations because literally the entire game would have to be recreated around these concepts. Things like player cities and resource mining worked in a game like Star Wars Galaxies simply because you had entire worlds to explore wherever you pleased.


By contrast in The Old Republic you're only given a small slice of each world to wander around, essentially a small box which is decorated to look like a living world. This is how every Old Republic game has worked for the last 10 years, and to expect anything else is silly at best.


Um ok...who do you think SOE and BioWare got their licencing from to do anything about Star Wars. It was in fact Lucas Studios (now owned by Disney) that discontinued the licencing of their product through SWG. And in the next few months what happened? SWTOR is released. Now I know this might be a stretch for you to connect the dots but do try and see things for what they are. And if you want proof there is a great invention out there... its called the search engine. Use it and maybe you will be better for it.


as for your other questions on how things are done.... Have you played any other MMO's besides SWTOR? These questions are all addressed in various MMOS that are out there now so BioWare doesn't need to reinvent the wheel.


Try and come up with ideas and not just mindlessly slam other people's ideas. It is lazy and confrontational and stinks of troll.

Edited by Marrius
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Um ok...who do you think SOE and BioWare got their licencing from to do anything about Star Wars. It was in fact Lucas Studios (now owned by Disney) that discontinued the licencing of their product through SWG. And in the next few months what happened? SWTOR is released. Now I know this might be a stretch for you to connect the dots but do try and see things for what they are. And if you want proof there is a great invention out there... its called the search engine. Use it and maybe you will be better for it.




Your observations are nothing but conjecture based on rumors and speculation. I was still actively browsing the station forums on a regular basis when the announcement to shut down the servers was released, and remember first hand the many press releases given on why the decision was made.


LucasArts went on record prior to the launch of The Old Republic stating that there were plans on their side for the further development of Star Wars Galaxies, and that the two games could exist together.


The only thing that killed SWG was John Smedley. He didn't want to renew another expensive contract for a game that was already on life support by then. It just wouldn't have been a smart business decision to do so because he knew that TOR would likely take the rest of his subscriber base anyway.



All of this has already been stated several days ago in another thread by Thylbanus including links to credible sources for this information. This is even a thread that you're actively posting in but obviously choose to ignore these facts in favor of your own silly conspiracy theories. If you choose to bury your head in the sand and live in your own fantasy world then that's up to you, but you'll only make yourself look like a fool when you suggest other people "connect the dots" or search for information that doesn't exist in reality.


SOE had a great game on their hands.

They screwed everything up chasing after WoW money.

Lost most of their subscribers.

Contract with LucasArts expired so they pulled the plug instead of losing even more money on it.


It's really that simple.


as for your other questions on how things are done.... Have you played any other MMO's besides SWTOR? These questions are all addressed in various MMOS that are out there now so BioWare doesn't need to reinvent the wheel.


I've actually played many MMOs of just about every type over the past 15 years, many of which I doubt you've even ever heard of honestly.


The problem is that you still don't seem to comprehend that The Old Republic is an entirely different game compared to most MMOs. Other games are able to handle things like you describe simply because they were created with an open world right from the beginning. They are able to take empty space in existing areas and build new content onto them.


The worlds in this game however are limited and closed. You only get to walk around a small predetermined path with a backdrop designed to give the illusion of a full planet. There's literally no where to create what you're suggesting short of building entirely new planets, which is way beyond the scope of this project.


SWTOR is only a "disappointment" to you because of your unrealistic expectations.


Try and come up with ideas and not just mindlessly slam other people's ideas. It is lazy and confrontational and stinks of troll.


Saying this only makes you a hypocrite.


The only thing confrontational here is you and your condescending attitude. Most people in this thread, including myself, have been civil with you but you still choose to belittle and talk down to everyone who disagrees with you. Submitting ideas isn't a requirement for constructive feedback. All that's required is to elaborate on why they might not share your conviction, which is what the majority have already done.


Believe it or not people do have a right to disagree with you, and that doesn't make them a troll.

