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Darth Thanaton runs the PT gauntlet!


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I think he may be able to get past Anakin, but only by the skin of his teeth. This would be the same case if he made it to Fisto. Kolar will give him trouble, but I think Thanaton has the Force power to get past him.


IF he reaches Sora Bulq, Thanaton is a dead man walking. Sora Bulq is an immensely skilled swordsman, and has no qualms with telekinetically thrashing his opponents.


And obviously Dooku would dominate Thanaton.


I don't see Thanaton beating Fisto, though. So I think he stops there.

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Darth Thanaton feats:


has destroyed a large metallic statue with force lightning


has subdued a lenico gargantuan with, you guessed it, force lightning


Has used lightning to fly like iron man


Has used a ritual that can be performed mid-combat


has created a FLS to try and subdue darth nox, which radiated (seemingly) a maelstrom of energy.


Is an ample lightsaber duelist, which used to be his specialty


Defeated Exal Kressh


Defeated his former master when still his apprentice

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OK people, prepare to be brought crashing down to the harsh reality i.e. don't underestimate Thanaton:


TPM Kenobi - would be thoroughly schooled, as a Padawan he is simply not strong enough to resist Thanaton's power, there will be no battle, Thanaton will just kill him on the spot. Like


AoTC Anakin - is also handily defeated, just look at how he fared against Dooku's lightning. Again as a Padawan he simply won't stand a chance against Thanaton, and will be destroyed in short order.


Kit Fisto - as a Jedi Consular he might put up more a fight, but his abilities in the Force fail to surpass Thanaton's. Now Kit Fisto may be able to press a lightsaber engagement. However Thanaton is a more than capable duelist himself and Fisto's weaknesses against single opponents will work against him. Fisto loses.


Agen Kolar - will give Thanaton more of a struggle, being an strong single opponent duelist. However he's not much more capable of defeating Thanaton than Fisto, whose Force abilities more than make up for any talents he lacks in lightsaber combat. Nor can I see Thanaton being phased by a chained Force push. Kolar loses also.


Sora Bulq - is incredibly vulnerable to Thanaton's Force powers, being a Juyo specialist. And has been frequently subdued by the likes of Dooku and Windu. Indeed a single blast of Dooku's Force lightning was enough to render him unconscious and a single Force push that blasted him into a pile of rubble also knocked him unconscious. Not a very good track record when going up against someone who can produce maelstroms of Force lightning. Sora Bulq is completely overwhelmed and dies.


Count Dooku - the boss! Obviously Thanaton's most difficult fight, however I'm still confident that Thanaton would win. Dooku is most certainly a powerful Sith Lord but his displays in Force lightning are grossly surpassed by Thanaton's. Dooku is most certainly the superior duelist, but Thanaton is perfectly capable of pushing a Force based engagement - one in which Dooku will inevitably lose.


Thanaton successfully runs the gauntlet, showing those PT folk who's boss.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Did you really just say that Thanaton is the weakest member of the Dark Council?


Firstly, he was the new guy aswell.


Secondly, yes. He was bested by Darth Nox, who is supposedly the weakest member of the Council. She did not use the ghosts in their actual duel, she only entered the Ritual state when he put her in that Cocoon type thing...


If she's the weakest when he's dead, yet bested him twice, then he's the weakest when he's alive... Unless I'm missing something here.

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Firstly, he was the new guy aswell.


Secondly, yes. He was bested by Darth Nox, who is supposedly the weakest member of the Council. She did not use the ghosts in their actual duel, she only entered the Ritual state when he put her in that Cocoon type thing...


If she's the weakest when he's dead, yet bested him twice, then he's the weakest when he's alive... Unless I'm missing something here.

The first is true, the rest are assumptions on the most baseless of levels.


The weakest member of the Dark Council is most likely Darth Vowrawn - given how utterly defenseless he was against Baras' agents. On the other hand as the head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge Thanaton is most likely one of the most powerful members, given his deep understanding of the Force. On the other hand various individuals such as Arho, Vengean and Decimus just seem like brutes with a lightsaber, lacking the command of the Force that Thanaton possesses and has profusely displayed.


In terms of Darth Nox, defeating Darth Thanaton would make him one of the most powerful members also. And I fully expect he could take on and defeat the majority of its members (even the game mechanics support this.)


And finally, Darth Nox uses the ghosts all the time. Hence why he was capable of actually matching Thanaton's power throughout the duel while before he was subdued with ease. We don't see him going all glowy eyes on Coreillia do we?


And then of course we are forgetting that 1. the Dark Council comprises of the eleven most powerful members of the Sith Empire, which consists of legions of Sith and 2. that titles and assumptions are not any basis for constructive debate, instead we should look to abilities and accomplishments, Thanaton in that respect surpasses Dooku.

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Count Dooku - the boss! Obviously Thanaton's most difficult fight, however I'm still confident that Thanaton would win. Dooku is most certainly a powerful Sith Lord but his displays in Force lightning are grossly surpassed by Thanaton's. Dooku is most certainly the superior duelist, but Thanaton is perfectly capable of pushing a Force based engagement - one in which Dooku will inevitably lose.


Much to learn, you still have...

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Darth thanaton, vs this string of peeps, with full rest in between. How far does he get? Fight takes place on the Invisible Hand, where Dooku was slain at the hands of Anakin Skywalker


1. TPM Obi Wan

2. AotC Anakin

3. Kit fisto

4. Agen Kolar

5. Sora Bulq

Boss: Count dooku


Kills all of them.

Kit Fisto and Obi Wan wouldn't stand a chance AT ALL vs a Dark Council member.Thanaton will be impressed by Dooku but nevertheless kills him obviously.Sora Bulq is a joke next to him.

Edited by Kaedusz
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I love it when people always say the PT Jedi are stronger than those before them, If you looked at it on a position basis, and same for sith.... Yet a Jedi Council member is supposedly weaker than a Dark Council member in this argument...


And apparently the Order's greatest student is outclassed by the weakest Dark Council member :rolleyes:

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