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They're NOTHING like mandalorians o.0


I have no idea where you got that from...


And the point is, not being able to fight on his own terms will annoy him.


Clone troopers were based on mandalorians and storm troopers were based on Clone troopers. Shadow STORM TROOPERS are a version of Storm trooper as such close enough to mandalorians for Durge.

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Clone troopers were based on mandalorians and storm troopers were based on Clone troopers. Shadow STORM TROOPERS are a version of Storm trooper as such close enough to mandalorians for Durge.


Firstly, massive leaps there.


Secondly, stormtroopers were cloned from multiple different people.


Thirdly, he liked the way they fought, not the fact that they had mandalorian blood. Stormtroopers do not fight like mandalorians.

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You're seeing what you want to see.


How about his ENTIRE body slouching as he lets out a lot of air in the tiny little break that he has....

the body slouching is of boredum.... we have to remember who sidious was he wasn't taking any one second best as an apprentice by the very fact the Maul had been replaced by Dooku means Dooku was better and if Dooku would not be able to stand against Sidious for more then a few seconds at best then there is no way Maul is if Sidious is truly trying.

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the body slouching is of boredum.... we have to remember who sidious was he wasn't taking any one second best as an apprentice by the very fact the Maul had been replaced by Dooku means Dooku was better and if Dooku would not be able to stand against Sidious for more then a few seconds at best then there is no way Maul is if Sidious is truly trying.


Oh my...


You know what, no. I'm not doing this with you.


Oh, and Maul was replaced because SIDIOUS THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD.

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Oh my...


You know what, no. I'm not doing this with you.


Oh, and Maul was replaced because SIDIOUS THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD.


Except when he knew he wasn't. The moment Dooku was surpassed by Anakin Sidious wanted Anakin. If maul had surpassed Dooku he would have wanted Maul back instead of Dooku he doesn't settle for second best.



Edit: we even see this in his choice of floral designer in Shadows of the Empire the moment the best left him the best died. He is a sore loser and doesn't ever settle for anything less then the best.

Edited by tunewalker
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Except when he knew he wasn't. The moment Dooku was surpassed by Anakin Sidious wanted Anakin. If maul had surpassed Dooku he would have wanted Maul back instead of Dooku he doesn't settle for second best.


Oh, you mean when Maul already had an apprentice and was building an empire to oppose him? Oriteyeh.

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Oh, you mean when Maul already had an apprentice and was building an empire to oppose him? Oriteyeh.


And maul still called Sidious master, all sidious had to do was kill Savage (which he did) and then Maul would have come crawling back to be Sidious's apprentice and Sidious knows his apprentices want him dead so having one such as Maul wanting him dead would not be a problem because Maul would be the best which he wasn't and at the end of the day that's what matters if he was the best Sidious would have had him as an apprentice this is sidious's history to a tee. When Dooku wasn't the best he got Vader when Vader was hurt and they found Galen he wanted Galen he knew Galen wanted him dead but that didn't mean he didn't want him. Sidious wants who ever is best as his apprentice regardless of anything else. Thus we know Maul was not the best of the 2 between Dooku and Maul.

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And maul still called Sidious master, all sidious had to do was kill Savage (which he did) and then Maul would have come crawling back to be Sidious's apprentice and Sidious knows his apprentices want him dead so having one such as Maul wanting him dead would not be a problem because Maul would be the best which he wasn't and at the end of the day that's what matters if he was the best Sidious would have had him as an apprentice this is sidious's history to a tee. When Dooku wasn't the best he got Vader when Vader was hurt and they found Galen he wanted Galen he knew Galen wanted him dead but that didn't mean he didn't want him. Sidious wants who ever is best as his apprentice regardless of anything else. Thus we know Maul was not the best of the 2 between Dooku and Maul.


Does the line: "You have become a Rival!" *FORCE PUSH*


Not mean anything to you?

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Seemed to me he was tired from the acrobatics.


Also Sidious did defeat Maul in saber combat. As we saw, he won their final blade lock, then finished him with the Force.


He won the final Blade lock, but Maul wasn't defeated, he could have still fought on.


Besides, the mere fact he competed with Sidious for a pretty long duration (compared to most) twice... Is impressive.

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Does the line: "You have become a Rival!" *FORCE PUSH*


Not mean anything to you?


It does but after Savages death Maul would no longer be a "Rival" as he no longer has an apprentice it still does not change who sidious was. If Maul was second best he would have killed Savage beaten and punished Maul and then made him his apprentice again. instead Maul became an acolyte instead doing Sidious bidding as some LESS then an apprentice because he still had the best as his apprentice and that was Dooku.

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Regarding Dooku and Maul, Dooku had everything Sidious needed. Charisma, money, power (both Force and other power). Maul doesn't have that. Maul would not have been able to hold the Separatists together like Dooku did.


Not only that, but he didn't have to train him, the Jedi already did that for him.

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He won the final Blade lock, but Maul wasn't defeated, he could have still fought on.


Besides, the mere fact he competed with Sidious for a pretty long duration (compared to most) twice... Is impressive.


Impressive, yes, but don't attempt to make it something that it is not.

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It does but after Savages death Maul would no longer be a "Rival" as he no longer has an apprentice it still does not change who sidious was. If Maul was second best he would have killed Savage beaten and punished Maul and then made him his apprentice again. instead Maul became an acolyte instead doing Sidious bidding as some LESS then an apprentice because he still had the best as his apprentice and that was Dooku.




Dooku wanted Palpatine dead.


Maul wanted Palpatine dead.


Palpatine couldn't risk them both being alive, and perhaps he thought that should they want to, they could quite easily have him killed whilst not imposing themselves.


Come on, if Palpatine had been revealed he'd have died and they'd both rule the CIS and roflstomp the Jedi.


