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Petition to ban the use of the word "Toon" when referring to your character


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When I started playing this game, I was a little frustrated at people calling their characters toons, but I've just learned to accept it, its their game too. Anyway, I can't really complain, I call all my characters alts. Even if it's one of my mains. :D
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i've never played Guild Wars or GW2, so no idea how that applies...

i'm curious though as to how and when this trend started... i don't recall people ever saying it back when i played MMORPGs a lot, i then took about a 3 or 4 year break and went to one player games only cause i got fed up with all the rampant Player Killing going on in MMORPGs at that period... i then come back to the format and now people call their characters toons and there's a separation of PvE & PvP gear in almost every MMO...

note back when i played a lot i didn't play American MMOs like WoW & EQ, i played Korean & Japanese MMOs, like Ragnarök , MU, and a ton of others i don't remember the names of anymore...


Using the word "toon" to refer to your character has been around since Everquest at least. I started playing EQ in 2001 and it was already in use.


Also, someone else was talking about the word "mob" being used incorrectly, not realizing that 'mob" is actually short for the word "mobile" which was coined in the really early MUDs.


Back in the early MMO days, there were no voice chats so a lot of things were shortened. Some meanings persisted while others dropped off. We don't call people who kill others in open world PvP PKers (player killers) anymore. They are gankers. Those that take an item and anger someone else are ninjas even though that's not what word originally meant in terms of gaming.


MMOs have their own language that is always evolving. I find it fascinating, rather than irritating. Though I have to say I sorely dislike shortening "character" to "char" because it looks like another word (to char wood) and sounds like yet another (I do care) so I won't use it.

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i don't see why peoeple just won't type in chats "Char" short for character


can't expect everyone to do what you would do, and I don't see the harm in saying toon at all, this whole thread features a ridiculous argument over something that makes no sense. I am shocked at the number of responses of what is clearly a troll

Edited by Sangrar
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Next on the list, petition to ban using "u mad" and "bro" in any way shape or form.

Side effect of this petition is that people might actually have to think of something to say and in turn, become slightly more intelligent




Maybe we can add this guys thread to the petition?

Why does everyone keep saying "one shotted?"


Because in both cases, I believe the answer lies here:

Education and Gaming


I'm an old skool gamer (45) and never was much for following the herd where it can be avoided.

I do use the term "toon" to describe my character and feel silly as hell saying it.

But it just makes it easier to use the adopted, universal term and be on the same page with people I'm conversing with.

I could be a rebel and just start referring to my charater as : MCGSROHISMITFE

(my computer generated self representation of how i'd see myself in this fantasy environment.)

but "toon" uses less brain cells.

At 45, I'm holding on to whatever I have left


Edited by -iDisOrder-
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I'm an old skool gamer (45) and never was much for following the herd where it can be avoided. I do use the term "toon" to describe my character and feel silly as hell saying it.

But it just makes it easier to use the adopted, universal term and be on the same page with people I'm conversing with.

I think everyone understands what "character" (or "char," if "character" has too many letters to type) means. If you feel silly using "toon," don't.

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