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I'll raise you Treek... or C2N2 if that's what you're into.


I can throw in HK-51...Two of them in fact!


And both ship droids...


I'm even willing to throw in Holiday!


If girls aren't your thing...Tharan to keep! Vik too...You can't have Jorgan..he's my second in command....


You can even have Gault who will find a way to make you even more money. :)

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That's what death matches are for! We get those with 2.4...Although, technically there is an objective which is to kill the enemy team.


No no no, SM PvP will feature the republic warzone simulation announcer ("Isn't this fun?"), where he will tell everyone what a special snowflake they are. Because the abilities in this game are overly-complicated (I need to have 30 keybinds? REALLY???), everyone will be limited to 4 abilities. Also, there will be no healers because healers are impossible to kill.


I'll give you one credit and Mako for the night...Or if you'd prefer, Risha.


I'll even throw in Dorne, who you can keep since she annoys me...You can also have Skadge as your new training dummy.


No. I have treek now she keeps me company.


Ah yes, the whole if it's in the game then it's legit mentality. At least they seemed to be informing BW of potential exploits where as other people would stay quiet so they can be the only ones taking advantage of them.


It looks better for them to inform BW about it versus the rest of us commenting on how odd it was for them to be wearing ****** green gear in warzones that gave them better stats. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought ID discovered the exploit.


And you know, even if your whole guild where to transfer there's no guarantee you will all stick together.


There where a few guilds that transferred to PoT5 that ended up having issues...In fact, I really haven't seen much of the people who transferred from SL on PoT5 these days.


There where also the people that almost immediately left the guild they transferred with to head over to established guilds on PoT5. :confused:


Exactly... these reasons alone were enough to keep us from transferring. No doubt about it, the competition on SL isn't as good as it used to be. So instead of trying to regain that competitiveness by building up player skill, someone suggested that anyone that's good simply leave the server.


As it stands, Death Smile has been committed to helping other guilds, especially when it came to ranked 8v8. Freq in particular has helped a few guilds by giving feedback and advice. But for every player that wants to learn and improve, there are five that think they're great despite being rubbish.

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No no no, SM PvP will feature the republic warzone simulation announcer ("Isn't this fun?"), where he will tell everyone what a special snowflake they are. Because the abilities in this game are overly-complicated (I need to have 30 keybinds? REALLY???), everyone will be limited to 4 abilities. Also, there will be no healers because healers are impossible to kill.


Oh man...I haven't heard the republic simulation announcer in a looooooooong time...Not like the imp announcer is much better.


Nah, merc healers can stay.




No. I have treek now she keeps me company.

But...what about a tauntaun?


Oh...you can borrow my sent's pale rakling!


I can even throw in a bunch of rakghoul DNA samples...or 100 tokens of enrichment.


Treek is the best part about being on a PvP server...I get to smash her for 11k+.



It looks better for them to inform BW about it versus the rest of us commenting on how odd it was for them to be wearing ****** green gear in warzones that gave them better stats. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought ID discovered the exploit.


Not sure if they found it out...I just know they liked to stay on top of exploits and pretty much anything that affects PvP.


A few people where using green gear when it was BiS. Then it was lvl 54 crafted artifact gear. Thing is, both of them where extremely easy for everyone to get. So if everyone wore them, people would be on even level stat wise.


I would think using /stuck and using a body type 1 toon to cap in NC would be more serious issues.


People in ID where also encouraging everyone to "exploit" to force BW to hurry up and fix things. It actually did make sense and technically everyone would be on even footing in WZs. Personally, I'd consider it more of an issue if they where trying to hide exploits and denying everything.


They did keep saying they where willing to make gentleman's agreements...Did anyone take them up on that?


Don't get me wrong, I don't really agree with using exploits just because they're there. If it's not intended, I think it's better for everyone not to do it. I just try to look at things from the other side of the fence. And really, the best way to make sure no one exploits is to make sure they can't.


Exactly... these reasons alone were enough to keep us from transferring. No doubt about it, the competition on SL isn't as good as it used to be. So instead of trying to regain that competitiveness by building up player skill, someone suggested that anyone that's good simply leave the server.


PoT5 was great the first two months after transfers...Then BW said they where going to remove 2.4 and things slowed down. Though, I do feel as if WZs on PoT5 still feel a little less one sided than what I was experiencing here.