He couldn't risk it.


Of course this is theory, but so's yours... So it doesn't really matter. There's thousands of reasons as to why Palpatine couldn't let him live.

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Regarding Dooku and Maul, Dooku had everything Sidious needed. Charisma, money, power (both Force and other power). Maul doesn't have that. Maul would not have been able to hold the Separatists together like Dooku did.


Not only that, but he didn't have to train him, the Jedi already did that for him.


That doesn't really change anything that I know of he still would have had Dooku and last I checked Sidious has no problem with having "secret apprentices" so by the fact that he didn't take Maul as his true apprentice its because Maul was not the best Dooku was. Sidious still does not settle for second best.

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Ok to clear the air with the whole Maul vs Sidious thing, here is the bit from Shadow Conspiracy which is pretty much the same thing is seen in the episode only...well written.


Maul saw that Savage was startled by the seemingly frail man’s enormous strength. Maul stared at his Master’s face. He saw the strain as Sidious called upon the Force to keep the brothers at bay. But there was something else there, too—a terrible pleasure. Sidious began to grin.

The three-pronged duel between Sidious, and Maul and Savage had moved, like some deadly ballet, from the throne room to the steps of the palace. Sidious’s lightsabers twirled swiftly and elegantly, turning aside the furious blows Maul and Savage rained down upon him as the three Sith leapt and spun.


Maul had fought his Master many times, starting when he was little more than a child and continuing through his apprenticeship. His body bore innumerable scars from those duels—lessons in the peril of being too slow or two quick, too weak or too distracted. During Maul’s apprenticeship he had always known that Sidious had been willing to kill him. The Sith had not survived their centuries of exile by being sentimental, and a student who couldn’t stand against his Master in a mere training exercise was worse than useless—he was a waste of valuable resources better used elsewhere. But Maul had never faced his Master when he was actually trying to kill him.


Maul had grown more powerful since the last time he’d been in Sidious’s presence, before the Neimoidian invasion of Naboo had turned disastrous and Obi-Wan had bested him inside the Theed power core. His hermitage on Lotho Minor, his lessons on Unbara, his restoration by Mother Talzin, and his training of Savage had all strengthened him, made him a more worthy vessel for the dark side to fill with its power.

But strong as he had become, Maul found himself in awe of Sidious. The Sith Lord was astonishingly fast and efficient, and the Force flowed through him effortlessly. His sabers stabbed and slashed through the smallest hole in an opponent’s guard, his movements never carried him a millimeter out of position, and he could sense every attack Maul and Savage made before it developed.


Maul tried to slash past Sidious’s guard, only to find his Master had given ground, causing Maul to extend his arms too far and leave himself slightly unbalanced. It was the smallest stumble, easily corrected, but Sidious saw it—and pounced before Maul could draw himself back. Snarling, he reached out with the Force and slammed Maul against the wall, leaving him lying stunned in a heap.


Savage knew the dangers of facing the Sith Lord alone, and pressed his attack before Sidious draw his hand back from Force-shoving Maul into the wall. Teeth bared, Savage windmilled his double saber, hoping to disarm Sidious or force him to give ground. If he did, that would allow the yellow-and-black Zabrak to follow his initial attack with a lightning-quick thrust that would penetrate Sidious’s defenses and wound or even kill him.


Maul tried to shake off his attack, rocketing up from the floor. Sidious neatly side-stepped Savage’s assault, drawing back as the massive Zabrak raised his double-bladed saber high to try to pummel him with it. Savage didn’t think Sidious was fast enough to take advantage of the brief opening in his defenses, but he was wrong.

Sidious rammed one of his blades through Savage’s black armor, the glowing crimson tip of the saber appearing between his shoulder blades. Savage gasped, his saber tumbling from his grasp. Sidious yanked his weapon back and Savage seemed to hang suspended for a moment, as if he were being levitated by with the Force. Then he crashed to the ground.


“Brother, I am an unworthy apprentice,” Savage said. “I am not like you. I never was.”

He took a last breath and lay still.

Maul looked up, saber in his grasp, and stared into Darth Sidious’s blazing eyes.

“Remember the first and only reality of the Sith,” Sidious said. “There can only be two, and you are no longer my apprentice. You have been replaced.”

Sidious raised his saber and flew at Maul, who parried desperately, his mechanical legs whirring as he sought to counter his former Master’s blows. Sidious’s sabers were a blur, a whirling cage of deadly plasma. Maul danced away from one blow, then reversed his movement to avoid another, and then there were too many to count, and then there were even more than that.

Maul’s saber spun out of his hand, bouncing away across the floor.


Sidious really seem to have just toyed with the two up until the end as he seemed to have picked up on his speed...this seems rather fitting as before Maul was unable to track Sidious.

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Regarding Dooku and Maul, Dooku had everything Sidious needed. Charisma, money, power (both Force and other power). Maul doesn't have that. Maul would not have been able to hold the Separatists together like Dooku did.


Not only that, but he didn't have to train him, the Jedi already did that for him.


And yet another reason why Palpatine wanted him dead instead of having him as an apprentice.


And Getting on the wrong side of Dooku was risky..

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Dooku wanted Palpatine dead.


Maul wanted Palpatine dead.


Palpatine couldn't risk them both being alive, and perhaps he thought that should they want to, they could quite easily have him killed whilst not imposing themselves.


Come on, if Palpatine had been revealed he'd have died and they'd both rule the CIS and roflstomp the Jedi.


He couldn't risk it.


Of course this is theory, but so's yours... So it doesn't really matter. There's thousands of reasons as to why Palpatine couldn't let him live.


He did let Maul live...... remember I have other uses for you he DIDNT kill Maul he made him an acolyte instead of an apprentice because he wasn't good enough to be an apprentice any more.

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