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2.3.2 Individual Class Records (under new management...again)


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[aname=top]TABLE OF CONTENTS[/aname]


[jumpto=1a]Overall Damage(Class Specific)[/jumpto]

[jumpto=2a]Damage Per Second(Class Specific)[/jumpto]

[jumpto=3a]Biggest Hit(Class Specific)[/jumpto]

[jumpto=4a]Damage Done/Death Ratio(Class Specific)[/jumpto]


[jumpto=1b]Overall Protection(Class Specific)[/jumpto]

[jumpto=2b]Most Damage Taken(Class Specific)[/jumpto]

[jumpto=3b]Damage Taken/Death Ratio(Class Specific)[/jumpto]

[jumpto=4b]300k+ Protection/Damage(Class Specific)[/jumpto]


[jumpto=1c]Overall Healing(Class Specific)[/jumpto]

[jumpto=2c]Healing Per Second(Class Specific)[/jumpto]

[jumpto=3c]Biggest Heal(Class Specific)[/jumpto]

[jumpto=4c]Healing Done/Death Ratio(Class Specific)[/jumpto]

[jumpto=5c]300k+ Healing/Damage(Class Specific)[/jumpto]






[aname=1a]OVERALL DAMAGE[/aname]


Overall Damage(Juggernaught/Guardian)

1. Yeroc 2113747 http://i.imgur.com/L64c6qn.jpg

2. Lesseps 2013211 http://imageshack.us/a/img543/7987/zabmillprot2.jpg

3. Letareus 1793383 http://i.imgur.com/B78bM2R.jpg

4. Guarionex 1746003 http://i.imgur.com/F2fSu0w.jpg

5. Yuuzhan 1632120 http://i.imgur.com/kQrTH1B.jpg?1


Overall Damage(Marauder/Sentinel)

1. Lexi 2562777 http://i.imgur.com/niTJwYi.jpg?1

2. Odyssius 2235044 http://i.imgur.com/ATUrIHM.jpg

3. Asan 2137323 http://imageshack.us/f/404/screenshot2013052900014.jpg/

4. Rippernine 2114597 http://i.imgur.com/BBujQo2.jpg

5. Sithilus 1729848 http://i.imgur.com/35y3PXK.jpg


Overall Damage(Assassin/Shadow)

1. Damager 1717329 http://i.imgur.com/KmiKizp.jpg

2. TheChive 1703508 http://i.imgur.com/Blk3FKN.jpg.

3. Ryniz 1449747 http://i.imgur.com/fqPPYCc.jpg

4. Kyr'am'uur 1330842 http://i.imgur.com/mWPnccV.jpg

5. Shadowysilence 1254400 http://i.imgur.com/2968H92.jpg


Overall Damage(Operative/Scoundrel)

1. Leafy 2010305 http://imgur.com/gallery/4NMQY9y/new

2. Napheli 1830354 http://i.imgur.com/BBujQo2.jpg

3. Enduring 1792145 http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x402/Mojophysco/Screenshot_2013-05-06_17_02_28_745488.jpg

4. Toom 1581542 http://i.imgur.com/pGYqDwI.jpg

5. Cry'sta 1196390 http://imageshack.us/a/img90/6321/vw1y.jpg


Overall Damage(Powertech/Vanguard)

1. Pyromanen 1986170 http://i.imgur.com/8pc7GlS.jpg?1

2. Monstur 1735408 http://s1180.photobucket.com/user/Mojophysco/media/monsturdps-1.png.html

3. Kopfgeldjäger 1701803 http://i.imgur.com/B4GQYRT.jpg

4. Diaffiss 1441079 http://i.imgur.com/kQrTH1B.jpg?1

5. Gyokusai 1299151 http://i.imgur.com/avx3Ety.jpg


Overall Damage(Sorcerer/Sage)

1. Psychospider 1874265 http://oi39.tinypic.com/b9c11j.jpg

2. Inmortal 1846122 http://postimg.org/image/qpaqb3azf/full/

3. Conji 1770532 http://imageshack.us/f/832/screenshot2013042015490.jpg/

4. Abominus 1695778 http://i.imgur.com/Ap579Oc.jpg

5. Vomill 1539918 http://i.imgur.com/Z1xHBfg.jpg


Overall Damage (Mercenary/Commando)

1. Fusrodah 1989782 http://i.imgur.com/1zQFL0t.jpg

2. Cloudcatcher 1941205 http://i.imgur.com/ATUrIHM.jpg

3. Sylvand 1595786 http://i.imgur.com/L1QQXhx.jpg

4. Desull 1325053 http://i.imgur.com/UaAXgrL.jpg

5. Trolokip 1178450 http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/3223/screenshot2013052115193.jpg


Overall Damage (Sniper/Gunslinger)

1. Yooni 2323332 http://i.imgur.com/UigVROC.jpg

2. Jaiden 1929727 http://i.imgur.com/41a4oXf.jpg

3. Tw'yl 1800678 http://i.imgur.com/8AyaJjl.jpg

4. Ghost'lake 1575116 http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y469/Caprica_Swtor/15mildpsDFCW_zpsfdb21eab.jpg

5. Trevail 1360042 http://i.imgur.com/k9cdPM9.jpg



[aname=2a]DAMAGE PER SECOND[/aname]


Damage Per Second(Juggernaut/Guardian)