I also get distracted by open world PvP.


But yea, suggesting that guilds or people transfer doesn't exactly help the PvP situation on any server. I mean, I can understand the frustration that players may have, but, it's probably not going to help anything. Mind you, sometimes you really just have to do what makes you and even your guild happy.


I was feeling bitter here, so, I transferred most of my imps which actually did help. Right now, I'm just disheartened with how things have slowed down. I'm hoping things pick up again when 2.4 goes live. But who the hell knows.




But for every player that wants to learn and improve, there are five that think they're great despite being rubbish


Olol...Yea, seen quite a bit of that here.


You know, they are great PvPers, it's everyone else who sucks. I've even known people who go so far as to rage at their own guild mates.

Edited by Dedrayge
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Oh man...I haven't heard the republic simulation announcer in a looooooooong time...Not like the imp announcer is much better.


The female warzone simulation announcer sounds hot because she's all like... british. More like warzone stimulation announcer (because she gives me a chubby, even if we lose).


*** were we talking about again?


oh yeah, if you're going to mez someone, at least honor your own mez by not breaking it 1.5s after you cast it.

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The female warzone simulation announcer sounds hot because she's all like... british. More like warzone stimulation announcer (because she gives me a chubby, even if we lose).


*** were we talking about again?


oh yeah, if you're going to mez someone, at least honor your own mez by not breaking it 1.5s after you cast it.


I find it stimulating when my Jugg and sniper talk.


Female warrior and agent voices ftw.


Female BH voice isn't bad either..


Take away the mechanical sound in SCORPIO's voice and...oh my...:o



***...I thought we where talking about lives in the nicer insane asylum. :eek:

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While you might be a herpaderp that runs around a warzone like a headless chicken, there are still quite a few good players on this server.


In any endeavor, 50% of the participants fall below the median regardless of where the median lies. . Look at driving. How many people 'think' they are good when in fact they scare the shyte out of you to the point you won't get in their car with them behind the wheel.


At this point I'd settle for people who can guard a node if need be, call out incoming and know how to use CC and how to not break CC.
















I may be aiming a little high.

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In any endeavor, 50% of the participants fall below the median regardless of where the median lies. . Look at driving. How many people 'think' they are good when in fact they scare the shyte out of you to the point you won't get in their car with them behind the wheel.


At this point I'd settle for people who can guard a node if need be, call out incoming and know how to use CC and how to not break CC.


I may be aiming a little high.


A little? You're aiming very high. Just try for people who can kind of play objectives and not smash their face into enemies all match, that's the best you can hope for on an entire team.

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A little? You're aiming very high. Just try for people who can kind of play objectives and not smash their face into enemies all match, that's the best you can hope for on an entire team.


Goes back to what I posted earlier (perhaps on another thread). Again, this was overheard on Fleet chat:


Player_01: "Is Treek a good companion?"


Player_02: "Treek is better than most players."

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today in huttball I "49" pulled a full rotation on a "52" assassin his HP bar did not twitch as he ran past me into the flam trap were i stunned him which my team to catchup keep in mind i am still throwing everything i got at him wile stunned he levees the flam trap and runs for a goal with now 4 players pounding on him with never a twitch in his HP bar after that first score he only ran the ball after my team scored


I'm not a reporter and know most "he is hacking" is just a poor loser but this even had me looking at the Print Screen buttons

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today in huttball I "49" pulled a full rotation on a "52" assassin his HP bar did not twitch as he ran past me into the flam trap were i stunned him which my team to catchup keep in mind i am still throwing everything i got at him wile stunned he levees the flam trap and runs for a goal with now 4 players pounding on him with never a twitch in his HP bar after that first score he only ran the ball after my team scored


I'm not a reporter and know most "he is hacking" is just a poor loser but this even had me looking at the Print Screen buttons


sin tank with dot heals and defensive cooldowns up; wat

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maybe you are just weak sauce.

says the jalapeno to the Trinidad Moruga scorpion :)



sin tank with dot heals and defensive cooldowns up; wat


I do no how to exploit a tanks CD . No tank stunned in a fire trap wile being attacked by 3 players pops a CD and there HP bar does not even twitch



ill run the under 55 PVP till i get a video to post

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As an aside, I have gained further insight as to why folks form pre-mades. Sure it provides a tactical advantage in communication, but a side benefit is the reduction of potential bads by 4.


