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Pyrotech PT Changes that should happen


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Hello everyone, Geld'in here (i know my name isnt Geld'in on the forums but it's the name of my PT)


I have some Pyrotech PT changes that SHOULD happen (most are talent based)


New Talent: Burnoff: When your Damage over time abilities critical hit you have a 50%/100% Chance to vent 1/2 heat. Talent max is 2 points. Replaces Flame Suit


Talent Change: Bursting Flame: Rocket Punch And Flame Burst both have a 100% Chance to Add 1 Stack of CGC


CGC Change: Make CGC Stack 3 times (like Deadly Saber)


Talent Change: Volitile Igniter: Flame Sweep and Flamethrower's Heat Cost are reduced by 2/4 and Flame Sweep and Flamethrower have a 50%/100% chance to add 1 stack of CGC (Note that Flamethrower adds 3 stacks because it ticks 3 times)


(All PT's Are affected by this change) Swap Harpoon and Jet Charge (ergo make Jet Charge a level 20 Ability that is bought and make Harpoon a talent in ST)


New Talent: Fuel Leak: When you use Jet Charge you have a 50%/100% Chance to create a trail of fire behind you that lasts for 6 seconds the flame trail hits targets with a 6 second DoT, also this effects the person you are leaping to. Costs 2 talent points. Replaces Rapid Venting (PT only Change to Rapid Venting, Merc will still have Rapid Venting)


Share your thoughts here with these ideas.

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This would bring pyro straight to way-OP country.


Also, flamethrower ticks 4 times.


Not really, Their DPS would only increase from the extra DoT and the CGC change (that and Jet Charge) And heat midigation on them is already abysmal, This isnt like adding no cooldown to Flamethrower and making it cost no heat... This is perfectly balanced. All other DoT trees have a DoT energy management bonus, So why not Pyrotech? Heat is already an abysmal mechanic because as you build more heat it becomes harder to lose that heat... So they need something that vents more than 16+8 heat every 6 or so seconds. that's not really enough midigation. i also forgot to mention that Jet Charge should cost 25 heat with the talent swap.


Edit: If Flamethrower ticks 4 times then why does PFT only stack to 3 stacks?

Edited by Kaos_KidSWTOR
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It would be nice to have a resource management like lethality, however it really isn't needed in 2.4. After the nerf to CGC having it stack like Mara's bleeds would be very awesome and I'd advocate said change. Flame Thrower and Flame Sweep applying CGC would be another nice feature during AoE heavy fights. Many PT agree Jet Charge and Harpoon should be switched but why should it cost 25 heat? It's free for tanks and Force Charge actually gives you Rage.


All in all these would definitely up Pyro PT DPS by a good amount but I don't think it would make them OP. What's the top full Pyro PT parses? High 2700's? They still have 400+ DPS to gain to match Lethality Operatives.

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I like the ideas you are putting forward, but I think that its better if we just modify PT/Vanguard completely.


So, put in a nice list like BW does in patch notes:


(Changes are made in relation to PTR 2.4)



  • Universal
    • Combustible Gas Cylinders damage reduced to 40%.
    • Jet Charge is now Learned at level 20
    • Grapple is no longer learned at level 20
    • Hydraulic Override increases movement speed by 50% (up from 30%)

    [*]Shield Tech

    • Grapple is now available as a Tier 5 Skill
    • Jet Speed no longer requires Jet Charge to learn
    • Flame Surge no longer requires Jet Charge to learn

    [*]Advanced Prototype

    • Advanced Tools now reduces the cooldown of Flamethrower by 1.5/3 seconds, and Jet Charge by 3/6 seconds


