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Who will be doing the solo que?


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I haven't exactly looked into all the details but....


Is regular queue going to include both warzones and arenas? Felt like I saw people complaining about that somewhere...


Is ranked solo queue going to give Ranked comms? Felt like I saw somewhere it is not going to give ranked comms.


If it doesn't give ranked comms I will have to think about it.... Not sure what the point would be queueing that over regular. Then it just depends on which one pumps out regular comms faster.

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I haven't exactly looked into all the details but....


Is regular queue going to include both warzones and arenas? Felt like I saw people complaining about that somewhere...


Is ranked solo queue going to give Ranked comms? Felt like I saw somewhere it is not going to give ranked comms.


If it doesn't give ranked comms I will have to think about it.... Not sure what the point would be queueing that over regular. Then it just depends on which one pumps out regular comms faster.


there is only one regular queue. it includes solos + grp with 1-4 (same as current reg Q).


all rated arenas reward rated comms


rated arena wins/losses do not count toward daily (although I suspect they'll change that before it goes live)


solo rated Q is s separate rating from grp rated Q, and they are only arenas.

I THINK solo Q arena teams only face other solo Q arena teams, but someone else needs to verify that.

I KNOW that quitting is a major issue for solo Q arenas on PTS. and as you can probably guess, 3v4 TDM is a much more significant disadvantage than 7v8 objective-based WZ.


other than the (potential) issues raised in the bolded lines, the major problem with 2.4 Qs is that there's only one reg Q that will pit a full 4m premade against a collection of 4 solo Q'd players in an arena, and nobody has any choice in the matter about being in arena Q while Qing for a WZ. these arenas will be slaughterhouses, and there will be much QQ. I imagine you'd be better off just solo Q ranked and get pummeled there -- even if you'd face legit 4m rated teams (not sure on that even being the case though). however, if you want to play WZs, then there's no way to avoid arenas and the likelihood of getting stomped by a premade when your reg Q pop meets one in an arena.

Edited by foxmob
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Then the question should be... who the hell WONT do solo queue ;)


Honestly, from what I've seen on the PTS, solo queueing is going to be terrible. If you don't have a pretty good team, you're just rancor bait out there feeding the wolves. Now thats on the PTS, where for the most part, the only people actually participating are PvPers, not your random pugs (though you still get them). Now put that on the live servers, where every noob in this game is going to go crazy cause its zomgsh! new content....and its a disaster.

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As a semi-casual PvPer, I'm going to have little-to-no interest in queueing once arena is mixed in. I queue for warzones specifically because I enjoy the team mentality and objective-based design. I PvPed a LOT when I played Rift for a short while, and I'd probably queue a lot more PvP again in this game if it was a lot more huttball and a lot less hypergates. With arenas also in the mix It'll pretty much ruin it for me unless they add some seriously fun additional WZs into it.


I'm sure there are plenty of cocky hardcore PvPers that would like nothing more than for there to be fewer casuals in solo queue, but I really hope it doesn't ruin queue times and the general PvP experience if a lot of people end up feeling the same way I do. Fewer people playing is bad for everyone.

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