1. Persies 2342.02 http://i.imgur.com/IzVlFDS.jpg

2. Noirek 2101.48 http://i.imgur.com/WKq5Zfl.jpg

3. Guarionex 2086.33 http://i.imgur.com/GqVGFyD.jpg

4. Raab 2007.33 http://oi41.tinypic.com/35d5ahz.jpg

5. Dargos 1999.4 http://i.imgur.com/IsP34bv.jpg


Damage Per Second(Marauder/Sentinel)

1. Blunti 2316.48 http://i.imgur.com/QnWdiKF.jpg

2. Lexi 2269.66 http://i.imgur.com/3r8S2J7.jpg

3. Darwen 2242.02 http://i.imgur.com/GwPnSXA.jpg

4. Eizen 2206.8 http://i.imgur.com/TH2Ej5J.jpg

5. Blakec 1958.26 http://i.imgur.com/Da80MSW.jpg


Damage Per Second(Assassin/Shadow)

1. Ryniz 1825.88 http://i.imgur.com/fqPPYCc.jpg

2. Sileen 1684.7 http://i.imgur.com/yfpkiL4.jpg?1

3. Damager 1591.5 http://i.imgur.com/E0eABi4.jpg

4. Wildbérry 1434.22 http://i.imgur.com/EDqwdL4.jpg

5. TheChive 1382.72 http://i.imgur.com/Blk3FKN.jpg


Damage Per Second(Powertech/Vanguard)

1. Pyromanen 1609.54 http://i.imgur.com/8pc7GlS.jpg?1

2. Kopfgeldjäger 1555.28 http://i.imgur.com/B4GQYRT.jpg

3. Monstur 1408.61 http://s1180.photobucket.com/user/Mojophysco/media/monsturdps-1.png.html

4. Fisherprice 1338.53 http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c111/Utopi/Screenshot_2013-05-08_01_40_05_031062_zps4de40f29.jpg

5. Caltrian 1246.6 http://i.imgur.com/ad6Cp61.jpg


Damage Per Second(Operative/Scoundrel)

1. Leafy 1996.33 http://imgur.com/gallery/cO90JJk/new

2. Toomm 1924.02 http://i.imgur.com/pGYqDwI.jpg

3. Enduring 1899.46 http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x402/Mojophysco/Screenshot_2013-05-06_17_02_28_745488.jpg

4. Floored 1821.15http://imgur.com/0Z3uS1o

5. Napheli 1549.83http://i.imgur.com/YmEIC9J.jpg


Damage Per Second(Sorcerer/Sage)

1. Kelala 1978.5 http://imgur.com/a/c8wV2

2. Conji 1952.07 http://imageshack.us/f/832/screenshot2013042015490.jpg/

3. Gromphe 1879.74 http://i.imgur.com/st34gnu.jpg

4. Maulsgreatgramp 1775.7 http://imageshack.us/a/img850/3400/screenshot2013050515371.jpg

5. Vomil 1726.55 http://i.imgur.com/XG0WDgC.jpg


Damage Per Second(Mercenary/Commando)

1. Sylvand 1853.68dps http://i.imgur.com/yb3s0Sg.jpg

2. Fusrodah 1620.34 http://i.imgur.com/1zQFL0t.jpg

3. Desull 1476.65 dps http://i.imgur.com/SwWY6Kh.jpg

4. Devildog 1363.39 http://www.flickr.com/photos/featheringham/8711060176/in/photostream/lightbox/



Damage Per Second(Sniper/Gunslinger)

1. Jodey 2016.84 http://s1276.photobucket.com/user/Caprica_Swtor/media/2016dps_zpsd0951067.jpg.html

2. Ditto 1921.51 http://i.imgur.com/jlERQ70.jpg

3. Jaiden 1621.01 http://i.imgur.com/4x4yrDm.jpg

4. Wiseposterior 1512.82 http://i.imgur.com/4Uvxfpb.jpg

5. Tw'yl 1486.52 http://i.imgur.com/ldcbdPz.jpg



[aname=3a]BIGGEST HIT[/aname]


Biggest Hit(Juggernaut/Guardian)

1. Guts 12291 http://i.imgur.com/qf9EFPU.jpg

2. Yeroc 11287 http://i.imgur.com/TRXnURb.jpg

3. Ali'sandra 11264 http://oi44.tinypic.com/a09dox.jpg

4. Yuuzhan 11174 http://i.imgur.com/nDgVK5c.jpg

5. Letareus 11035 http://i.imgur.com/wTQNdDG.jpg


Biggest Hit(Marauder/Sentinel)

1. Kirothen 11919 http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag47/Kirothen/BigHit_zps6d915256.jpg

2. Cutie 11273 http://i.imgur.com/YrH8C1W.jpg

3. Blunti 10552 http://i.imgur.com/5OQK8R8.jpg

4. Shoryn-ryu 10461 http://i.imgur.com/ukPNcME.jpg

5. Kriket 10385 http://i.imgur.com/CXmc8D2.jpg


Biggest Hit(Assassin/Shadow)

1. TheChive 10801 http://i.imgur.com/GhRnSnY.jpg

2. Damager 10596 http://i.imgur.com/J6yGOaD.jpg

3. Cryara 10365 http://i.imgur.com/foZKn3X.jpg

4. Fesius 10212 http://i.imgur.com/bKq1Rjh.jpg

5. Liryc 10019 http://i.imgur.com/vJyWMl2.jpg


Biggest Hit(Powertech/Vanguard)