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This has an interesting theme going. The ideas are quite ambitious, and I like them. I look at how this game is laid out and it isn't really as free for player control as other games. I mean you only get to control, what you kill, how you talk to people, what you look like. This game is amazing, it is fun and different (this is coming from me, who has never played another MMO... well aside from Lego Universe, but that was awhile ago :o).


At first as I read this thread I felt much sympathy for Marrius, but I do see that there is some slander issues (no offense). People try to bring information to the table, while it could have been done with more finesse (in some cases), it was still brought without any truly rude remarks. The problem is that neither side appears (again I say appears) to have the willingness to gently guide the other. Marrius is told he is wrong, then he begins to tell people that they are not listening. Conversely other people are told they are wrong then they retaliate by being extremely blunt in a situation which is already riding near the boiling point.


The SWG issue is interesting. While I never got to play it, (by the time I was old enough and into that sort of thing it was on its last legs) it sounded fun in retrospect. From what I have read, and I have done some research (probably not as much as you guys (or girls)) that game fell out due to a serious lacking in subscribers. Most of which left after the huge change with the enhancements (from what I remember reading these changes majorly effected the combat and mechanics) as Blu Haze pointed out humans are naturally against change (most are that is). This led to eventual decision of shutting down SWG.


Now in regards to bringing the sort of open world type to this game. It will cost quite a sum, probably more than Bioware is willing to make at this juncture. However who knows... I think what they could do instead of making worlds completely open is making it so you can design special gear, instead of following a set path. That would open up a more controlled feeling to the game (not that it doesn't have it slightly).


I wanted to bring these little quips from Henry Ford ( I seriously hope I do not need to say who he is :p). He said in regards to industry:

"A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business."

"Business is never so healthy as when, like a chicken, it must do a certain amount of scratching around for what it gets."


There are quite a few more, you should really read them. I think this would be fun, but I don't see it as a viable option at this moment for Bioware.


Now I pulled this together in about half and hour at the end of a brutal day, so if it sounds stupid please say so. All burns and comments are very welcome.

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The SWG issue is interesting. While I never got to play it, (by the time I was old enough and into that sort of thing it was on its last legs) it sounded fun in retrospect. From what I have read, and I have done some research (probably not as much as you guys (or girls)) that game fell out due to a serious lacking in subscribers. Most of which left after the huge change with the enhancements (from what I remember reading these changes majorly effected the combat and mechanics) as Blu Haze pointed out humans are naturally against change (most are that is). This led to eventual decision of shutting down SWG.


I don't think it was just that people don't like change. The problem SWG had was that they had lost a bunch of people, but had a core group that were loyal. Then they changed things to try to get the group that had left to come back, but ignored what the people who had actually stayed wanted. Needless to say after that the people who had stayed basically bolted because the game they were happy with was changed for people who no longer played. :tran_eek:


Too many games try to be all things to all people and in the end it does more harm than good for them.

Edited by StarMagus
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What is bizarre is your inability to grasp what I am saying. But it seems you are happy in your ignorance so why should I bother trying to educate you further. (I mean did you even bother to read in my OP about how and why companies switch from innovation to revenue focus? It seems you would rather use passive aggressiveness to derail the topic and create confrontation. If you want to discuss, offer ideas, if you want to fight go to the WZ )


One thing I hope you are aware of is there is a problem with a dwindling population and as much as you may love the game as is; it would seem you are in a shrinking minority. The fact that nobody other than you has posted shows that there is a general apathy about where the game is headed and that makes me sad.


So yes you can sit there and do nothing or yes you can ignorantly criticize my ideas but have you offered an alternative solution.... No. ...But hey, maybe you will turn it around and be of use here. I'm crossing my fingers.


The original analogy is correct. You are asking for gameplay options that don't fit into the game. Sandbox features are not built into this game because its not a sandbox game.


If you want a sandbox game, go play a sandbox game. Bioware has a very narrow focus on what exactly their product is. More often that not, products that don't have a focus fail in the marketplace because they try to be everything to everyone. That isn't how you build a good product.

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The original analogy is correct. You are asking for gameplay options that don't fit into the game. Sandbox features are not built into this game because its not a sandbox game.


