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More dialogue for Treek and HK-51 PLEASE!


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The title explains whats lacking in the game...DIALOGUE! After a month of not playing i decided to come back and level a new toon and i ran across this issue, any/all conversations that the NCPs have with you are immediately aborted as soon as they talk to Treek or HK-51. In the Agent storyline on Taris one of the NPCs introduces himself to you and says, "Its a pleasure to meet you, and you are...?" (talking to your current companion). If Treek or HK-51 are out it aborts the conversation and you have to start over...i thought this was a bug at first so I swapped companions until i realized I had to have either Vector or Kaliyo out. I tried the droid on the ship same thing happened. Bioware please add some benefit to having these characters prior to end game because dialog is just empty without it...It feels as if I can only get affections points with HK-51 and Treek though flashpoint conversations (where the companions have no vocal input OR DIALOGUE) and companion gifts which is just BORING. Please add some dialogue in the conversations to let us know that they have a purpose in the cutsene and just not spectating even if its a 1 liner thats recycled as long as they respond and not abort conversations when NPC talk to them id be happy.
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I support this, especially for HK. Nothing is more satisfying then seeing another wise crack about meatbags.


Seconded. I know HK-51 isn't quite as witty and charming as the 47 model, but please, Bioware, give me a reason to purchase him on one of my low level alts and actually use him. As it stands now, I don't even bother with HK as a companion outside of daily missions.

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What would be nice is when you have the Darkside option to kill someone, and HK-51 is your current companion at the time, HK-51 steps in and says, "Statement: Nothing would give me more pleasure then to use my assassination protocol to eradicate this meatbag for you master." then you have the option to kill the guy yourself or give the order for HK-51 to do so THUS GIVING A PURPOSE FOR HK-51 TO BE IN THE CONVERSATION AND GET AFFECTION POINTS and then HK-51 proceeds to kill the NPC in the cutscene.
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