1. Fisherprice 10470 http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c111/Utopi/10khit_zps6a9ecc30.jpg

2. F'Shep 9299 http://i.imgur.com/4vfgJJE.jpg

3. Gyokusai 8061 http://i.imgur.com/TVAsT4h.jpg




Biggest Hit(Operative/Scoundrel)

1. Barxis 9109 http://oi41.tinypic.com/32ziefa.jpg

2. Toomm 9056 http://i.imgur.com/qLxYUDG.jpg

3. Crackshot 8631 http://i.imgur.com/fTxVZct.jpg

4. Lovebites 8222 http://i.imgur.com/lscJpTo.jpg?1



Biggest Hit(Sorcerer/Sage)

1. Naelun 11809 http://i.imgur.com/0dFd4S3.jpg?1

2. Psychospider 11570 http://oi44.tinypic.com/2dgqpes.jpg

3. Soul 10055 http://oi40.tinypic.com/6qwk9g.jpg

4. Conji 9626 http://imageshack.us/f/542/96khitconji.jpg/

5. Larrisa 9568 http://imageshack.us/f/855/screenshot2013042102094.jpg/


Biggest Hit(Mercenary/Commando)

1. Sylvand 11718 http://i.imgur.com/q1j7eEU.jpg

2. Cloudcatcher 11451 http://i.imgur.com/A1DepPw.jpg

3. Devildog 11408 http://www.flickr.com/photos/featheringham/8709927561/lightbox/

4. Fusrodah 11214 http://i.imgur.com/MZQIwct.jpg?1

5. Desull 11050 http://i.imgur.com/fdgMagi.jpg


Biggest Hit(Sniper/Gunslinger)

1. Jodey 10061 http://s1276.photobucket.com/user/Caprica_Swtor/media/10061hit_zpsc60507ca.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0

2. Jaiden 10010 http://i.imgur.com/tlbFWm2.jpg

3. Tw'yl 9918 http://i.imgur.com/FSnws3J.jpg

4. Tristain 9609 http://oi41.tinypic.com/4qfk6.jpg

5. Exploiter 9422 http://i.imgur.com/XSAJSBo.jpg



[aname=4a]DAMAGE DONE/DEATH RATIO[/aname]


Damage Done/Death Ratio(Juggernaut/Guardian)

1. Guarionex 1746003/0 http://i.imgur.com/F2fSu0w.jpg

2. Yuuzhan 1595513/0 http://i.imgur.com/gqa8dTE.jpg

3. Lesseps 1351678/0 http://imageshack.us/a/img20/3667/13to0.png

4. Persies 1299823/0 http://i.imgur.com/IzVlFDS.jpg

5. Fadee 1193525/2 http://i.imgur.com/7lB6any.jpg


Damage Done/Death Ratio(Marauder/Sentinel)

1. Rippernine 2114597/0 http://i.imgur.com/BBujQo2.jpg

2. Odyssius 1932846/0 http://i.imgur.com/KmiKizp.jpg

3. Blunti 1787049/0 http://i.imgur.com/O0Vp4f2.jpg

4. Sithilus 1729848/0 http://i.imgur.com/35y3PXK.jpg

5. Eizen 1624203/0 http://i.imgur.com/TH2Ej5J.jpg


Damage Done/Death Ratio(Assassin/Shadow)

1. TheChive 1286518/0 http://i.imgur.com/lNf7pZ8.jpg

2. Wildbérry 1211916/0 http://i.imgur.com/EDqwdL4.jpg

3. Slipperz 1034001/0 http://i.imgur.com/PUXIFWF.png?1




Damage Done/Death Ratio(Powertech/Vanguard)


1. Kopfgeldjäger 1313534/0 http://i.imgur.com/p41V9rI.jpg

2. Gyokusai 1299151/0 http://i.imgur.com/avx3Ety.jpg

3. Caroth 1111087/0 http://i.imgur.com/j2NLpiv.jpg

4. Perky 1050106/0 http://i.imgur.com/PUXIFWF.png?1



Damage Done/Death Ratio(Operative/Scoundrel)

1. Cry'sta 1196390/0 http://imageshack.us/a/img90/6321/vw1y.jpg

2. Napheli 1830354/1 http://i.imgur.com/BBujQo2.jpg





Damage Done/Death Ratio(Sorcerer/Sage)

1. Inmortal 1846122/0 http://postimg.org/image/qpaqb3azf/full/

2. Toka 1541868/0 http://imageshack.us/a/img819/3750/j640.jpg

3. Xanxas 1436332/0 http://i.imgur.com/PUXIFWF.png?1

4. Gromphe 1251909/0 http://i.imgur.com/st34gnu.jpg

5. Rázakel 1008177/0 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=141l8rd&s=5


Damage Done/Death Ratio(Mercenary/Commando)

1. Zeryc 1166265/0 http://i.imgur.com/T77kqwu.jpg

2. Sylvand 1043058/0 http://oi36.tinypic.com/34xl63l.jpg

3. Desull 1026203/0 http://i.imgur.com/LpnYt8A.jpg

4. Bootycrazed 979416/0 http://i.imgur.com/PUXIFWF.png?1



Damage Done/Death Ratio(Sniper/Gunslinger)

