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Dev tracker Jugg answer to DPS (read VG DPS)


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Question: Is it intended that Juggernauts' damage output and group utility while using either of the DPS trees be sub-par due to the fact that we have the option of fulfilling the tank role?


It is not intended for the Juggernaut/Guardian damage specializations’ output and group utility to be sub-par because Juggernauts/Guardians can specialize to fulfill the role of a tank. We do realize that Juggernaut/Guardian damage dealers and some other damage dealers that can specialize in tanking or healing feel like they are not currently desirable group members in operations, and this is a high-priority issue for us to address.


Unfortunately, this is not a small issue that is standing in line for a quick and simple fix – it affects far more than just Juggernaut/Guardian damage dealers. As such, changes made to address this issue will be rolling out slowly, over time, in class-specific ways. The upcoming 2.4 changes for Powertech damage dealers are an example of this, and our much longer-term plans for this include adding new utility to the advanced classes and roles that seem to lack it. The gaps between our damage dealing specializations are already small for a game with this many specializations, but we will be working to shrink those gaps even further over time.



As far as I can tell, are they NOT nerfing PT/VG pyro/assault damage even more by removing 100% CGC proc on FB?


I've just come back (well about a month ago) and have been following this closely. What is going on?!!


I've held top parses in KP (still got a top 40 in SM as lvl 50), EV, EC as well as a few FP's as a VG/assault and right now i'm well below top performing classes such as SN/GS and SW/JK (roughly 500-1200 DPS), which was not the case before our nerf.


Should I just give up on this class in a DPS role? (not to mention my Pyro Merc)


Am I crazy or just misunderstanding the changes to PT/VG as it pertains to DPS? (pyro/assault, specifically.)


EDIT: Does my reading comprehension suck? I read that as they are buffing VG DPS. (and if they are, can someone prove this with parsing not metrics?)

Edited by T-Assassin
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I think what the dev team meant is they are going to roll out changes slowly overtime and not just do big sweeping class changes. To them the little VG/PT changes are an example of that. Piecemealed changes over large ones.


I hope you are right.


(what if I told you I was skeptical? :p)

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I hope you are right.


(what if I told you I was skeptical? :p)


Then we'd be in agreement :p


Actually it probably makes more sense to do it this way. Big class changes every six months only tend to lead to FotY instead of FotM. The real test will be to see how reactive the dev team is. I doubt it will be fast enough for most.

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There are some buffs going to VG DPS, though its improvement to damage is only small (~100dps at fully geared) and only in full trees.

These are:



Fire Pulse now does a lot more damage

Pulse Generator ammo cost reduced (reduced ammo cost = more energy to use on stronger abilities than hammer shots)

Crit Damage of Pulse Cannon increased by Havok Training.


Counteracted by:

Retractable blade does less damage over time.



Stock Strike 100% chance for PC proc

TD significantly improved initial damage

Incendiary Round ammo cost significantly reduced (no one used it before anyway due to high cost)


Counteracted by:

Reduced Damage on Incendiary Round


The total is about 100dps more in both trees, however the hybrid (which was the best damage dealer...) is no longer the best.





Tactics Tree





Tactics Tree in Ion Cell

Assault Tree.


Also while you can't use ion pulse to proc Plasma Cell, Incendiary Round is about as much damage (over the duration), and the same energy cost now, so it isn't as bad a nerf as it appears.

Edited by TACeMossie
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Also while you can't use ion pulse to proc Plasma Cell, Incendiary Round is about as much damage (over the duration), and the same energy cost now, so it isn't as bad a nerf as it appears.


Doesn't IP proc PC at 60% in 2.4?


either way, it will still lack the overall DPS to be competitive with top DPS classes ~5%.


and will STILL lack the burst and/or utility to be considered for a spot in TOP ranked teams.


correct? and isn't that their current issues and are not really being addressed?

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