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Bug/Glitch on HM Styrak.


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This has happened to my ops group two weeks in a row...it seems to happen if we wipe after killing the Kell Dragon with a tank being choked, right before Styrak goes into the "Mere smoke, now taste fire" phase. Styrak will stay up with the laser beams and adds surrounding him when we re-enter the instance. The first time we re-enter, we'll get killed by the beams as soon as we engage the boss. The second time we enter, he's just sitting in the middle of the room and we were able to kill him and everything seems to go back to normal. Here's a video of us coming back in the second time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T30sqyTS_p8&feature=youtu.be


I assume if we did a hard reset of the instance it would go away, but we don't want to have to kill trash all over. It's not game breaking but it is annoying.

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