1. Jaiden 1929727/0 http://i.imgur.com/41a4oXf.jpg

2. Tw'yl 1,800,676/1 http://i.imgur.com/8AyaJjl.jpg

3. Ghost'lake 1575116/0 http://s1276.photobucket.com/user/Caprica_Swtor/media/15mildpsDFCW_zpsfdb21eab.jpg.html

4. Yooni 1445972/0 http://i.imgur.com/AF6YCby.jpg

5. Trevail 1360042/1 http://i.imgur.com/k9cdPM9.jpg



[aname=1b]OVERALL PROTECTION[/aname]


Overall Protection(Juggernaut/Guardian)

1. Dargh 1448896 http://i.imgur.com/PfdfGN3.jpg

2. Ladywood 1290122 http://i.imgur.com/TAp53T2.jpg

3. Tankman 1180770 http://i.imgur.com/gT2jYne.jpg

4. K'reesh 1117964 http://i.imgur.com/PfdfGN3.jpg

5. Ve-Rod 1104642 http://i.imgur.com/BBujQo2.jpg


Overall Protection(Assassin/Shadow)

1. Brò 1505792 http://i.imgur.com/80vRzYY.jpg

2. Zabuza 951344 http://imageshack.us/a/img543/7987/zabmillprot2.jpg

3. Ferid 697440 http://i.imgur.com/UhHFYS0.jpg

4. Str'yker 601228 http://i.imgur.com/8yvtRJK.jpg

5. Thelion 688894 http://s152.photobucket.com/user/Sylva7/media/Screenshot_2013-05-30_19_04_04_975381.jpg.html


Overall Protection(Powertech/Vanguard)

1. Caroth 1024415 http://imgur.com/t5pTy34

2. Burnz 828995 http://i.imgur.com/jxvpQZn.jpg

3. Toomee 800328 http://i.imgur.com/bh1z6UV.jpg

4. Spartaqus 607491http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/1403/screenshot2013052213064.jpg

5. Daceld 516479 http://imageshack.us/f/824/screenshot2013042001401.jpg/



[aname=2b]MOST DAMAGE TAKEN[/aname]


Most Damage Taken(Juggernaut/Guardian)

1. Ladywood 1438321 http://imgur.com/Emizi69

2. Cates 1292338 http://i.imgur.com/82u19G8.jpg

3. Balphowan 1192291 http://i.imgur.com/1xCEH3W.jpg

4. Kodur 1172325 http://i.imgur.com/YqAdcC3.jpg

5. Tythus 1053138 http://i.imgur.com/FswmRlP.jpg?1


Most Damage Taken(Marauder/Sentinal)







Most Damage Taken(Assassin/Shadow)

1. Zabuza 1296261 http://imageshack.us/a/img543/7987/zabmillprot2.jpg

2. Ferid 1135532 http://i.imgur.com/UhHFYS0.jpg

3. Shadowfist 718848 http://oi33.tinypic.com/34nldv4.jpg

4. Thelion 650565 http://s152.photobucket.com/user/Sylva7/media/Screenshot_2013-05-30_19_04_04_975381.jpg.html



Most Damage Taken(Powertech/Vanguard)

1. Zxil 1180675 http://oi44.tinypic.com/2qxowgm.jpg

2. Daceld 1068688 http://imageshack.us/f/824/screenshot2013042001401.jpg/

3. Caroth 956842 http://i.imgur.com/YAW2p2s.jpg?1

4. Toomee 805119 http://i.imgur.com/bh1z6UV.jpg

5. Burnz 637348 http://i.imgur.com/jxvpQZn.jpg


Most Damage Taken(Operative/Soundrel)

1. Eumelia 1511488 http://i.imgur.com/Huw2fIt.jpg

2. Zemr 1169977 http://i.imgur.com/npfC9E1.jpg

3. Flic 1132583 http://i.imgur.com/rvvDPy5.png?1

4. Inovisible 1086718 http://i.imgur.com/jsveVm0.jpg

5. Racquelle 1043237 http://i.imgur.com/QUNRpE1.jpg


Most Damage Taken(Sorcerer/Sage)

1. Healmagician 1500619 http://i.imgur.com/UuUnsnS.jpg

2. Axxva 1080243 http://i.imgur.com/4dn9Rno.jpg

3. Grozny 1037797 http://i.imgur.com/bY6pK1f.jpg

4. Nae'bliss 965770 http://i.imgur.com/cTKSd0I.jpg

5. Jaime'lannister 927708 http://imageshack.us/a/img547/8755/screenshot2013050515365.jpg


Most Damage Taken(Mercenary/Commando)

1. Cloudchaser 1648873 http://i.imgur.com/ADUnHdG.jpg

2. Anore 1407498 http://i.imgur.com/ndrEv9H.jpg

3. Combatmedicjr 1026929 http://i.imgur.com/wK3sVgb.jpg

4. Aramyth 935579 http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/3686/damagetaken.jpg

5. Markos 837943 http://i.imgur.com/t9cNro5.jpg


Most Damage Taken(Sniper/Gunslinger)

1. Tw'yl 738974 http://i.imgur.com/qjReXxM.jpg

2. Ditto 734808 http://imgur.com/Eb3uW4S

3. Jaiden 540953 http://i.imgur.com/gPPLnl4.jpg





[aname=3b]Damage Taken/Death Ratio[/aname]


Damage Taken/Death Ratio(Juggernaut/Guardian)

1. Tankman 963772/0 http://i.imgur.com/xcSQfTi.jpg

2. Cates 1292338/1 http://i.imgur.com/82u19G8.jpg

3. Ladywood 1234918/1 http://i.imgur.com/TAp53T2.jpg

4. Tythus 1053138/1 http://i.imgur.com/FswmRlP.jpg?1



Damage Taken/Death Ratio(Marauder/Sentinal)







