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General Performance Issues


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You did not say what graphics settings in game you have selected. Please share that, as that is where real improvements lay.


Alas this is incorrect. I find that going from low to max does not degrade performance much at all. YMMV.


FWIW I run a i5 2500k and 6870 2gb, 8gb ram. All stock speeds, win 8.


I am testing SW:TOR unleashed, and while it does nothing for fleet (literally nothing at all) I believe it does help in raids and FPs, as I seen a lot more green numbers than red.

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It's mainly GPU dependent (especially shadows). Nameplates are also a big performance hit, because for some reason the engine can't display text well. It's the main reason we don't have and (sorry to those of you still hoping) never will have chat bubbles. The game will implode in populated areas like the Fleet.


Some tricks I applied to my game for improvements in these two areas:


1) With SWTOR running, open your task manager and set the priority for both swtor.exe programs to high.

2) In Nvidia control panel (I'm sure there's an AMD equivalent) change the maximum frames to render ahead to 1.


It doesn't do much to help with framerate, but it's almost completely eliminated micro stutter for me, so the whole game feels a lot smoother. I play with a 2GB GTX 560 Ti (two of them in SLI) and get between 30-60 fps. Populated areas bring me down to the 30s. It was never the framerate that annoyed me much, but the stutter. Hope this helps :)


100% dead one , tweak your settings so you get the most optimal graphics , shadow on isn't a big problem with character texture high , but envoirement shadow can go low , keep tweaking till you find that cinematic like experience.

Trust me it is possible , but you need to tweak nameplates too .

everything on high just isn't playable cause if the engine reason , they should reimport the game to excisting hero engine and start tweaking from there , instead of the home made engineered stuff they have , that is causing huge issue .

Edited by Drake_Hound
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2) In Nvidia control panel (I'm sure there's an AMD equivalent) change the maximum frames to render ahead to 1.



The AMD equivalent is "Flip Queue", to adjust it you need to download RadeonPro. I read that it might not work and might be hard coded to 3 in the drivers (this is not my strong knowledge point). But I am trying it and will report back.

Edited by Hockaday
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I have similar specs and I'm running fine. Just make sure your graphics drivers are updated, turn off shadows and bloom. Turn off AA in game and let your catalist control center control AA..


What AA settings do you use? I have found no difference letting CCC do it vs swtor. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong...


Le Edit: Trying it with Radeon Pro.


Edit 2: I always tried to use an application profile...but I wonder if I was pointing to the wrong .exe. I would point it to the SW:TOR .exe...but maybe you have to point it to the launcher? Either way, I'm trying a global profile.

Edited by Hockaday
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