It's been shocking lately. It's not just bad pugs, but there are bad 4-man premades that are just as bad, if not worse. I honestly don't know how some of these players hit 55.

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This one time, I had to teach a lvl 55 Shadow that he could use forms :rolleyes:

This other time, I taught a lvl 55 tank about taunts... :eek:

Yet another time, I had to teach my pvp ops about cardinal directions in voidstar...:confused:





:sy_blaster: .....:rak_mad:....:rak_angelic:

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This one time, I had to teach a lvl 55 Shadow that he could use forms :rolleyes:

This other time, I taught a lvl 55 tank about taunts... :eek:

Yet another time, I had to teach my pvp ops about cardinal directions in voidstar...:confused:





:sy_blaster: .....:rak_mad:....:rak_angelic:


Hah, or anytime I'm in hypergates I have to "remind" the team that dying is bad. At the end of the match, 2 or more people end up with 7+ deaths while dealing out baby deeps. Just stay at the pylon FFS, not enough room for you to hitch a ride in my fanny-pack.

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Hah, or anytime I'm in hypergates I have to "remind" the team that dying is bad. At the end of the match, 2 or more people end up with 7+ deaths while dealing out baby deeps. Just stay at the pylon FFS, not enough room for you to hitch a ride in my fanny-pack.


The worst thing is in hypergates when people jump out into the pylon detonation from the spawn area then die. You have to "remind" them that the pylon detonation kills you.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe dying via Pylon Detonation adds to the other team's score. Never really paid attention to check. I know some strats call for intentionally eating the detonation so that they can cap/disrupt a pylon without being peeled or slowed at mid.


Hah, or anytime I'm in hypergates I have to "remind" the team that dying is bad. At the end of the match, 2 or more people end up with 7+ deaths while dealing out baby deeps. Just stay at the pylon FFS, not enough room for you to hitch a ride in my fanny-pack.


This wouldn't happen to stem from that AH when you were on your guardian yesterday??? :D leet Scoundrel FTW

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe dying via Pylon Detonation adds to the other team's score. Never really paid attention to check. I know some strats call for intentionally eating the detonation so that they can cap/disrupt a pylon without being peeled or slowed at mid.


Right, I don't mind if someone dies in an explosion. Perfectly acceptable since you're not feeding the other team by doing so.


This wouldn't happen to stem from that AH when you were on your guardian yesterday??? :D leet Scoundrel FTW


It's a recurring theme... pugs have a lot of trouble grasping hypergates. In fact, pugs have a lot of trouble grasping general fundamentals like "LoS" and "overextending", and I'm the bad guy when I actually take time to explain it since they're infallible players who do no wrong. These pugs really make me want to unsub... just a few more days until 2.4

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I'm not talking about dying strategically to go for a pylon. I'm talking about when people respawn and are at the respawn area, then jump into the pylon detonation when the gate goes down. I don't know if it counts against the score, but either way it's a waste of time and a pointless death.
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It's a recurring theme... pugs have a lot of trouble grasping hypergates. In fact, pugs have a lot of trouble grasping general fundamentals like "LoS" and "overextending", and I'm the bad guy when I actually take time to explain it since they're infallible players who do no wrong. These pugs really make me want to unsub... just a few more days until 2.4


I streamed my whole play session last night and it was non stop hypergates. (With the exception of that Huttball where you destroyed us :D) It's really bad because you really are at mercy of the rest of your team in hypergates since it does have a TDM aspect to it.


Once I was sitting on the pylon guarding on my PT and someone told me that I would get sap capped. I reassured him that I had my Shoulder Cannons available. He told me you couldn't use it while stunned. :rolleyes: This was a tank assassin talking here. I guess he's never tried to sap cap a competent PT node guarder.

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I'm not talking about dying strategically to go for a pylon. I'm talking about when people respawn and are at the respawn area, then jump into the pylon detonation when the gate goes down. I don't know if it counts against the score, but either way it's a waste of time and a pointless death.


Yeah, doesn't bother me that much. Waste a few seconds and the death is inconsequential. Running to their pylon over and over again... **** that ****.

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