Damage Taken/Death Ratio(Assassin/Shadow)

1. Zabuza 1296261/0 http://imageshack.us/a/img543/7987/zabmillprot2.jpg

2. Thelion 650565/0 http://s152.photobucket.com/user/Sylva7/media/Screenshot_2013-05-30_19_04_04_975381.jpg.html





Damage Taken/Death Ratio(Powertech/Vanguard)

1. Caroth 1027132/0 http://i.imgur.com/j2NLpiv.jpg

2. Toomee 805119/0 http://i.imgur.com/bh1z6UV.jpg

3. Daceld 1068688/3 http://imageshack.us/f/824/screenshot2013042001401.jpg/




Damge Taken/Death Ratio(Operative/Scoundrel)

1. Saltman 532150/0http://i.imgur.com/kCscqRo.jpg






Damage Taken/Death Ratio(Sorcerer/Sage)

1. Ishar 696741/0 http://i.imgur.com/nHInhfd.jpg






Damage Taken/Death Ratio(Mercernary/Commando)

1. Anore 1407498/0 http://i.imgur.com/nSiQXbU.jpg

2. Aramyth 935579/0 http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/3686/damagetaken.jpg





Damage Taken/Death Ratio(Sniper/Gunslinger)

1. Tw'yl 738974/1 http://i.imgur.com/qjReXxM.jpg







[aname=4b]300K+ PROTECTION/DAMAGE[/aname]


300K+ Protection/Damage(Juggernaut/Guardian)

1. Cates 1045739/441591 http://i.imgur.com/UigVROC.jpg

2. Tythus 1066905/375089 http://i.imgur.com/uOxqG1P.jpg

3. Yme 394500/454509 http://i.imgur.com/JsAE17f.jpg

4. Mikal'b 448540/309408 http://oi42.tinypic.com/2mcjdxs.jpg



300k+ Protection/Damage(Assassin/Shadow)

1. Ryniz 1077850/632883 http://i.imgur.com/Q2cU6Cs.jpg

2. Dark-katana 1181978/410663 http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a595/Tokimonster/darks11_zps47b39dd9.jpg

3. Zabuza 951344/400038 http://imageshack.us/a/img543/7987/zabmillprot2.jpg

4. Thelion 688894/560613 http://s152.photobucket.com/user/Sylva7/media/Screenshot_2013-05-30_19_04_04_975381.jpg.html

5. Dirty-larry 440652/571094 http://i.imgur.com/3BCH0VT.jpg


300k+ Protection/Damage(Powertech/Vanguard)

1. Caroth 1111087/1018325 http://i.imgur.com/j2NLpiv.jpg

2. Toomee 800328/562779 http://i.imgur.com/bh1z6UV.jpg

3. Lyogos 739770/597217 http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t568/Steve_Summerell/Screenshot_2013-05-28_20_21_42_225083_zps311991c8.jpg

4. Cinder 634849/577578 https://imageshack.com/scaled/large/838/vi9r.jpg

5. Daceld 545676/621298 http://imageshack.us/f/6/screenshot2013051622354.jpg/



[aname=1c]OVERALL HEALING[/aname]


Overall healing(Operative/Scoundrel)

1. Eumelia 3106092 http://i.imgur.com/UigVROC.jpg

2. Wozzinjay 2606581 http://i.imgur.com/4meEl3l.jpg

3. Felipe 2416832 http://imageshack.us/a/img543/7987/zabmillprot2.jpg

4. Leafy 2328376 http://i.imgur.com/UR8k9sN.jpg

5. Merson 2292509 http://i.imgur.com/wK3sVgb.jpg


Overall Healing(Sorcerer/Sage)

1. Simple 2680090 http://imgur.com/3XrjaAc

2. Grozny 2656102 http://i.imgur.com/VlGTcuB.jpg?1

3. Kore 2280859 http://i.imgur.com/jnhdS13.jpg

4. Adoràble 2207441 http://i.imgur.com/80vRzYY.jpg

5. Healmagician 2205605 http://i.imgur.com/jnhdS13.jpg


Overall Healing(Mercenary/Commando)

1. Docfeez 2413115 http://i.imgur.com/k8TUpug.jpg

2. Cloudchaser 2404801 http://imageshack.us/a/img819/3750/j640.jpg

3. Anore 2373034 http://i.imgur.com/bh1z6UV.jpg

4. Roq 2209939 http://i.imgur.com/KD9wbMU.jpg?1

5. Aramyth 2209580 http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/5257/em30.jpg



[aname=2c]HEALING PER SECOND[/aname]


Healing Per Second(Operative/Scoundrel)

1. Merson 2524.25 http://i.imgur.com/3ssv1sf.jpg

2. Eumelia 2472.58 http://i.imgur.com/GO1MJCl.png?1

3. Vasyel 2327.06 http://i.imgur.com/zmo0GVv.jpg?1

4. Aranelde 2315.58 http://i.imgur.com/sXnCzDA.jpg

5. Toomm 2272.5 http://i.imgur.com/7niw6MS.jpg


Healing Per Second(Sorcerer/Sage)

