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Scoundrel Set Bonus Discussion


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this is an unrealistic request, because i seriously doubt they'd give us a set bonus that rewards us for walking into an AOE while in stealth.


the numbers are unimportant, i'm just guessing as to what we could expect if we got such a bonus based on other similar bonuses.


hmm i dont really think it's unrealistic and it would'nt really encourage anyone to go all kamikaze just for some extra damage.. but it would however help you out a tiny bit for a couple of seconds if you do get caught.. and also DF does'nt rely as much on SF as scrapper does so that would pretty much force them to use it.

Edited by hallucigenocide
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+15% crit chance for back blast OR +x% damage for x seconds after using shoot first?


With consideration to our general squishiness and restealthing problems and how infrequently I get to use SF, particularly with the coming arenas, I prefer the same old back blast crit buff. It wasn't broke and didn't need fixing, imo. The damage after SF buff would just increase our ill perceived 1v1 power and flood the forums with tears.


But if they are set on giving us something new...Another possible 4 piece damage set bonus that would be fun would be something like:


  • Back Blast reduces the active cooldown of Sabotage Charge by 5 seconds.

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I like the idea of Upper Hand buffing our crit level as well. I'd be curious to see how much that would really help (I am not a numbers person, so I'm not even sure how you'd run that), but it'd be better than we have now, that's for sure. You'd probably want to put that on the four piece bonus, though, so savvy healers don't grab that for more crit on their heals.


I'm also interested in the reducing healing for a two piece, at least for the PVP set. I think that and the added crit from UH would help a lot in PVP. That or some kind of DR or buff for one of our defensive abilities would help round out some of our issues.

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Field Medic PvE



  • 2-piece Increases the healing done by Recuperative Nanotech or Kolto Cloud by 15%
  • 4-piece Increases the Critical Hit chance of Kolto Pack or Kolto Infusion by 45%
  • 4-piece Reduces the cost of Kolto Pack or Kolto Infusion by 20



the numbers are properly a bit too high but u get my idea



Field Medic PvP



  • 2-piece Reduces the Cooldown of Triage by 2 and Increases the healing
    generated by Psych meds by 200%
  • 4-piece Increases the healing done by Recuperative Nanotech or Kolto Cloud by 15%




Edited by IamWICKED
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Why restrict this to scoundrel? Why not make it for every class?


It could easily be made so there are 5 set bonus's per class (3 for each advanced class with one shared), though the ideas might be a bit difficult to get together.


But for now, Ill simply go along with this thread:


  • Field Medic
    • 2-Piece Reduces the energy cost of Recuperative Nanotech or Kolto Cloud by 4
    • 4-Piece Increases the Critical Hit chance of Diagnostic Scan by 15%



Field Medic:

2-Piece I liked your idea for 2-piece better

4-Piece Means that if you are running low on energy and thus using Diagnostic Scan to build up energy again, you get the energy back quicker via crits.


I thought Op/Scoundrel healing had the easiest resource management of the 3 healing classes. I heal with a commando and sorcerer at lvl 55 and while my operative is only lvl 33 and only done lowbie flashpoints, it's been really easy so far and I still very much learning the class.

These 2 new suggested bonuses seem aimed to improve something that is already powerful. Without experience on healing operations, not sure what to buff though,

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I thought Op/Scoundrel healing had the easiest resource management of the 3 healing classes. I heal with a commando and sorcerer at lvl 55 and while my operative is only lvl 33 and only done lowbie flashpoints, it's been really easy so far and I still very much learning the class.

These 2 new suggested bonuses seem aimed to improve something that is already powerful. Without experience on healing operations, not sure what to buff though,


Exactly. Since coming up with something to buff without breaking it is very hard, I went with plan B: Modify their bonus's:


Bonus one gives an increase to Nanotech/Kolto Cloud's healing, while instead this gives a bonus to the energy cost by dropping it.

Bonus two gives an increase to max energy, while instead this gives a bonus to crits on Diagnostic Scan, due to the energy return on crits it provided.


Similar effects, but better off.

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