If you want a sandbox game, go play a sandbox game. Bioware has a very narrow focus on what exactly their product is. More often that not, products that don't have a focus fail in the marketplace because they try to be everything to everyone. That isn't how you build a good product.

BW wouldnt have lost hundreds of millions of investors money if this was sandbox or even a sandpark game, full themepark games like SWTOR are dead, they all talk trash, copy everyone else then fail and go F2P, Rift,Swtor,Lotro. Nobody wants game devs cardboard box gameplay anymore

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I don't think it was just that people don't like change. The problem SWG had was that they had lost a bunch of people, but had a core group that were loyal. Then they changed things to try to get the group that had left to come back, but ignored what the people who had actually stayed wanted. Needless to say after that the people who had stayed basically bolted because the game they were happy with was changed for people who no longer played. :tran_eek:


Too many games try to be all things to all people and in the end it does more harm than good for them.


Not surprising, the same thing happened to City of Heroes. They changed so much in an effort to chase after the hardcore, end-content raiding players that their core base- mostly casuals who were more into socializing and having fun together then scheduling extraordinarily long gaming sessions complete with bathroom and meal breaks so much that it became nearly impossible for their core to make the changeover and so they began leaving in droves while the hardcore, end-content raiders continued to play the hardcore, end-content games they had left City for with only a scant few trickling back. Top this situation off with NCSoft's obsession with their shiny new "toy" and thus the doors were closed and the servers shut down.


That being said, having played City during those days, I can certainly sympathize with the SWG people here and now because the situations do sound so similar.


But, the sad fact is that those games are gone. No game lasts forever and trying to turn any other game into them is just never going to work. They had their runs and, they were good ones but, they came to an end not just because some CEO decided to pull the plug but because there just weren't enough players playing to make it worth the time and trouble to keep it running. After all, if there were enough people on the servers, then whatever hurdle or reason that was officially given would have been overcome in order to keep making money and it's as simple as that.


SWTOR is a different game. Let it be a different game with it's own good points and its own bad points in all of its messy MMO glory because the other thing that I have noticed about both stories is that both City and SWG tried to change what they were and wound up just making the end either come or at the very least come that much faster.


So, my perspective is: why push to repeat history a third time?


Let SWTOR be SWTOR and rise (or fall) on it's own merits and not the perceived merits of other games because that way seems to lead to nothing but trouble.

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BW wouldnt have lost hundreds of millions of investors money if this was sandbox or even a sandpark game, full themepark games like SWTOR are dead, they all talk trash, copy everyone else then fail and go F2P, Rift,Swtor,Lotro. Nobody wants game devs cardboard box gameplay anymore


They easily could have lost much more. Sandbox games are no more free passes to print money then theme park games are.

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Not surprising, the same thing happened to City of Heroes. They changed so much in an effort to chase after the hardcore, end-content raiding players that their core base- mostly casuals who were more into socializing and having fun together then scheduling extraordinarily long gaming sessions complete with bathroom and meal breaks so much that it became nearly impossible for their core to make the changeover and so they began leaving in droves while the hardcore, end-content raiders continued to play the hardcore, end-content games they had left City for with only a scant few trickling back. Top this situation off with NCSoft's obsession with their shiny new "toy" and thus the doors were closed and the servers shut down.



You may not realize this, but CoH had turned it around and was making a fair amount of money. The problem was that NCSoft didn't care and wanted a higher rate of return on their investment and closed the game down despite that. It was a real shock to the Dev team considering how hard they had worked to get the game back to making money status.

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This has an interesting theme going. The ideas are quite ambitious, and I like them. I look at how this game is laid out and it isn't really as free for player control as other games. I mean you only get to control, what you kill, how you talk to people, what you look like. This game is amazing, it is fun and different (this is coming from me, who has never played another MMO... well aside from Lego Universe, but that was awhile ago :o).


At first as I read this thread I felt much sympathy for Marrius, but I do see that there is some slander issues (no offense). People try to bring information to the table, while it could have been done with more finesse (in some cases), it was still brought without any truly rude remarks. The problem is that neither side appears (again I say appears) to have the willingness to gently guide the other. Marrius is told he is wrong, then he begins to tell people that they are not listening. Conversely other people are told they are wrong then they retaliate by being extremely blunt in a situation which is already riding near the boiling point.