1. Simple 2421.11 http://i.imgur.com/Vq2g5NT.jpg

2. Grozny 2407.48 http://i.imgur.com/VlGTcuB.jpg?1

3. Jaime'lannister 2379.19 http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/5537/screenshot2013050721095.jpg

4. Inmortal 2341.42 http://postimg.org/image/li88zewel/

5. Monstur 2294.69 http://s1180.photobucket.com/user/Mojophysco/media/swtor2013-05-2722-56-39-47.png.html


Healing Per Second(Mercenary/Commando)

1. Anore 2561.75 http://i.imgur.com/qLOEoFb.jpg

2. Ranj 2099.36 http://i.imgur.com/GZViYDh.jpg

3. Docfeez 2005.84 http://i.imgur.com/tqWLQ24.jpg

4. Kickimanjaro 1785.76 http://i.imgur.com/oe3Y5bx.jpg

5. Frosties 1683.95 http://i.imgur.com/1mDM9Mp.jpg



[aname=3c]BIGGEST HEAL[/aname]


Biggest Heal(Operative/Scoundrel)

1. Merson 10811 http://i.imgur.com/NoSpcYL.jpg

2. Toom 10281 http://i.imgur.com/pnmBWRB.jpg

3. Saltman 10128 http://i.imgur.com/EeCPsEm.jpg

4. Xzil 9930 http://oi41.tinypic.com/2u7wy8k.jpg

5. Lil'Focker 9808 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=4gkghf&s=5


Biggest Heal(Sorcerer/Sage)

1. Kaydrithh 11425 http://i.imgur.com/MVfekfj.jpg

2. Klinsman 11360 http://i.imgur.com/xSmZ0Fk.jpg

3. Utopi 11307 http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c111/Utopi/11307_zps5b3e006b.jpg

4. Iwalani 11257 http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/56/biggestheal.jpg

5. Reegina 10398 http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/5781/m6nb.jpg


Biggest Heal(Mercenary/Commando)

1. Aramyth 9448 http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/5858/28d8.jpg

2. Kickimanjaro 9374 http://i.imgur.com/NswXdw1.jpg

3. Docfeez 9331 http://i.imgur.com/RGjOQ8s.jpg

4. Budwieser 9241 http://i.imgur.com/0OnRQHi.jpg

5. Schweinstaeger 8942 http://oi44.tinypic.com/333ldfl.jpg



[aname=4c]HEALING DONE/DEATH RATIO[/aname]


Healing Done/Death Ratio(Operative/Scoundrel)

1. Wozzinjay 2606581/0 http://i.imgur.com/4meEl3l.jpg

2. Felipe 2416832/0 http://imageshack.us/a/img543/7987/zabmillprot2.jpg

3. Eumeliaa 2032378/0 http://i.imgur.com/j1OsrnX.jpg?1

4. Saltman 2018344/0http://i.imgur.com/kCscqRo.jpg

5. Merson 1964287/0 http://i.imgur.com/T222ZdG.jpg


Healing Done/Death Ratio(Sorcerer/Sage)

1. Simple 2680090/0 http://imgur.com/3XrjaAc

2. Grozny 2656102/0 http://i.imgur.com/VlGTcuB.jpg?1

3. Inmortal 2126007/0 http://postimg.org/image/li88zewel/

4. Healmagician 1993391/0 http://i.imgur.com/ER4KhQi.jpg

5. Monstur 1755872/0 http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y425/monsturmash/swtor2013-04-2723-58-19-55_zpsa3366cd1.png


Healing Done/Death Ratio(Mercenary/Commando

1. Cloudchaser 2404801 http://imageshack.us/a/img819/3750/j640.jpg

2. Anore 2373034/0 http://i.imgur.com/qLOEoFb.jpg

3. Roq 2209939/0 http://i.imgur.com/KD9wbMU.jpg?1

4. Tazz 1587984/0 http://i.imgur.com/Vu565Xd.jpg

5. Cloudcatcher 1482217/0 http://i.imgur.com/8rvslGI.jpg



[aname=5c]300K+ Healing/Damage[/aname]


300k+ Healing/Damage(Operative/Scoundrel)

1. Cry'sta 931239/597738 https://imageshack.us/a/img515/4256/screenshot2013051312075.jpg

2. Leafy 628140/828826 http://i.imgur.com/wBR7u1i.jpg

3. Aranelde 703189/725676 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2uhxu95&s=5

4. Xzil 692548/592886 http://oi41.tinypic.com/1jvig7.jpg

5. Crackshot 712271/327823 http://i.imgur.com/wBR7u1i.jpg


300k+ Healing/Damage(Sorcerer/Sage)

1. Malchelosse 1220975/329588 http://imgur.com/GCZKjvG

2. Inmortal 852475/657874 http://postimg.org/image/3ol8wpshd/

3. Vomill 8o5617/641842 http://i.imgur.com/ykJ5mTa.jpg

4. Dany 426023/976190 http://i.imgur.com/C1pdRZu.jpg

5. Larissa 598262/712546 http://imageshack.us/f/109/screenshot2013050301073.jpg/


300k+ Healing/Damage(Mercenary/Commando)

1. Widowz 1471441/350,977 http://i.imgur.com/WJEI5Np.jpg

2. Budwieser 358518/942158 http://i.imgur.com/M28Zd6y.jpg

3. Aramyth 300999/768833 http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/1749/dmghealingratio.jpg

4. Anudiak 459190/523894 http://i.imgur.com/vymXodX.jpg



300k+ Healing/Damage(Juggernaut/Guardian)

1. Cates 337804/441591 http://i.imgur.com/82u19G8.jpg






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We all realize that these records do not indicate skill in pvp even though there are quite a few skilled pvpers on this list. However I know that there are quite a few ppl in the community that liked this thread and I think its a nice way for ppl to show off their individual achievements and for that reason I don't want to let it just die in Andressa's absence. Therefore I will be taking over the reigns atleast until she gets back.


