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Alignment decisions - Evil or Good? Flip-Flop?


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There is something special in evil babes :cool:


Or bad boys. :D


On my commando I remained 100% light alligned through the entire story line, until the very last quest where you talk with the supreme chancellor. I stood up for my team, and ended up with dark side points. The very last quest of the story line. OMG I was so mad that Bioware set me up like that that I was ready to pull a Tavus.

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Or bad boys. :D


On my commando I remained 100% light alligned through the entire story line, until the very last quest where you talk with the supreme chancellor. I stood up for my team, and ended up with dark side points. The very last quest of the story line. OMG I was so mad that Bioware set me up like that that I was ready to pull a Tavus.

My nice-lady Mercenary took the DS points for her last mission, because the LS option felt slimey. As bad as the Darth could be, he at least could make up his own mind without just following his buddy's opinionated directions.

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Like others, depends on the character. Most are just variations on my own personality, but a few I made really good or really evil.


in order of finishing to 55:

Sorc: unrelenting dark.

Sentinel: Light 5

Shadow: me as Jedi (light 3)

Jugg: Light 5

Sniper: It's all about what is in the Empires besrt interest. Didn't kill or torture unnecessarily, but would if that's what needed to happen.

Trooper: started gung-ho Republic, later slowly came to the conclusion that the Republic leadership isn't a whole lot less corrupt than the Empire (starting with Garza's order to slaughter innocent civilians on Coruscant). Sticks up for the little guy who is being screwed by the system or "the Man".

Gunslinger: Hey, I'm a greedy outlaw, not a monster. I'm in it for the credits, and as long as you don't try to kill me, we are good.

Mercenary: Just doing my job. Someone is paying me to do this, so professional ethics require me to do as I'm being paid to do. Although, sometimes clients ask for some over the top stupid crap, then what clients don't know can't hurt them.

Mara: If you do as I ask/demand, or if you help me, you live, if I have to overcome you, force you and especially if you actively try to hinder me, you die. No mercy for those that impede my progress. Other than that, no unnecessary killing. Of course, what is necessary is debatable. For example, the Willsaam's had to die.

Assassin: Me as Sith (light 1) Life in the Empire is rough, you gotta be tough if you are going to survive. Hence, he's a little less nice. Although, I don't like leaving enemies behind me/at my back. There is no mercy for anyone who has tried to kill me.

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What others have said. In order of playing them:


Neruna (lady sniper): ruthless and calculating, takes the protocol of leaving no witnesses to heart, but ultimately concerned with the common weal of the empire, a bit snarky.

Loreius (gent sorc): shining beacon of the light, helpful, selfless, merciful, archaeology geek, dark sense of humour, a bit snarky.

Qatras (gent guardian): complete psychopath, gets off on murder and bloodshed, bit of a control freak, a bit snarky.

Nemorina (lady merc): follow the Bounty Hunter's Creed, always be a professional because it's good for business. Generally nice to people, a bit snarky.

Rhiatavi (lady shadow): tomboy-ish, but rather more compassionate and friendly than rude, archaeology geek, not entirely orthodox Jedi, a bit snarky.

Trebial (gent mara): aristocratic and stiff, believes in might makes right, the supremacy of the Pureblood race and the power of the Dark Side, but firm sense of personal honour and glory in battle, will never use deceit, go back on a promise, has a reckless tendency to formally challenge opponents to duels instead of attacking by surprise, a bit snarky.

Konanta (gent operative): Chiss patriot, has come to believe his people will only thrive within the Empire, and seeks to further its cause, but generally prefers to avoid conflict, will flirt with anything that is even remotely female, often to little success, a bit snarky.

Sarnova (lady vanguard): basically paragon Shepard, sleeps with a copy of the Geneva conventions under her pillow, fond of giving inspirational speeches, takes the Republic's principles to heart, a bit snarky.

Torence (gent slinger): really only in it for himself, ready to betray everyone and anything at a moment's notice -- has no compulsions against working with the empire, also a bit of a womaniser (taken from his father, Konanta), a bit snarky.

Chirr'avar (lady sorc): looking mostly for emotional support, considered Zash a mother figure and was driven to the Dark Side by her betrayal before being redeemed by Ashara of all people, now tries to follow the light as depicted in cheap pulp holonovels about Jedi adventures, a bit snarky.

Charr'avar (lady sin): complete psychopath, enjoys the pretty patterns lightning and blood make, childlike innocence while slaughtering people left and right, a bit snarky.

