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Darth Thanaton runs the PT gauntlet!


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I'd like to point this out to everyone who holds this misconception.


Nox did not need the Sith to take Thanaton down, she needed them to survive. The spirits were a SHIELD against his Cocoon-Like attack, Zash herself calls it a shield, nothing more.


It was likely the case that his Cocoon attack was a rare feat, known to few, with no defense. That's why we only see her enter the ritual state when he uses it.

I think that you are confused about this matter.


Darth Nox and Darth Thanaton fought each other 3 times:-


1st clash: Darth Nox (bolstered by the might of one Darth) vs. Darth Thanaton



From Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia


With Darth Zash subdued, the Sith Inquisitor inherits her power base and becomes a Sith Lord. But the Inquisitor nearly looses everything after being caught in a trap devised by Darth Thanaton, a supremely powerful Sith and harsh traditionalist who bristles at the idea of a former slave rising to sudden influence. To combat Thanaton's insurmountable strength, the inquisitor learns the ritual of Force-walking and gains power by consuming the energy of Darth Andru, a seething Force spirit locked away on Dromund Kaas. Fueled by the ghost's power, the inquisitor confronts Thanaton - only to be eradicated by the superior Sith's dark sorcery.



2nd clash: Darth Nox (bolstered by the might of several Darth or Lords) vs. Darth Thanaton



From Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia


The inquisitor plots revenge. Kallig, the inquisitor's ghostly ancestor, advises her to seek out more spirits in preparation of a second duel against Darth Thanaton. The inquisitor explores the far reaches of the galaxy to bind the power of more Sith apparitions. Along the way, the inquisitor amasses more allies and even takes on an apprentice, the former Jedi Padawan Ashara Zavros. Seething with the rage, strength, and passions of fallen Sith, the inquisitor once again challenges Darth Thanaton. Though Thanaton struggles against the inquisitor's increased might, a sudden explosion of Force energy ends the battle and casts the inquisitor into darkness.



3rd clash (final): Darth Nox (bolstered by the might of several Darth or Lords with absolute control of her vast powers / possessions) vs. Darth Thanaton



From Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia


The Sith inquisitor recovers from the violent explosion. Darth Thanaton escapes in the blast while inquisitor's allies save their wounded Master from the rubble. The explosion that nearly destroyed them all was sparked by the uncontainable power of the Force spirits bound within the inquisitor, Now the inquisitor suffers from a crippling sickness that will prove more devastating - if Thanaton doesn't land the killing blow first.


The inquisitor explores the far reaches of the galaxy in search of cure. Meanwhile, news arrives that Darth Thanaton has ascended to the Dark Council and now wields sufficient power to wipe the Inquisitor from the galaxy, The inquisitor ultimately cures the sickness to subdue the once-overwhelming Force spirits and wield them as a weapon against Thanaton.


Darth Thanaton declares an ancient Sith rite known as a "Kaggath" to challenge his rival in a duel. Wielding the combined might of the Sith spirits, the inquisitor confronts Darth Thanaton on Corellia, defeats his allies in battle, and forces Thanaton to flee for safety. It is in the Dark Council chambers on Korriban that the Sith Inquisitor finally corners Thanaton and utterly destroys the once supreme Sith while the Dark Council bears witness. At their behest, the inquisitor takes Thanaton's seat, becomes a Darth, and joins the most powerful Sith in the Empire to rule as a member of the Dark Council.



Notice the power progression of Darth Nox in each case?


Darth Thanaton was so powerful that even the most senior and domineering member of the Dark Council, Darth Marr, thought that it would be unlikely for him to witness his demise. However, Darth Nox emerged as an anomaly, an absolute master of Sith Sorcery based dark arts, who significantly bolstered his power by consuming and harnessing the power of other dark side entities in remarkable ways, becoming seemingly unstoppable in the process.


As pointed out by me earlier:


Darth Thanaton is canonically an incredibly powerful Force-user and among the Empire's top warriors; likely among the most powerful Sith Lords of the mythos (galactic history).


Darth Nox managed to defeat such a powerful Sith Lord on the basis of his incredible command of dark sorcery; Nox used the Force walking technique to significantly bolster his power with combined might of several "powerful" Sith and/or dark side practitioners of different eras, essentially approaching "super-strong Strike Team" power level(s), this on top of his body being permanently enhanced by a Rakatan device.




Thanaton is likely to destroy every single opponent in this contest; not even the legendary Count holds a candle to such a powerful Sith Lord, IMO. Thanaton not just wielded incredible raw power but he is/was proficient even in the matters of Sorcery.


Please keep in mind that SITH INQUISITOR storyline represents competition between two (absolute) masters of the Force. Darh Thanaton and Darth Nox are unprecedentedly powerful dark side practitioners whom only few can match and/or exceed in the entire mythos.


SITH INQUISITOR storyline = Masters of the Force

SITH WARRIOR storyline = Experts of combat

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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