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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Choosing whether or not to do the bonus...

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Just wondering what everyone thinks the etiquette of this is? What I mean is if you get into a group and someone does or does not want to do the bonus. Majority vote? Do you value the opinion of roles that take longer to fill (tank/heal) more?


Maybe I have run into a string of bad luck, but it seems lately when I do not feel like doing the bonus then someone always tries to force it.

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When Im tanking and don't feel like doing bonus, Ill tell the group that i'd prefer to skip but I'll go with majority vote. So if 2-3 people want to do it. Ill take them through bonus. If only 1 person want's bonus I'll go ahead and skip.


i figure when i'm on my DPS and if need of gear exp and comms, I'd appreciate the same courtesy.

Edited by shyninja
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In my opinion and experience, majority rules plain and simple. None of my 55s need the gear from the bonus boss, so I am generally ambivalent.


That being said, a group really has to make a concerted effort to not get the kills necessary for doing the bonus boss (lots of non-combat CC so trash can be avoided); Usually spending as much time avoiding as it would take to just kill the trash in the first place. So the only time you are really saving is the 3-5 minutes killing the bonus boss itself.

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In my opinion and experience, majority rules plain and simple. None of my 55s need the gear from the bonus boss, so I am generally ambivalent.


That being said, a group really has to make a concerted effort to not get the kills necessary for doing the bonus boss (lots of non-combat CC so trash can be avoided); Usually spending as much time avoiding as it would take to just kill the trash in the first place. So the only time you are really saving is the 3-5 minutes killing the bonus boss itself.


I think it depends on the FP. MR bonus is simple, but if you have arch you can speedrun Athis without the bonus.

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Usually spending as much time avoiding as it would take to just kill the trash in the first place. So the only time you are really saving is the 3-5 minutes killing the bonus boss itself.


This is not true, speed run through hammer station does not require any additional effort. If you just run through you will be about 30 kills short for bonus. This is just one example that suggests you have not verified the information you are posting.


last night I was part of a group that zipped through Battle of Ilum in a very short time. We have used some cc but we did reduce the time by significant amount. One DPS did not approve of that and quit the group but it did not have any impact on the result of the run. I would rather speed run any FP twice than do one full run within the same amount of time.


Bottom line, we can agree to disagree and each one of us will do what they seem more appropriate. It is, however not true that you do not save time by avoiding bonus content.

Edited by ELRunninW
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Skipping bonuses on pre-55 normals or HMs often saves quite a bit of time, but on the 4 main 55 HMs it's pretty much the same whether you skip or not, with the exception of groups with double stealth or a really practiced stealther/arch on Athiss.


I'll generally ask the group whether they want to do the bonus or not, and more often than not I'll give my vote over to whoever seems to have the strongest opinion either way. For leveling FPs, I prefer to do the bonus for XP but never complain about skipping since most groups are slow or inexperienced to begin with. For 50 HMs I usually lean towards skipping since they take so long for so little benefit, unless the whole group really wants it. For most 55 HMs I prefer to do the bonus whether I need it or not, since usually at least one person does.

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If I am a tank, I normally call the shots in the flashpoints since if I leave, the group will have to wait for a long time to get a replacement, so if I am short of time, don't need any loot that might drop or just to lazy, I skip bonus. If someone starts complaining I normally just tell them that he is free to leave and find another group, if there is more then one that wants to do it I just tell them to either kick me and do it or finish the current flashpoint without doing the bonus boss. If I am a DPS, I normally just go with whatever the group does be it doing the bonus boss or not, normally people don't do it since the drop is p much crap anyway.
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If I am a tank, I normally call the shots in the flashpoints since if I leave, the group will have to wait for a long time to get a replacement.