Vitellia (lady jugg): above-mentioned Trebial's younger sister, shares his opinions on race, glory and honour, but also much more lenient and kind than him and not as keen on class and caste, a bit snarky.

Despina (lady sent): Trebial's and Vitellia's youngest sister, wimped out after Korriban and escaped with the Jedi prisoner to Tython, now trying desperately to prove that Sith Purebloods aren't innately evil by becoming a shining exemplar of the light while working up her messed-up childhood, still shares her siblings' sense of honour and glory. Also kinda snarky.


Kundry, Ashktarat, and Arsamene don't really have established personalities yet, but I imagine they'll be a bit snarky.

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Sith Warrior- Mostly Dark, though I often take the neutral route or light if it seems even darker than the dark option. For example, I spared Tremel to watch him chop off his own arm, I killed Grathan to sleep with his wife, and I spared Jaesa's parents and Nomen Karr to send them all to Darth Baras, which seemed worse than death.


Sith Inquisitor, almost entirely Dark, but more or less based on characters I liked versus didn't like. Lord Palladius tried to kill me and the Dark Side option was to spare him, so I took the light side and killed him and spared the kids.


Imperial Agent, I just went neutral and did things that seemed logical, killing characters that wronged me and sparing ones I liked, while also taking the pragmatic option.


My Bounty Hunter was more lightside but would take a dark option against a character that wronged me.


Smuggler was lightside.


Trooper was definitely my most conflicted for morality. I did a lot of Dark choices because they were pragmatic. There was a line that I drew though- I wouldn't kill those civies who were accused of being cyborgs by a crazed droid builder. But I did kill 314 prisoners to save one spec ops soldier: M1-4X said that her training and equipment costed more than what was spent on all the other guys. Whoops!

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Sorcerer I played so that he took whatever choice was most practical for his goals/ambitions, if sparring someone would preserve them as a potential ally (or be good for the Empire overall) I'd spare them, if killing someone removed a rival or weakened the Republic, he killed them. I also played him as someone who hated slavery because of his background, so that influenced some of the choices. Ended up Neutral at the end of his Class Story and since then it's drifted between Dark I and Light I depending on which FPs I get through GF and what choices pop up in the new content patches.


Juggernaut I played 99% Dark Side, the only exceptions were when some neutral choices were clearly more practical or when he was courting Vette, who acted as a 'morality chain' for him up to a point (although I did still take the Dark Side choice with her companion quest), but I still ended up solidly at Dark V.


Sentinel I played primarily Light Side, but I think I took a Dark Side hit to start courting Kira and after the end of Act II I played him as a bit 'darker' and receptive to some of Scourge's points (not if it entailed letting innocents die, but for example I didn't support the Jedi position that the Voss are dangerous just because they don't follow Jedi traditions). Ended up Light V.


Bounty Hunter always completes his assigned contract unless there's an outcome that presents itself that will clearly benefit his employer even more. Only to Tatooine with him, but I believe I'm around Dark I or maybe Dark II.

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Took a guild survey:


Sith Jugg - the one LS said it made the story seem 'odd'. Next Marauder he made was Dark. Resident guild Marauder is DS.


Sith Sorcs / Assassins - Dark. Oh so dark. Each and every one.


Bounty Hunter - Pretty much dark, think they mellowed as the story progressed.


IA - Let's just say this one led to much "discussion". Where "discussion" is code for: swearing, bad typing and much yelling in vent.


EDIT: We have a couple (might be RL not sure) who won't do particular quests. The Marauder has an affinity for short species: Ewoks, Ortolans, Jawas. Hence he did not do the Jawa Shaman quest on Tattooine.

Edited by Lotharofxev
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I tend to make decisions based on how I would react in real life. I find about 50% of the Dark Side choices to be completely over the top, as if they tried too hard. Some other times, I will select a choice and wonder why I am getting DS points for it.
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Initially, I tried to stick to one side, but after getting the wonderful rakghoul relics, I just pick what I feel works.


Mostly, it is LS with some DS choices. I do have my Light V on a couple of characters, but Dark V is not panning out.


I really tried to keep my Marauder fully Dark, but some options just were so unfortunate that she only made it to DS-IV. My Scoundrel could not leave Miel behind (after we did manage to get through the DS Esseles), so got LS points that way, though I was going to keep him all DS. My best bet is one of my Inquisitors, since I can’t really remember anything in the story that will make me feel really bad about picking the DS.

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