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dear god no.


As far as I am concerned, that raving lunatic you see at the foundry is not revan. They should have kept him masked and silent to not destroy the character as he was in previous games.


Most people dont care about whatever silly books where written about the guy, most people care about the revan as they remembered him/her.


They pretty much ruined the character with his terrible appearance in this game, HK-47 wasnt much better either, lacking the wit he had in the KOTOR games.

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I haven't done the foundry yet because my Sith isn't there yet. But I have seen Revan at maelstrom prison and the republic content surrounding it. The only thing I didn't like about Revan was that his appearance wasn't one of the presets of the original KoTOR. So If I ever wanted to play KoTOR as canon Revan, I couldn't.

Personally I want to see him come back. He is a great character and has a lot more potential for this universe. Besides, why save him if we never see him again? pretty silly.

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I haven't played the foundry but I do agree with OP they need to bring him back. Only because he was a very important part to the shaping of the world. Plus I want to see more of the Exile.


They forced the exile to show up as she did only because players demanded it, they also killed her off in the most foolish and idiotic way possible in the book specifically because they (bioware) hated the popularity of the characters of KOTOR2...remember that bioware did not make KOTOR2...that was an obsidian game, and even rushed the game was far better rounded and had a far deeper plot than KOTOR1.


The exile regained connection tot he force, stopped a creature that FED ont he force itself (Nihilus) and repeatedly killed off assassination attempted on herself...and they kill her off in a way that flies in the face of the lore the game set as precedence for her skill-set (aka being able to ward off hidden attacks and backstabbing by supposed allies)...if you don't know she was stabbed int he back by someone she never trusted anyway in the book, something that would NOT have happened if they followed the lore of KOTOR2. So many better ways to have her die that something thats hould never have been possible given her history.

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Is it funny I had this same exact thought earlier today after doing the FP where you resuce him? haha


Now that the Dread War will be ending with 2.4 dropping in October. Bioware should start with its new Operation series surrounding Revan and his descendants (Satele Shan and her son Theron Shan) (Although I'm not sure if Satele is aware of Theron. I know they met once, but he decided not to tell her who he was.) (BUT....Satele is crazy powerful so.... she probably does know...)


I would really like a cutscene where the two (Revan and Satele) met up.

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Is it funny I had this same exact thought earlier today after doing the FP where you resuce him? haha


Now that the Dread War will be ending with 2.4 dropping in October. Bioware should start with its new Operation series surrounding Revan and his descendants (Satele Shan and her son Theron Shan) (Although I'm not sure if Satele is aware of Theron. I know they met once, but he decided not to tell her who he was.) (BUT....Satele is crazy powerful so.... she probably does know...)


I would really like a cutscene where the two (Revan and Satele) met up.


I'd really rather prefer something with Malgus, because I am really pissed that they killed him off. Please, let him be alive. After they do that, I'm totally up for more Revan.

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the exile looks even worse than revan in this game, looks like some sort of diplomat who never saw a day of combat in her life.


Best if they just leave it alone, the good writers who worked on KOTOR are appearantly no longer with the staff anyways judging by the simple dialogues, along with the voice actors that did it justice.


Sure its a much bigger game, but there certainly is a huge gap between KOTOR and TOR concerning quality of voice acting. TOR tends to be over the top and devoid of subtleties, aside from a few exeptions.


They could have at least hired quality voice actors for revan and the exile.

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the exile looks even worse than revan in this game, looks like some sort of diplomat who never saw a day of combat in her life.


Best if they just leave it alone, the good writers who worked on KOTOR are appearantly no longer with the staff anyways judging by the simple dialogues, along with the voice actors that did it justice.


Sure its a much bigger game, but there certainly is a huge gap between KOTOR and TOR concerning quality of voice acting. TOR tends to be over the top and devoid of subtleties, aside from a few exeptions.


They could have at least hired quality voice actors for revan and the exile.


Many of the voice actors for TOR ARE quality voice actors (male Jedi Knight is Solid Snake for crying out loud, a guy that if you have been playing the games since Metal Gear Solid has done the entire range of emotions as a voice actor for that series and done it well)...however they were told exactly how to portray their characters by bioware.

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I'd really rather prefer something with Malgus, because I am really pissed that they killed him off. Please, let him be alive. After they do that, I'm totally up for more Revan.

They officially made him dead. Althought I also wanted him to be alive! To be honest I rather join his Empire than the previous,nothing wrong with having aliens,anyone can be very powerful

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I'd like to imagine he Folded Space (the name of the ability is Fold Space, it allows you to teleport, but corrupts you the further away you teleport/the less familiar you are with the area.) But he also could have died in a Force Explosion (People of both alignments have been known to explode upon death, though it's far more common to see a Sith do it.)


