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Pleasure speeder buyable?


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Did I read that correctly? The parts that took me a month to find, are now sellable/buyable on gtn?? If so this is very disappointing. To take something that required so much time to find, luck to find, and just turn around and make it buyable by everyone is just a slap in the face. Bad move bioware, bad move. :mad:
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Did I read that correctly? The parts that took me a month to find, are now sellable/buyable on gtn?? If so this is very disappointing. To take something that required so much time to find, luck to find, and just turn around and make it buyable by everyone is just a slap in the face. Bad move bioware, bad move. :mad:


Read again, pleasure speeder is still GSI limited (witch I understand as BoP/BoL) - but parts for other ones (Explorer & Exploiter) that could be sell even before (via general/trade offers and secure trade) now can go to GTN.

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Did I read that correctly? The parts that took me a month to find, are now sellable/buyable on gtn?? If so this is very disappointing. To take something that required so much time to find, luck to find, and just turn around and make it buyable by everyone is just a slap in the face. Bad move bioware, bad move. :mad:

Mmm, slaps in the face. Better than donuts.


Assuming you're serious, yet more proof that no matter what it is, someone will complain about it. Character A having item X, or how it got item X, has no affect on your characters having item X.


Reading also helps:


The Galactic Trade Network has had an inventory audit and now accepts GSI Speeder parts. (The Pleasure Speeder Visual Amplification Device remains exclusively in GSI's control.)
Edited by branmakmuffin
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Did I read that correctly? The parts that took me a month to find, are now sellable/buyable on gtn?? If so this is very disappointing. To take something that required so much time to find, luck to find, and just turn around and make it buyable by everyone is just a slap in the face. Bad move bioware, bad move. :mad:


I confer upon thee the much sought-after and coveted title, The Slapped-in-the-Face. Henceforth thou shalt be known as Limp_Newdle, The Slapped-in-the-Face.

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And it still means SOMEONE dug up the piece.

Exactly, someone still has to spend all that boring time to find the pieces before they can be sold to others. I'm happy for this change because I have two of the same damn piece on one character (and a second piece on another who downed Golden Fury) so now I can pass pieces to characters I actually want them on.

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Did I read that correctly? The parts that took me a month to find, are now sellable/buyable on gtn?? If so this is very disappointing. To take something that required so much time to find, luck to find, and just turn around and make it buyable by everyone is just a slap in the face. Bad move bioware, bad move. :mad:


I don't get you on this? You are saying that players should not be able to harvest and freely trade solo foraged content?


You are playing the wrong MMO if that is how you feel.

Edited by Andryah
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Players could ALWAYS trade these you know. Now they can do it via GTN rather then face to face.


Actually... no.


The Explorer and Exploiter speeder parts could be traded. I've sold several sets myself, good way to make at least some good money after the hours spent out scavenging.


The Pleasure Speeder parts, though. Those were Bind on Pickup. Before this patch, the ONLY way to get the Pleasure speeder was to actually go to the four different planets and use the seeker droid until you found the pleasure speeder part for that planet.


It was a hard-to-get thing that really took effort. Now it's something you can buy with credits on the GTN.


Some people just want something that says "look at what I accomplished". I know I'm that way. I'd have preferred if the pleasure speeder remained really rare and required actually going out and doing the seeking. That said, I did buy the last piece I needed (haven't started scanning on Alderaan yet), and I don't really plan to use it. I collect speeders, and I like achievements, so I'll get it. I would have preferred if it would remain hard-to-get, but oh well.


Now, if the pleasure speeder is going to be treated just like the Explorer and Exploiter, it had better not be the "special treasure" in the scanning areas anymore.

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I'm reading the patch notes and looking at the 14 pages of pleasure speeders parts on the GTN and the only conclusion I can reach is....


They've done borked it up AGAIN. Another patch, another plethora of stuff broken or not working as intended. Awesome job Bioware, just stellar.

Edited by aeterno
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I find it very disappointing that Pleasure Speeder pieces can now be listed on the GTN. Letting the Explorer and Exploiter pieces be listed should have happened a long time ago but taking the binds off the Pleasure Speeder pieces was a terrible idea. It was one of the few things left in this game that people actually have to work for and now, like just about everything else, you can just buy them. I wouldn't have been opposed to changing the Pleasure Speeder pieces to BOL like the Visual Amplification Device but completely removing the binds is ridiculous.


What makes this even more silly is that yesterday I dug up an Improved Field Tech's Blaster Pistol and it was BOP. Crappy oranges you dig up are BOP but now the Pleasure Speeder pieces aren't? Makes zero sense to me.

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Assuming you're serious, yet more proof that no matter what it is, someone will complain about it. Character A having item X, or how it got item X, has no affect on your characters having item X.