The SWG issue is interesting. While I never got to play it, (by the time I was old enough and into that sort of thing it was on its last legs) it sounded fun in retrospect. From what I have read, and I have done some research (probably not as much as you guys (or girls)) that game fell out due to a serious lacking in subscribers. Most of which left after the huge change with the enhancements (from what I remember reading these changes majorly effected the combat and mechanics) as Blu Haze pointed out humans are naturally against change (most are that is). This led to eventual decision of shutting down SWG.


Now in regards to bringing the sort of open world type to this game. It will cost quite a sum, probably more than Bioware is willing to make at this juncture. However who knows... I think what they could do instead of making worlds completely open is making it so you can design special gear, instead of following a set path. That would open up a more controlled feeling to the game (not that it doesn't have it slightly).


I wanted to bring these little quips from Henry Ford ( I seriously hope I do not need to say who he is :p). He said in regards to industry:

"A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business."

"Business is never so healthy as when, like a chicken, it must do a certain amount of scratching around for what it gets."


There are quite a few more, you should really read them. I think this would be fun, but I don't see it as a viable option at this moment for Bioware.


Now I pulled this together in about half and hour at the end of a brutal day, so if it sounds stupid please say so. All burns and comments are very welcome.


Thank you for this MdLogan,. I was wrong of me to slam people for disagreeing with me. It is difficult to take when I open up myself and give heartfelt ideas only to have someone tell me I am dreaming and being unrealistic.


The truth is no change ever occurs unless we ask for the more unrealistic first. That being said, I do not believe I am being unrealistic. I am simply presenting what I would like to see to make this game more enjoyable. I like to explore. I do it in real life through traveling. I like to do it in an MMORPG.


Opening up the world more and giving the players more freedom accomplishes this (in my mind). BioWare is known for story driven games but this is their first MMO so when people say they do not do sandbox games it is a little short sighted.


I am going to try and address a possible rebuttal here by saying yes I know Morrowind was a non-mmo sadbox game but that was a very rare gem. few single player games are sandbox and Bioware had been the king of good story driven single player games. I just think that to pigeon hole them gives them the excuse not to ever try to be more then what they are.


In short, I am sure we can all agree SWTOR is in trouble. If we do nothing, suggest nothing, dissuade other's their ideas and simply cancel our subscriptions then that would make me sad because I love the SW theme and to have yet another SW MMO die would be unfortunate.

Edited by Marrius
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In short, I am sure we can all agree SWTOR is in trouble.


Is it? The last I heard the numbers had leveled out to where the game Dev's said they could both make a profit off of the game and continue to work on it. Has that changed?




Here is an article from May of this year suggesting that things are now in pretty good shape.

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Is it? The last I heard the numbers had leveled out to where the game Dev's said they could both make a profit off of the game and continue to work on it. Has that changed?




Here is an article from May of this year suggesting that things are now in pretty good shape.


Since when is 5 months ago now? A lot can happen in 5 months no? Such as them dumping their pacific servers.

And the trend we have seen thus far with MMOs is that going ftp indicates less than desirable revenues from subs.

Maybe its just me but that kinda sounds like trouble.


Anyways, what I was trying to do was offer an olive branch but it seems nothing I say is correct. so to hell with it. I don't want to waste my time defending everything I say to a bunch of scrubs anymore. removing my sub to this thread. Congrats you win, I lose.... next.

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Since when is 5 months ago now? A lot can happen in 5 months no? Such as them dumping their pacific servers.

And the trend we have seen thus far with MMOs is that going ftp indicates less than desirable revenues from subs.

Maybe its just me but that kinda sounds like trouble.


Anyways, what I was trying to do was offer an olive branch but it seems nothing I say is correct. so to hell with it. I don't want to waste my time defending everything I say to a bunch of scrubs anymore. removing my sub to this thread. Congrats you win, I lose.... next.


