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[Petition] - Pyro/Assault PT/VG - Keep Bursting Flame as is on Live


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What's mildly entertaining and saddening at the same time is all this arguing and chest-pounding and walls of text are for naught...Bioware won't change a thing and this will all be wasted energy.


They changed one thing: Advanced Prototype/Tactics is finally the better spec of the two in 2.4. Sadly, that's not saying much.

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I do indeed know exactly what you are talking about. And no, it wasn't a buff. Our actual and theoretical damage and spike damage went DOWN after this change. Limiting the number of RSs we could do in a certain period of time is a nerf, despite slightly increase chances on the proc. Back then we were using FB so often that we were proccing RS well under the 6s rate limit it is now. General (correct) consensus among the PT/VG community was that this was a NERF. Attempting to state otherwise is foolish and only hurts what little is left of your arguments.


If there wasn't this thing called energy management, it would've indeed been a nerf. However, since spamming FB isn't entirely plausible, it isn't that simple. When you increase proc chances, while adding a CD that only supports proper heat management, the theoretical damage goes up. Now, as far as nerf/buff goes, I'd say this was a good balancing decision from BW.


There are nerfing our 10m kiting AND killing power. Part of our 10m kiting was being able to use FB to auto proc the DOT AND reset our RS. Now, our ability to use RS while kiting will depend on RNG or wasting a GCD on the **** ability IM. The slow on FB (which used to be 50% and not 40% and was applied with any CGC dot, FB or otherwise pre-2.0), means very little when will be forced into walking up to the melee we are kiting to RP them and hope they don't smash/maul/ravage/whatever us. It's just not viable. If you think otherwise then please enjoy getting annihilated. Also, not that it pertains to this little discussion we're having (I only mention it because you brought it up), I have tested 100+ arenas, winning 90+% of them, albeit not really enjoyably and fluidly like I'd have expected in the past.


No, you can still spam FB for kiting and RS. You're just getting the initial CGC DoT every 2/3 times instead of 100%. With the CGC nerf, I really don't undestand what you're raging about, since the damage is negligible. Like I said, if you play by spamming FB, you're a bad player. Now you're just a little worse, but not much. And the slow was 30%. Are you petitioning the return of 30% slow too?


The only thing you have proven or pointed out is your lack of knowledge and experience with the Pyro PT. You have demonstrated time and time again that you are one of those "pros" who think every change is a good change. You need to wake up and realize that our class has been nerfed as much as any other class in the game, if not more. Trying to tell yourself otherwise is foolish and you are doing a disservice to your community and to yourself.


Oh yeah, it has been nerfed, and for good reasons. The only nerf that I disagree on is the TD/IM range nerf, however.


Once more, the slow means very little when you have to enter 4m range and RP the target. What about this do you not understand?


If you don't think you need to enter 4m range now, why do you think you have to enter 4m range in 2.4? The only fact supporting your argument at this point is the CGC DoT that increases FB damage somewhat. Ok what's one tick, like....150 damage?


Now, your chances of getting this extra damage is reduced by 40%. That means you are losing 0.4x150=60 damge per Flame Burst attack. This damage returns in the form of CGC proc via RP, but we're discussing you, and you don't RP apparently. So, we can keep this 60 damage decrease in your case. So, 60 damage less per FB, that's what you're raging about? Oh right, this effect can actually crit too, so for the sake of this argument, let's say you have 20% crit (both rating and talents) and 70% surge + 30% telented (100% combined). That's 1.2x0.4x150=72.


You think you are forced to 4m because of 72 damage loss per FB?


Also, this number is even further reduced by the fact that you can only have one CGC DoT running at any given time (on a single target). Reapplying the DoT means that you are removing the old effect. It just so happens that most of the time you would've gotten that DoT tick without refreshing it. This means that the DoT is about to tick, but just before it does, you FB. This means you get a new tick for the FB attack, but lost the tick that you would've gotten anyway. This means that the change on FB is even more negligible.


Let me give you some advice: stop posting. You are making a fool of yourself and are embarrasing the PT community. In addition, you need to take legal action against your state's schooling system. They have clearly failed you.


The general response has been that you're the fool. Also, you should check your own spelling too before criticizing others..


"Our actual and theoretical damage and spike damage" - Learn to use commas much?


Funny, here it is again: "which used to be 50% and not 40% and was applied" - And, and, and?


"There are nerfing" - Where?!? Who!!! What??? Confusing "they are" and "they're" much?


I don't really care for this, as I'm not a grammar nazi. Using the "you have bad grammar" argument usually means you lost the argument...


P.S: I don't live in a state. I speak three languages, and English is not my first. How many languages do you speak and write? I mean, this might come as a shock to you, but there are other countries and languages out there too you know.

Edited by easeyway
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