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Opinions on my build.


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My Sentinel is very close to hitting 55 and i'm curious to see how others feel about the tree I will be using.

I mainly built my tree for leveling but it has also shown to be good for dps. I realize there are millions of threads about what tree is best for sentinel but im not looking for that. I want to play whats best to my play style. Id be grateful for any recommendations and small tweaks that could be applied to my tree.


Edit: Im looking for PVE build. Sorry, should have clarified.


This is my Tree when I hit 55.



This is my Tree if I switch to Combat



I wont use focus because it just doesn't seem to be fun to my play style.

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Modify Watchman to this:



(Bosses won't be attacking you in FPs and OPs so riposte will rarely proc, and crit for force attacks is good for your burns)


And modify Combat to this:



(Only damage you should be taking from Ops and FP bosses is AoE Damage, and the last 2 points go into whatever you want. I'd go with the AoE buff myself but you say its not your playstyle so...)


This is assuming your Lvl 55 shenanigans are for PvE Ops and Flashpoints. If its for PvP then you should bite the bullet and go focus.

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Since i'm not sure what you want out of the build pvp/pve i will give what i would go for

in each area.


pve watchman



pvp watchman (if you are that ballsy)



pve combat



pvp combat



Some people may disagree with 1 or 2 things , people have preferences (especially pve wise i havent done much of that in a while plan on doing mroe soon eventually ;p) but this what i would go for

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