While I agree that a lot can happen in 5 months, and they have made some bad choices, they were trying to change the game to please people, which is what you are asking for. The closing of the pacific servers was due to them being unprofitable, which while not relevant to us, is important to them, those servers had to small a community to justify the running costs. And it does seem that the servers remaining have small populations, however what I've noticed recently is that the population of my server is more staggered than I thought, and that there is still a sizable pop there, plus people still on Makeb, ilium and now Oricon.


Oricon plus the new Fighter thing means I'm optimistic in the short term about the game, they are adding content, and listening, it might take a while, but they are trying.


Finally, stop taking any disagreement personally, if someone disagrees with you, listen to what they say, decide if you think it has merit, and respond in a similar vein to the comment. But stop taking it as an attack on you yourself, unless it is an attack on you obviously, but so far people have only questioned and attacked your idea, which is acceptable on a forum.

The whole point is that strong ideas thrive, while flawed or weak ideas get challenged. Nobody objects to you presenting ideas, but we reserve the right to question and counter those ideas.

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BW wouldnt have lost hundreds of millions of investors money if this was sandbox or even a sandpark game, full themepark games like SWTOR are dead, they all talk trash, copy everyone else then fail and go F2P, Rift,Swtor,Lotro. Nobody wants game devs cardboard box gameplay anymore


What are you talking about? They didn't lose investors money. Do you even know what you are saying?




Anyway...the rest of your post is "assumption as fact" which is worthless

Edited by Arkerus
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3) There is not enough post 50 solo/ story material. If you are like me you got this game because BioWare is known for producing strong story arcs in its games. After lvl 50 the game becomes more of a grind and after 55 the only pve seems to be group designated. Give us more of what we want BioWare!


This will be what stops me from playing regularly once I finish the main storyline.


I absolutely love this game...because it has the solo story mode that I love from bioware games...and it has the customization, gearing, grouping, that I love from mmo's.


However, as with every MMO...I hate when they make content that you are forced to group up to complete.


To me...being an MMO should be about having the option to group...not being forced.


So for me...once I finish playing the JK solo story...I will probably quit playing the game. (I'm sure I will come back at some point and play through the story again...as I did with Mass Effect and Dragon Age Origins)...but being forced to group for content beyond the storyline will stop me from playing the game on a regular basis.



DISCLAIMER: This is just my own personal preference...and what would make the game better overall in my opinion. I do NOT agree with the title of the thread where the OP states "SWTOR an exercise in disappointment". Despite having things that I think could be better...I still think this game is amazing...as it is probably my favorite game.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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This will be what stops me from playing regularly once I finish the main storyline.


DISCLAIMER: This is just my own personal preference...and what would make the game better overall in my opinion. I do NOT agree with the title of the thread where the OP states "SWTOR an exercise in disappointment". Despite having things that I think could be better...I still think this game is amazing...as it is probably my favorite game.


As do I. The stories were amazing. But I would like for them to continue but I don't think that is going to happen for awhile, if at all. :jawa_frown:

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As much as I liked the stories most of them felt done, and the power levels of some of the characters story wise was getting abit silly. I'm not sure more story wouldn't have started to go DBZ.


"Oh sure we spent season 1 and 2 talking about how this guy with power of 1 Million was known as the most dangerous scary thing in the entire universe.... but um.. .now it's season 3 so his power level is nothing compared to all the guys we are going to toss.. they are.. um.. over 9000! wait.. that's actually pathetically weak, and there are now a gob of people on earth that could destroy something of that power level with a flick of their finger. It's over 9000 Million!!!"

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I stopped reading at SWG. You want SWG 2.0. Won't happen. SWG is dead. Stop digging it up and let this rotten piece of garbage sleep.


Also, Steve Jobs is dead. All his success is now irrelevant and, let's be honest, most of his success stemmed from selling people a ridiculously priced product and saying his crap was better at "life stuff". It led to the birth of a generation who fanatically worships Apple while sitting in the dirt whining about "evil corporations". Besides, Apple has some massive issues in regards to treatment of workers in their production chain. Basically, Jobs built his success on cheap, oppressed labor.

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