I have updated everything from the old thread to the best of my ability if I missed someone please repost here.


Also in the interest of saving me time and having the records updated as often as I can please post in the following format.


Section ( i.e Overall Dmg, Overall Prot, Overall Healing, Biggest Hit etc..)

Class ( i.e. Juggernaut/Guardian, Assassin/Shadow, Sorcerer/Sage etc..)

Rank you think the record qualifies for (1-5)

Toon name ( i.e Cry'sta)

Record ( i.e DPS -1080.34)

Link to Screenshot ( i.e. https://imageshack.us/a/img163/3754/...3051310301.jpg)


If your post isn't exactly in that format its not a big deal as long as all the info is there but it would be helpful if it was in a similar format. If all of the information is not present I will not be able to update your record in fairness to the rest of the community. Also if you have a record for multiple categories or multiple people please include that in your post. I don't have the time to search through screenshots and compare them to existing records or search for/guess missing information. In addition please make sure your ss is readable. If the ss is unreadable or blocks/covers vital information I can't add your record again in the interest of being fair.


Also this should go without saying but please reserve any flaming, trolling, or otherwise unrelated subjects other than records for another post out of respect for the community.


I plan updating the records weekly at a minimum probably sometime on Mondays. I also plan on adding some new sections in the future when I get time and trying to keep it fresh in order for ppl to have fun with it and give as many ppl a chance to get on the list as possible. Good luck in the WZ's hope to see you guys there.

Edited by Babychka
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Thanks for taking this over(again), I know Dressa will appreciate it. Also, how does the damage/death ratio ranking work, like, is it the one with the most damage and least deaths? Or most damage with the most deaths... its kinda confusing


most damage taken with least amounts of deaths


The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

Rellik / Syck'syyde

Jenna'syyde / Rázakel

Edited by rlamela
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Was talking about the dmg dealt/death one.

same way just most damage dealt with least deaths then. So if we both do 1,000,000 damage but you have 1 death and I had no deaths then I would be ranked higher then you.


The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

Rellik / Syck'syyde

Jenna'syyde / Rázakel

Edited by rlamela
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If it's under new management, how about wiping the slate clean? A lot of the records are held by people not even on the server any longer.


But they were on the server when they made the records. Its a server records not a who is on server now records. Granted with the removal of 8vs8 ranked matches most of these records will be hard to break since its very rare to get those numbers in a regular warzone. But still they earned them while they were on this server.


The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

Rellik / Syck'syyde

Jenna'syyde / Rázakel

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Errmagawd new epeen stroking thread! Can we only have one record per category? :rak_02:


Let's do it...


Section: Overall Protection

Class: Shadow

Rank you think the record qualifies for: 1

Toon name: Brò

Record: Protection 1505792

Link to Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/80vRzYY.jpg


That also has a sorc overall healing record for Adorable.


On a side note: it is worth noting that Psycho's screenshot (since he said that he was in the match from start to finish) displays an incorrect hps. It was roughly 1360.

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3rd and 5th place for DAMAGE DONE/DEATH RATIO Sage/Sorcerer



Just to refresh ppl's memories you can only hold one spot in the same category for your class but updated nonetheless.


Thanks for taking this over(again), I know Dressa will appreciate it. Also, how does the damage/death ratio ranking work, like, is it the one with the most damage and least deaths?


Yw. I hope she does. I believe this was answered but most dmg/least deaths.


omg my namezzzz


soooo happppy


Lol. Cry'sta.


put up my ss of my powertech dps yuuz. the one that you got your damage from


You lazy punk :p. Would it kill you to repost the info and link? Done. Stop Whining.


If it's under new management, how about wiping the slate clean? A lot of the records are held by people not even on the server any longer.


But they were on the server when they made the records. Its a server records not a who is on server now records. Granted with the removal of 8vs8 ranked matches most of these records will be hard to break since its very rare to get those numbers in a regular warzone. But still they earned them while they were on this server.[/Quote]


^This. Records are records for a reason. These records were done on this server and I think they should stand. Wiping the slate clean because people are not on the server anymore would be like a team or conference erasing a team/conference record because the player moved. Not to mention the amount of work this takes.I realize some ppl want to see their name on the list but the argument that these records can't be broken is ridiculous. Just in the short time that Andressa has been gone and since I updated the list a few #1 records have been broken and therefore some ppl that no longer play here have been booted off the list by nature. 8v8 ranked is going away but regs will still be here. Also I plan on adding sections in the future both for 8v8 and 4v4 where appropriate. I have yet to work out the details but I will keep you posted and take feedback from the community.


Errmagawd new epeen stroking thread! Can we only have one record per category? :rak_02:


As if you need your epeen stroked anymore Rynis :p and yes only one record per category. You just mad cuz you......sooooooo bad. :p


That also has a sorc overall healing record for Adorable.


On a side note: it is worth noting that Psycho's screenshot (since he said that he was in the match from start to finish) displays an incorrect hps. It was roughly 1360.


Ty on both accounts Vasyel. Rynis is lazy and self absorbed. :p Atleast someone is looking out for other ppl. Gratz Adorable.