    • Superheated Gas has been redesigned: Each point in this skill increases the chance for Combustible Gas Cylinders to activate by 5%, and increases the amount of times the cylinder can be applied by 1 (Max of 40% activation chance, 4 stacks). It also causes the target to take 10/20/30% of CGC damage upfront.
    • Burnout has been moved from Tier 6 to Tier 5, replacing Rain of Fire in the Tier 5 slot
    • Burnout has been redesigned: The skill now increases damage of burn effects by 5/10/15% and increases the crit rate of burn effects by 15/30/45% on targets under 30% health
    • Rain of Fire has been redesigned: The skill now increases all damage on burning targets by 3/6%. No longer has 3 points.
    • New Skill: Superheated Flamethrower. Placed in Tier 6 (0/1), this skill causes Flamethrower to apply Combustible Gas Cylinder to affected targets.
    • Rapid Venting has been redesigned. The skill now reduces the cooldown of Vent Heat and Thermal Sensor Override by 15/30 seconds, and increases maximum Heat Dissipation rate by 1/2 heat/second
    • Thermal Detonator has been redesigned: The skill now sticks to the target, detonating upon taking damage for [damage] Kinetic damage and burning the target for [damage] elemental damage over 12 seconds. The target also receives the debuff Prototype Accelerant, causing all burns to deal 25% more damage. Automatically detonates after 6 seconds.



  • Universal
    • Plasma Cell damage reduced to 40%.
    • Storm is now Learned at level 20
    • Grapple is no longer learned at level 20
    • Hold the Line increases movement speed by 50% (up from 30%)

    [*]Shield Specialist

    • Grapple is now available as a Tier 5 Skill
    • Charge! no longer requires Storm to learn
    • Static Surge no longer requires Storm to learn


    • Tactical Tools now reduces the cooldown of Pulse Cannon by 1.5/3 seconds, and Jet Charge by 3/6 seconds

    [*]Assault Specialist

    • Superheated Plasma has been redesigned: Each point in this skill increases the chance for Plasma Cell to activate by 5%, and increases the amount of times the Cell can be applied by 1 (Max of 40% activation chance, 4 stacks). It also causes the target to take 10/20/30% of PC damage upfront.
    • Burnout has been moved from Tier 6 to Tier 5, replacing Rain of Fire in the Tier 5 slot
    • Burnout has been redesigned: The skill now increases damage of burn effects by 5/10/15% and increases the crit rate of burn effects by 15/30/45% on targets under 30% health
    • Rain of Fire has been redesigned: The skill now increases all damage on burning targets by 3/6%. No longer has 3 points.
    • New Skill: Supercharged Pulse Cannon. Placed in Tier 6 (0/1), this skill causes Pulse Cannon to apply Plasma Cell to affected targets.
    • Rapid Recharge has been redesigned: The skill now reduces the cooldown of Recharge Cells and Reserve Powercell by 15/30 seconds, and increases maximum Energy Regeneration Rate by 1/2 heat/second
    • Assault Plastique has been redesigned: The skill now sticks to the target, detonating upon taking damage for [damage] Kinetic damage and burning the target for [damage] elemental damage over 12 seconds. The target also receives the debuff Tactical Accelerant, causing all burns to deal 25% more damage. Automatically Detonates after 6 seconds.


In addition to these changes, any changes that also affect Mercenary/Commando classes (aka 90% of pyro tree, but not the changes to rain of fire, burnout, and Superheated Flamethrower/Overcharged pulse cannon) will modify said classes.

Also, its a bad idea to put a buff to flamethrower low enough on pyro tree to be obtainable while also being able to obtain Prototype Flamethrower.


Overall, its possible that this may bring Pyrotech into overpoweredness, but who knows.

Though maths I did shows total damage increases from 2.65k parses to 3.3k parses, and with <30% health and 20% armor reduction reaches 3.55k parses up from 2.8k parses

if thats overpowered though...

Edited by TACeMossie
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I like the guy above me's changes, that would probably balance out Pyro PT, but then we also have to think about Mercs. How would these changes affect them? Would it be good or bad?


The idea that Thermal Detonater acts like Weakening Blast is kinda cool, Helps out on burn phases. a minimum of about a 55% crit chance on DoTs while in a burn phase while nice, is kinda OP since Surge is so commonly stacked... How about changing it to a 25% crit chance? That would make it a bit less OP since that's only a 35% crit chance (that's only factoring base crit chance with Agent Buff)


The Jet Charge heat cost was to balance it out, it was either make it a longer CD or make it cost heat. Also for Jet Speed and Flame Surge, Keep it so that Grapple AND Jet Charge are both useable for those. And why didnt you think of my Fuel Spill talent? It's a pretty unique idea, leaping to a target and leaving a trail of fire, it's kinda like the 2 talents in the Engi and Lethality Sniper trees. But not quite.

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