Revan and the Exile should have more place in the story, as should Bastila (Perhaps if the Inquisitor once day decided to-guess what-assassinate the leader of the Jedi Council, or perhaps if the Bounty Hunter was hired by Marr to do it, then (s)he would research her family history to know what to expect.)


And we never got a real ending to KOTOR2, or a real ending to anyone besides Revan, HK-47, and Meetra. Bring back some kind of Legacy for ALL the characters! (And yes, I know Vette was based off Mission Vao, but maybe we could expand upon what actually happened with all our crazy companions after the game ended.)

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I'd really rather prefer something with Malgus, because I am really pissed that they killed him off. Please, let him be alive. After they do that, I'm totally up for more Revan.

To be honest though, I like this more... Malgus was awesome, his Empire would have been so much more awesome to work with. Revan, Meetra, HK and everyone are awesome, but killing off Malgus was a bad call.

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They forced the exile to show up as she did only because players demanded it, they also killed her off in the most foolish and idiotic way possible in the book specifically because they (bioware) hated the popularity of the characters of KOTOR2...remember that bioware did not make KOTOR2...that was an obsidian game, and even rushed the game was far better rounded and had a far deeper plot than KOTOR1.


The exile regained connection tot he force, stopped a creature that FED ont he force itself (Nihilus) and repeatedly killed off assassination attempted on herself...and they kill her off in a way that flies in the face of the lore the game set as precedence for her skill-set (aka being able to ward off hidden attacks and backstabbing by supposed allies)...if you don't know she was stabbed int he back by someone she never trusted anyway in the book, something that would NOT have happened if they followed the lore of KOTOR2. So many better ways to have her die that something thats hould never have been possible given her history.


Actually I read the book. There were a few changes made to her character, but all in all they did The Exile a LOT of justice in the book. She was a really interesting character and pretty powerful to boot. The only reason she died was because Scourge betrayed them at the worst time imaginable. Yes she deserved a better death, but its not like she could have sensed Scourge's malicious intent, he literally had the vision and acted upon it in that moment.


I liked the book a lot and I like what they have done with both characters. But I really hope Bioware decides to do more with the character. I see no point in rescuing him just for the sake of never seeing him again.

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Both revan and malak are just so incredibly boring and uninteresting the way they are portrayed in TOR.


They used to be people with character in KOTOR1 and 2. They where interesting.


Somehow they turned revan into a douche who likes to hear himself talk and makes the idiotic claim to be the only one to have been jedi and sith, he really is quite overdramatic in everything he says.


Would have been so much more powerfull at the forge if revan said nothing, but just stood there, masked. The players being able to speak to him, challenging him, and revan simply drawing his lightsaber and taking on that same pose you see him take on in KOTOR1 when Bastilla confronted him in the cutscene.


That way, everyone could imagine it actually was their revan under there, instead of it being some lunatic who doesnt remotely look like any possible appearance revan could have.

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Revan in this game really annoyed me as an avid KOTOR fan because... REVAN WAS FEMALE!!


I get it, I do, the vast majority of players in this game are male. I get that I'm in the minority. And this is a small thing. And I love all the KOTOR references in TOR.


But KOTOR was awesome when you found out you were Revan and had that flashback video and the big taking the mask off reveal... it was a great moment.


And now in TOR, they did those scars around his face so that you can say his appearance has changed... but they don't care that they ruined it for me. All the male players can do, ok, face lift, but it's ruined for me (or any male player that played as a female character).


I loved KOTOR and I love this game... but Revan was female and it drives me crazy that they Jossed my beloved KOTOR memories :(

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Revan in this game really annoyed me as an avid KOTOR fan because... REVAN WAS FEMALE!!

LucasArts declared canonically, Revan was male and romanced Bastila, Meetra was female. Arguing Lore with George is like asking an individual atom to split and create an atomic explosion entirely on it's own... It's his Galaxy, his rules, everyone else can go suck on a cactus.


I think Revan could have gone either way really... I myself am inclined to male protagonists, doesn't mean I wouldn't appreciate Lady Revan kicking my sorry healing butt in the Foundry.

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Revan in this game really annoyed me as an avid KOTOR fan because... REVAN WAS FEMALE!!(


Sorry about that CrazyMcGee, but Revan needs to be male. Otherwise..... the Shan bloodline wouldn't be here. And well, that's a pretty important bloodline. Just Saying.


Also, YOUR Revan was female. There are no things floating around talking about Revan being a female. ALL of the content you will discover about Revan clearly states that he was a male. I know its slightly disappointing...

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