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Lawl, I could care less about having my name displayed on some e-peen list. Most spots in the first place are going to be taken by people designed in a premade/ranked team. I was simply saying that since this is a SERVER thread, regardless if they got the record while they were here (kudos to them) and the fact that what? The Pub side has MCB as a end game PvP group (Still don't see PD, DR, etc.). Imp side has CP, US/AD, BSW or so. None of which any of them are running ranked from what I know, aside from the few who may be doing the weekly kickballs.


So that leaves the majority of people on the server to attempt to beat these records, as nicely done as they are, in regs? Lawl. So "new management" means copy and paste and let the thread die again?

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Hey Yuuzhan, thanks for doing this. I just want to make a slight correction, On overall sorcerer damage taken, that was Axxva (repub, JC) and NOT Axva.


Remember that one? My first wz on this particular toon as a 55 and you, Devil and Odysius sufficiently broke me in, lol


I do know for a fact that a good many of these records were also achieved in regular wz's, so for people to say that they won't or can't happen again is not really accurate.


I'm kinda on the fence about the old records standing (maybe because Axva doesn't have one, haha), although your reasoning to keep it as it is, is spot on. I had mentioned to Andressa before, that maybe keep the records of those who have left, but put them in a designated different color (indicating a transfer) or italicized. A lot of work I know and I'm thinking that overall people don't worry about it too much. I for one love the records thread, not even sure pot5 has one, or it's lamesauce or something, lol. As always, JC has a way of staying classy!!

Edited by _Adisa_
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So that leaves the majority of people on the server to attempt to beat these records, as nicely done as they are, in regs? Lawl.


I randomly clicked through 20 screen shots and they were all regs.


A record is a record for a reason. It's not going to be easy to beat some of these for sure, but there are plenty of spots that can be stolen.

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Lawl, I could care less about having my name displayed on some e-peen list. Most spots in the first place are going to be taken by people designed in a premade/ranked team. I was simply saying that since this is a SERVER thread, regardless if they got the record while they were here (kudos to them) and the fact that what? The Pub side has MCB as a end game PvP group (Still don't see PD, DR, etc.). Imp side has CP, US/AD, BSW or so. None of which any of them are running ranked from what I know, aside from the few who may be doing the weekly kickballs.


So that leaves the majority of people on the server to attempt to beat these records, as nicely done as they are, in regs? Lawl. So "new management" means copy and paste and let the thread die again?


This really isn't about e-peen at all imo but that's just my opinion, however if you don't care then I don't understand why you would ask for it to be wiped. I'm sorry to say that you are incorrect though. Most of these spots were taken by individual players in reg wz's. I know out of any records I have posted pre and post 2.0 I think all but 2 of them were solo qued. I think for one I was in a group with 1 other and for one I was in a premade.


You are correct it is a server thread and no other records that were made while playing on another server are listed here. I don't see a reason to delete someone's record simply because they left the server or quit playing. I don't see anyone taking players out of the hall of fame because they changed teams or retired.


Also as I stated many of these records including some #1's have already been beaten since Andressa left.


New management does not mean just copy and paste. As I stated previously I intend on adding/changing some things as well. I also have no intention of letting the thread die. I wouldn't have started a new thread and be willing to put in the work to keep it updated if that was my intention.


I do know for a fact that a good many of these records were also achieved in regular wz's, so for people to say that they won't or can't happen again is not really accurate.[/Quote]




I randomly clicked through 20 screen shots and they were all regs.


A record is a record for a reason. It's not going to be easy to beat some of these for sure, but there are plenty of spots that can be stolen.


^And this.


Hey Yuuzhan, thanks for doing this. I just want to make a slight correction, On overall sorcerer damage taken, that was Axxva (repub, JC) and NOT Axva.


I had mentioned to Andressa before, that maybe keep the records of those who have left, but put them in a designated different color (indicating a transfer) or italicized. A lot of work I know and I'm thinking that overall people don't worry about it too much. I for one love the records thread, not even sure pot5 has one, or it's lamesauce or something, lol. As always, JC has a way of staying classy!!


Ty. Axva I will make the correction. As far as colorizing/italicizing transfers that's not a terrible idea but it also involves tracking individual player movements in the community which idk that I''m up for, lol. Also many of the players that transferred have already come back as you already know. :p

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So that leaves the majority of people on the server to attempt to beat these records, as nicely done as they are, in regs? Lawl. So "new management" means copy and paste and let the thread die again?


A lot of those records are done in regs, with and without premades. Also to take people off of these lists just because they aren't on the server anymore would be a bad idea. Like someone said previously do you remove sports players from records lists when they are out of the league? or when they change conferences? No. Some people like Blunti and Damager might not play on the server anymore but they were some of the best at their class and imo their records deserve to stay.


Also I just realized that my jugg Persies and sorc Gromphe would rank in top 5 for damage done/death ratio from the screenshots that are in the dps section.


Thanks for taking over the thread btw.

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I thought ppl would be less concerned about records being set by ppl not here anymore and more on the fact they were set during times of bad bolster/augment bugs and double power relic procs etc...


That is actually a legitimate concern but I set the record for warrior/knight dps on my jugg a few weeks ago with maybe 2 pieces of conq gear and no messed up bolster or anything so new records are definitely doable, even without the bugs you listed. I think if we could remove the records that benefited from those bugs it would be nice since it really is impossible to beat those now (especially a lot of the highest damage in one hit records) but I just don't think there is any way we could know which are "legit."

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