That may be true in single player games, but a big part of an MMO is presentation and representation. The items have an internal value to the one using it, but also an external, representative value.


Titles are meant to show off significant achievements or steps in your journey. And just like titles, certain items represent an achievement, i.e. special speeder drops, armor, weapons etc. It's also the nature of things that the representative value decreases over time as it becomes easier to obtain the item (like title "The Infernal" or Karagga's silly hat).


We have so many cosmetic fun items that can be bought with coins and credits, that it'd be nice if some items would remain a representation of the wearer/user actually playing the game, or a certain part of the game. (For example, the Kell Dragon armor has been confirmed to remain exclusive to Nightmare Mode operations, retaining its representative value.)


Many representative items represent combat achievements on a particular difficulty level. The seeker droid items (armor sets) and the pleasure speeder in particular were some of the few items that represented dedication without requiring particular combat skills and as such were a way for less combat focused players to still get an exclusive item through their preferred flavor of game play.



(That's just my version of what I think is behind the "complaining". Personally, I understand both the disappointment over the decreased representative value of the items and the natural development of it happening. I love this particular speeder base model and look forward to equipping all my characters with it faster than expected.)

Edited by KyaniteD
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Letting Pleasure parts into GTN is BAD idea BECAUSE other speeders (looted - rewarded) are BOP

Make them all BOE and then letting pleasure into GTN is GOOD


and by-the-way WHY didnt you make BOE and the 2 armor sets from seeker droid? HUH?!?!?!?!

Edited by Kissakias
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That may be true in single player games, but a big part of an MMO is presentation and representation. The items have an internal value to the one using it, but also an external, representative value.

I guarantee you no one else cares what gear your character has. The only person you are impressing is yourself. You know how "hard" you "worked' to get item X. So be content.


It was a hard-to-get thing that really took effort.

You mean you had to sit in a chair in front of a computer and click a mouse? My god, man, that borders on Herculean.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Now, if the pleasure speeder is going to be treated just like the Explorer and Exploiter, it had better not be the "special treasure" in the scanning areas anymore.


Wait. It still requires one rep based item that you have to purchase, right?


Pleasure Speeder Visual Amplification Device – GSI reputation vendor on Nar Shaddaa (12k credits and requires Champion standing to purchase) http://dulfy.net/2013/04/20/swtor-gsi-speeder-guide/


You cannot just buy and assemble all the parts right there at the GTN terminal. Yeah, they removed the random_scavenger portions of the requirement.. though scavenging off the GTN has been actual mats scavenging in this MMO since day one. But you still need to grind up the rep.

Edited by Andryah
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Everybody who is complaining about this needs to stop and think a minute (or re-read a couple of posts)...someone still has to take the time to dig up the parts for them to be listed on the GTN. Win-win, those who want the speeders but don't want to waste time digging can now buy the parts from those who don't want the speeders but dug up the parts while digging for whatever. So someone gets the speeder while the others get money as recompense for their digging time. Considering how many parts I saw listed on the GTN on my server, I'd say quite a few folks are happy about the change. Not everyone thinks the Pleasure Speeder looks good and now they can make a nice profit from the parts they had.
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I guarantee you no one else cares what gear your character has. The only person you are impressing is yourself. You know how "hard" you "worked' to get item X. So be content.


Oh, read my post again. *I* am content. I only wrote what I thought may be the reason and only spoke for myself (and you should do the same because with this "guarantee" you discredit your own argument). Read the forums.

Just because someone cares, doesn't mean everyone cares. And just because someone else does not care, doesn't mean no one cares.


The fact that people want items to be rare or exclusive is a pretty good indicator that they do care if someone else has a rare or exclusive item. If the "contented resting in the knowledge of our achievements" were a universal truth for all MMO players, MMOs would have a lot less business.

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The fact that people want items to be rare or exclusive is a pretty good indicator that they do care if someone else has a rare or exclusive item. If the "contented resting in the knowledge of our achievements" were a universal truth for all MMO players, MMOs would have a lot less business.

Yes, they care for themselves because they think others care. Special snowflake shinies eventually make their way into the mainstream of the undeserving rabble. To be replaced by new special snowflake shinies. But still no one else cares.

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Yes, they care for themselves because they think others care. Special snowflake shinies eventually make their way into the mainstream of the undeserving rabble. To be replaced by new special snowflake shinies. But still no one else cares.



when i had the pleasure speeder in my server i get so many gratz in tells

and others for other items / achivements

its not only for ourselfs but are a lot of others that do care and try for same goals, trust me there are A LOT of ppl that try hard for some items / achivements

so dont judge from your point of view only

if none really cares for others then the CC wouldnt exist and other things in MMOs

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