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♫♪ The Shadowlands 2.4 Progression ♪♫


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Just fyi 2.7 Progression will be done here not in a new thread. Hope everyone had fun getting ready for new Nightmare content =) Good luck to everyone and congratulations to all on all your hard work!


Shihai is an Imperial side guild, focusing on 8 mans. Our members have prior kills in DF and DP. Since forming, we have achieved 3/5 in DF and 2/5 in DP. We do not have screenshots of the prior kills, but got one of our Tyrans kill tonight.


Tyrans HM 8M Kill



If you could please post a screenshot from your Achievement window showing current progression for 8m HM DF and DP I would appreciate it and will update your guild.


We've been clearing HM DF and DP for 6+ weeks now. We just stay under the radar and most of us don't even come to the forums. Well except Kyarra. <3


Now our cover is blown, we're not just a PvP guild. :eek:


OMG Binx!!!!!!! /hugs Same as above post a screenshot of your achievements and I'll update for you =)

Edited by Zalindae
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Crimson Shadow Legion finally got down 8man HM council! :)


We are currently 4/5 in HM DF and 5/5 in HM DP, 8man. Unfortunately my documentation is somewhat lacking on the other bosses (we've had all but the last bosses on farm and I forget to actually screenshot most of them), but I do have a couple. My documentation for HM TFB and S&V is even worse (i.e., none but a glory shot of Styrak with no UI), so I won't bother posting that.


Draxus: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-7ln7zOHlqBU/Uz4eq1mpb_I/AAAAAAAAAUM/XYeLWGzxkA4/w1920-h1080-no/Screenshot_2014-03-04_21_27_34_856568.jpg

Corruptor Zero: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-FoF-1T2pziY/Uz4erPR4III/AAAAAAAAAUQ/FjWWNPmRDoU/w1920-h1080-no/Screenshot_2014-03-04_21_49_09_005589.jpg

Raptus: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-rt0ugFhOVtU/Uz4f4_7kXfI/AAAAAAAAAZg/g3KKbjdnMDI/w1920-h1080-no/Screenshot_2014-02-20_22_18_47_531868.jpg

Council: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-HTmNV0QPm4c/Uz4ecRYiZnI/AAAAAAAAATo/TdJTUOD2_IU/w1920-h1080-no/Screenshot_2014-04-03_22_41_05_857359.jpg

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