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About the new PvP cartel Bundle


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Hi Bioware devs - you obviously don't PvP much, so here's a handy pictoral guide to the easy ways to get medpacks and adrenals:


1) Complete daily/weekly PvP missions! These give free meds and adenals - you get rewards for playing!


2) Buy a stack from another player! Stacks of 99 for each go for about 50k-70k credits. That's in-game credits!


3) Buy them with planetary comms! Especially as these become useless at lvl 55!



And now, ranked by its position in this post, the new bundle!










...keep going
















....bit further













nearly there






























4) We can spend cash money in the form of 200CC for 10 meds and 10 adrenals! That's right - a whole stack of 10 each for 200 CC!!

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Ok as a non-PVPer I almost choked on my laughter. I only PVP with a toon to get the initial quest complete . after making and deleting toons since launch I have almost two full stacks that are "worthless" to me. 200cc for 10MP/ST? ha-ha id rather unlock a collection (to which prices are getting... pricier .. too pricey?.. cost to much lol)
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