See, that is a bad attitude. I have seen Prima Donna tanks leave on their own when they are told they are doing something wrong. Which is amusing since often they are no longer required. Well geared group can complete most of the FP on their own. Some DPS will gladly tank even with an actual tank present in a group :)

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See, that is a bad attitude. I have seen Prima Donna tanks leave on their own when they are told they are doing something wrong. Which is amusing since often they are no longer required. Well geared group can complete most of the FP on their own. Some DPS will gladly tank even with an actual tank present in a group :)


I normally don't do anything wrong, but if I do, I listen to feedback don't think anything else, but when it comes to bonus I am not to happy to farm kills of random adds just to be able to do it and thus waste time.

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This is not true, speed run through hammer station does not require any additional effort. If you just run through you will be about 30 kills short for bonus. This is just one example that suggests you have not verified the information you are posting.


last night I was part of a group that zipped through Battle of Ilum in a very short time. We have used some cc but we did reduce the time by significant amount. One DPS did not approve of that and quit the group but it did not have any impact on the result of the run. I would rather speed run any FP twice than do one full run within the same amount of time.


Bottom line, we can agree to disagree and each one of us will do what they seem more appropriate. It is, however not true that you do not save time by avoiding bonus content.


You cannot compare 50HMFPs and 55HMFPs. in 50HMFPs there is a LOT you can skip just by moving carefully; in BoI you can even skip most of the bosses. That was one of the major complaints about the 50HMFPs.


I have quite literally run all the 55HMFP at least 25 times and in those 100+ runs I can count on one hand the number of times a group was left significantly short on the number of kills needed to do the bonus boss (10 or more). Yes, if you take all the short cuts you can end up significantly short on kills, but very few groups I've ever been in can do all the shortcuts. Good for you if you have a group of friends with all the necessary crew skills and class abilities to skip a lot in the 55HMFPs. The overwhelming majority of us are not so lucky.

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I don't need the gear from bonus on any of my peeps, but when I'm tanking, if at least someone could use the drop, I'll go for bonus boss without getting asked. If I'm healing/dpsing I'll say "sure" if someone asks.

If I see noone could benefit from it, I'll ask if we're skipping it.

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If I am a tank, I normally call the shots in the flashpoints since if I leave, the group will have to wait for a long time to get a replacement, so if I am short of time, don't need any loot that might drop or just to lazy, I skip bonus. If someone starts complaining I normally just tell them that he is free to leave and find another group, if there is more then one that wants to do it I just tell them to either kick me and do it or finish the current flashpoint without doing the bonus boss. If I am a DPS, I normally just go with whatever the group does be it doing the bonus boss or not, normally people don't do it since the drop is p much crap anyway.


If you're so short on time that a bonus boss would kill your scedule you might shouldn't run any FPs ... just an idea.


To the topic:


If anyone needs the possible loot, or majority agrees on doing bonus I do it, no matter if I tank, heal or dps. Of course it is easier to go for bonus while I tank :p

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Ran Cad the other night via group finder. It paired me up with 3 members from another guild. Got to the end and randomly they decided to do bonus. I found backtracking annoying. Can't understand why people couldn't voice their opinion before we passed it...


But, that''s the perils of group finder. You can get paired with 2+ people from the same guild who know if you don't do what they want they can just kick you.

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  • 1 month later...
See, that is a bad attitude. I have seen Prima Donna tanks leave on their own when they are told they are doing something wrong. Which is amusing since often they are no longer required. Well geared group can complete most of the FP on their own. Some DPS will gladly tank even with an actual tank present in a group :)


Agreed. Definite bad attitude.


I believe it's majority rules when the bonus comes into question. If it's split down the middle, I'd say skip it.

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You cannot compare 50HMFPs and 55HMFPs. in 50HMFPs there is a LOT you can skip just by moving carefully; in BoI you can even skip most of the bosses. That was one of the major complaints about the 50HMFPs.


I have quite literally run all the 55HMFP at least 25 times and in those 100+ runs I can count on one hand the number of times a group was left significantly short on the number of kills needed to do the bonus boss (10 or more).


You've got ten fingers on one hand? MUTANT!!!


Seriously, I don't need the bonus on at least my top 4 alts any more but if 1 person does then I'm happy to do it. It's not like they present a challenge or lead to wipes any more (like they did just after ROTHC release)

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