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Good effort Bioware...but...


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With all the effort put into this game, making it arguably one of the most polished MMO's at launch ever, I commend Bioware for going the extra mile.


That said, I just don't think this game will be a success as an MMO. I've played Dark Age of Camelot, WoW, and other [small] MMO's throughout the years. Incoming "Derp derp, go back to WoW, derp" comments...



I'm not going to beat a dead horse and talk about LFG tools, DPS meters, blah blah blah. Those are "MMO luxuries". Nothing that really interest me, nor keep me playing an MMO.


Instead, I'd rather list the flaws that I feel present a current and future problem to this game. English isn't my first language, and this will be somewhat out of order / random. So forgive me in advance.


The dialogue, while enjoyable, is nearly completely limited to cutscenes. The world feels empty and quiet, void of enough ambient interaction and sound to give one a sense of immersion. The dialogue is also oft times quite overdone, and a lack of variation in voice actors causes it to get old fast. The characters themselves are forgettable and seem "helpless".


The environments, as stated above, feel empty, and far too quiet/calm. Buildings are poorly sized for any sort of immersion. Why does this "house" consist of nothing besides hallways with a 100 foot high ceiling? Who would live here!? Why are there 20 soldiers in this massively misproportioned room, and yet only 3 see me at a time?

On top of that, why must everything consist of supermassive hallways, ridiculously long runs, and decoration as sparse as the population?



The character creation is horrendous. I can be a fat guy, a kid, a normal but buff guy, or...Terminator 9000. I look like I've had too many botox injections, regardless of face selection. And for races?

Well...I can choose a human; a human with horns; a human with..special tentacles; a human with a bluetooth headset; etc. And though my dialogue options are fitting for my smuggler...I'd love a decent voice. I'm a vocal pinocchio, just wishing for real vocal cords.



Pvp is a joke, in my opinion. I'm level 10, why am I in a battleground with this level 30 Sith named "Darth'Emo"?? Scaling or not, I have no abilities, no gear...and no reason to play.



All of those absolutely random statements aside, I wonder what kind of future this game could have.


Story and dialogue can't be churned out nearly as fast as "standardized" PvE content [iE-Raids]. Add as much voice acting as you want to a Flashpoint. It'll be the same lines every.single.time.

And you'll be running those raids plenty. Gotta have that one blaster with the +Aim, before you'll have the stats for that next big raid. Which you'll then run...over...and over...and over.


Speaking of blasters....what about end game loot?


A lightsaber will always be a lightsaber. Just with a different color crystal, or hilt. How much variation can you REALLY include? What about trooper armors?

Part of the gear success of fantasy based MMOs and original IP MMOs is the bounty of original gear.

Just how heavily armored can a trooper get? Will a slightly different mouth on that new helmet really keep people running X raid over...and over..and over?

There's not much room for variation in the Star Wars universe, without either offending the die-hard Star Wars buffs, or just making it look absurd.

And gear...well..gear is a big part of ANY mmo.


On top of all this, how quickly will you be able to put out fully voice acted content? MMO gamers DEVOUR new content. Can you really keep up?




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Pvp is a joke, in my opinion. I'm level 10, why am I in a battleground with this level 30 Sith named "Darth'Emo"?? Scaling or not, I have no abilities, no gear...and no reason to play.


You expected PvP at level 10 to be decent?

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actually all the points he makes are valid, with the exception of lack of gear customization options in the star wars universe. But the game does kinda suck.


Before you flame me, go look up videos of guild wars 2. Say what you will about guild wars, but thats what a game that comes out in 2012 OUGHT to look like.

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If you dont like it then leave....what people are asking are major core gameplay changes which are not goin to happen ...


Or..how's about I voice my concerns, as I payed for it, and would like to see it succeed?


Barring that, may this serve as conversational fodder for both sides of the argument, and knowledge to those looking to get the game.

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Or..how's about I voice my concerns, as I payed for it, and would like to see it succeed?


Barring that, may this serve as conversational fodder for both sides of the argument, and knowledge to those looking to get the game.


converstaional fodder...you know that there are like 7 threads about every point you have on this ....

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Go back to....WoW? o.o it's obviously your only hope at happiness.


Swallow the fanboi routine and accept valid complaints about the flaws of the game. A game that I want to enjoy, but must voice concerns about.


And for the record, I haven't played WoW in over a year. It's stale, but this game will be too, in a much shorter time period.


At least come up with a decent response.

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converstaional fodder...you know that there are like 7 threads about every point you have on this ....


I have the right, as does everyone, to voice my opinion. Most, if not all, of the other threads focus on MMO luxuries such as dps meters, LFG tools, etc. Things I'm not concerned about.

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I have the right, as does everyone, to voice my opinion. Most, if not all, of the other threads focus on MMO luxuries such as dps meters, LFG tools, etc. Things I'm not concerned about.


Have you read the other threads....all the con points you make are there just waiting for you to put your spin on it...sorry that was mean but the case in point is simple why do we need another thread about this..

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Have you read the other threads....all the con points you make are there just waiting for you to put your spin on it...sorry that was mean but the case in point is simple why do we need another thread about this..


No thread ever is needed. What's your point?

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You expected PvP at level 10 to be decent?


It would be decent if they didn't listen to those warhammer failure developers. Bolstering is friggin stupid and it destroys the pvp.


After years of eagerly awaiting this game, the last 6 months have be utter disappointment leading up to a canceled preorder. This game literally sucks.

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It's amazing, how retarded we are. Man is able to beam an invisible wave to a tower that relays it to outer space and back to another man, and we still complain about dropped calls.


We can send little packets of 1s and 0s across the world at a speed and rate that is almost not even comprehensible, and still complain when we lag.


What Bioware has done is incredible, but not flawless. A lot of the things you mentioned are understandable complaints, but to doubt the success of the game something as petty as hall way designs is without a doubt nit-picking. If you look for the bad then that is all you're going to see.

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Have you read the other threads....all the con points you make are there just waiting for you to put your spin on it...sorry that was mean but the case in point is simple why do we need another thread about this..


Why not make another thread? If you wish to ignore it, simply don't read it.


Why condense everything into a post hidden in the pages of someone else's responses?


I chose to make a thread, and it is what it is.

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It's amazing, how retarded we are. Man is able to beam an invisible wave to a tower that relays it to outer space and back to another man, and we still complain about dropped calls.


We can send little packets of 1s and 0s across the world at a speed and rate that is almost not even comprehensible, and still complain when we lag.


What Bioware has done is incredible, but not flawless. A lot of the things you mentioned are understandable complaints, but to doubt the success of the game something as petty as hall way designs is without a doubt nit-picking. If you look for the bad then that is all you're going to see.


Louis CK did this bit, but much funnier.

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I understand you don't like some aspects of the game, but I do. I'm sure there are many others out there. Seriously, it goes back to "don't like it? Don't play it." SWTOR is SWTOR. If it is not the game you are looking for, move along. There are a large amount of people that enjoy this game the way it is. Why change it and alienate them? For those who say "Well this game will be better!" or "This game has it and it worked well!" GO PLAY THEM!!!!
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I agree on most points.


The qustting is all the same 1-50, as someone else before me mentioned, nothing new or innovative, nothing new AT ALL with quests, which i am disapointed in. You spend 200+ hours (according to BW themselfs) to lvl your character, and all we get, is, "go here, kill that, use this, $$" after lvl 25+ that gets FU*KING BORING.'


I am now lvl 42, and i am still doing the same sh*it as i was doing as a lvl 10 on Korriban....."Go here, kill that, come back" yea, really good and refreshing when the only diffrence is the name of the quest.

Edited by Miothan
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