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Sniper problems on Tatooine


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I admit I tend to rush on to the next planet rather too quickly. This often leads to problems with a character who is stuck on a planet with no viable missions :(


However, my Sniper seemed to be doing really well. She found Naa Shaddaa fairly easy and completed almost all of the non-Heroic missions there. The previous planet (Taris? ) also went well, including the Bonus series.


Then she arrived on Tatooine. Every mission she has is a level 25. So is she.


Two of the missions she tried lead to meeting a level 25 Elite. One of these she got close but could not defeat the enemy. The other one was visibly healing, even with my Sniper hitting as hard as she could. Clearly she is not going to do that one any time soon.


These are not listed as Heroic or group - they are normal, single-person missions.


How could she get through the previous worlds so easily and then be sent to this one with all missions completely out of reach? I already have a Jedi at level 24 who cannot complete her Story mission and has no other missions to try. Now I have a Sniper who is also stuck.


Unless I can find some friendly people to help both characters are now stuck. Even worse, the Jedi is on some empty asteroid with no chance of any help.


Oh well, on to the next character - I do have 12 of them so far :cool:

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I think the problem here would most likely be your gear. Check to see if your gear is leveled up with your character, or at least a portion of your gear is.


I always have underleveled gear on my character, but I always keep a few items at my characters level.


Right now on my trooper for example, I have a level 11 generator, and level 15 boots and vambraces. Everything else is in the 20's (my character is level 25) and I'm finding my missions to be fairly easy (I'm also a bit overleveled atm, so I will take that into account as well).


When I find my gear is underleveled, I run a few FP's and find it easier to either get gear, or overlevel myself that way, making missions on those planets extremely easy in the long run.

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I only tried an FP once. For some reason the others threw me out of the group just before we reached the end.


I still don't understand why they did that, but that sort of soured the idea of FPs for me. This was using one of my Smugglers, not the Jedi or the Sniper.


As for the equipment, I do upgrade as often as any better items are dropped or given as rewards. I also have some adaptive items, although it is hard to get my Crafter (a different character) to craft items high enough to keep those higher than the stuff that drops anyway.

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Out of my 6 characters, none of them can craft anything above level 16 mods. I still manage to keep my gear a bit leveled up.


Also, don't let one incident soil the whole thing for you. I've lost count of the amount of times I been kicked for not DPSing right. Or not tanking right. Or not healing right. (apparently healing the tank and keeping your other teamates from dying is not how a healer works.)


If you have a high enough alt, try running dailies in the Black Hole (I think thats what it's called..) and buy mods or modded armor that way.


I highly recommend FP's though if you can't craft or afford to buy mods from the GTN ( I can't do either one of those) as it's a pretty easy way to get moddable gear. And if you don't like the way the gear looks, just rip out the mods.


Edit: I also find that mission reward gear isn't good enough to keep you alive, as it doesn't give you gear often enough. Imo at least.

Edited by IamTurian
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A sniper is a glass cannon until you get your defensive cooldowns and until you get the gear (or skill) to play your class well, you have to let your companion take the brunt of the beating.


Instead of opening up straight away when the gold (elite mob) spawns, let your companion wail on them for 5-10s and then open up your salvo. That way, if it is a close fight, your companion will drop down to ~20-30% before you pull off them.



If nothing else, use your heroic moment and medpacks to give you the edge. The first 2 golds on tatooine we're kinda scary as well when i leveled up my sniper (first toon ever) but after them... it was a breeze until the monstertruck of belsavis arrived.

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Thanks - I will give them another go.


Oddly enough, it does feel really hurtful when you get booted out of a group, even by total strangers :eek:


Even more odd is that I have always had good fun in ordinary groups. Maybe different people make up FP groups compared with normal groups in the main part of the game ;)

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It can be tough sometimes finding a decent group that knows what it's doing/has done the flashpoint before. If I find I am dying more often than I should be (an occasional death is normal imo) then I just leave and continue doing what I was. I'm almost always queued up for FP's though lol.
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just skip those missions and do the other ones nearby instead to get better gear and more comfortable with your class.


as for fps... you never know who you may find there and some of them can be real d-bags. Just ignore em and try again. Dont let some randoms ruin your day.

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Google the names of the elite bosses and see if you can find a guide on beating them. I'll bet money that it has more to do with knowing when to interrupt than anything.


Level 25 is about when they start throwing in bosses that have abilities that need to be interrupted. You can't get by just DPS'ing anymore. Like with the healer boss: attack him as normal business watch for the healing cast and interrupt it, then continue your attacks. Repeat till he falls.

Once you know the right time to interrupt, heal yourself, and attack them the battles become pretty easy.

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