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What's on your hotbar?


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So i'm around level 24 and i'm getting overwhelmed by abilities. i haven't played around with what to put on my hotbar and what needs to be easier to reach in the WASD configuration. So I thought I would come here and make a post asking fellow gunslingers what they have on their hotbars.


I'm looking for both standing and crouching toolbars. I just need to get some ideas of what to put where so that I can start increasing my DPS output in pvp and pve. I mostly like to pvp however but I would think most of the time I can get by with some abilities being farther away than others.


Look forward to seeing if anyone responds to this.

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Problem with that though is that raid bars in pvp cover up the left hot bar and the quest tracker ALWAYS pops backup on my screen even if i hide it. Effectively making those bars useless.


However I may attempt to organize my bars a bit more this evening and see if that is any help.

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Problem with that though is that raid bars in pvp cover up the left hot bar and the quest tracker ALWAYS pops backup on my screen even if i hide it. Effectively making those bars useless.


However I may attempt to organize my bars a bit more this evening and see if that is any help.


You can move the raid frames...


Right click on the window -- unlock -- move to desired spot -- right click -- lock

Edited by junkfunk
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I will start off by saying there is no math behind this but here is what I am seeing as the most consistant damage at level 31. A few extra details are that I am spec'd Sharpshooter and use Bowdaar as my companion.


I have found there are alot of issues with cover so I went into options and made it so when i click the ground i lose my target and if u go into cover without a target you will use your protable cover. There is no use to have crouch cluttering your bar because it is naturally bound to 'f'. My bar looks like this


Out of cover

Normal Bar

1 - Flurry of Bolts

2 - Vital Shots

3 - Quik Shot

4 - Quik Draw

5 - Blaster Whip

6 - Sabotage Charge

7 - Thermal Grenade

8 - Flash Grenade

9 - Sweeping Gun Fire

10 - Distraction

11 - Leg Shot

12 - Cool Head


Center Bar

1- Dodge

2- Escape

3- Pulse Detonator

4- Dirty Kick

5- Slice Droid

6- Smuggler's Luck

7- Surrender

8-12 = sprint / speeder / quik travel / recuperate / lucky shots


In Cover

1- Flurry of Bolts

2- Charged Burst

3- Vital Shot

4- Quik shot

5- Trick Shot

6- Aimed Shot

7- Quik Draw

8- Blaster Whip

10- distraction

11- leg shot

12- cool head


Now I do not click I have everything bound I amnot gonna explain my key bindings but here is the skill order I tend to use.


Mobs that have enouh health to have somewhat of a rotation

Get in cover then:

Aimed Shot

Charged Burst - Free cast from talents

Flurry of Bolts - to sustain energy

Vital - Shot

Flurry of Bolts

Charged Burst spam until next aimed shot

and kinda repeat if they are getting close to quik draw range and I have the energy I will use Quik Shot and follow up with a Quik Draw and continue with Quik draw in rotation

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I will start off by saying there is no math behind this but here is what I am seeing as the most consistant damage at level 31. A few extra details are that I am spec'd Sharpshooter and use Bowdaar as my companion.


I have found there are alot of issues with cover so I went into options and made it so when i click the ground i lose my target and if u go into cover without a target you will use your protable cover. There is no use to have crouch cluttering your bar because it is naturally bound to 'f'. My bar looks like this


Out of cover

Normal Bar

1 - Flurry of Bolts

2 - Vital Shots

3 - Quik Shot

4 - Quik Draw

5 - Blaster Whip

6 - Sabotage Charge

7 - Thermal Grenade

8 - Flash Grenade

9 - Sweeping Gun Fire

10 - Distraction

11 - Leg Shot

12 - Cool Head


Center Bar

1- Dodge

2- Escape

3- Pulse Detonator

4- Dirty Kick

5- Slice Droid

6- Smuggler's Luck

7- Surrender

8-12 = sprint / speeder / quik travel / recuperate / lucky shots


In Cover

1- Flurry of Bolts

2- Charged Burst

3- Vital Shot

4- Quik shot

5- Trick Shot

6- Aimed Shot

7- Quik Draw

8- Blaster Whip

10- distraction

11- leg shot

12- cool head


Now I do not click I have everything bound I amnot gonna explain my key bindings but here is the skill order I tend to use.


Mobs that have enouh health to have somewhat of a rotation

Get in cover then:

Aimed Shot

Charged Burst - Free cast from talents

Flurry of Bolts - to sustain energy

Vital - Shot

Flurry of Bolts

Charged Burst spam until next aimed shot

and kinda repeat if they are getting close to quik draw range and I have the energy I will use Quik Shot and follow up with a Quik Draw and continue with Quik draw in rotation


Wow, looks like BW barfed all over the gunslinger.



On topic. If you want a clean and easy play smuggler, go scoundrel.

Edited by Chomag
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I generally find it ok, however I have all my abilities keybound and on my 2 center tool bars.


One thing I find useful is grouping abilities. I have my DPS abilites grouped together, my cooldowns together, my CC, stuns and control grouped together, etc.


There are alot of abilites, but I find if you group them like this and put similar abilities together on your binds, you get used to positioning.


i.e. I have dps abilities on 1-5, AoE S1-S2


CC, inruppt, and distance makers, and CC breakers on a,s,d,r


And defensive and offensive cooldowns on f, t, g.


As for DPS rotations, enter cover, throw sticky bomb, burst, DoT, aimed shot and either burst until out of energy or alternate an energy using ability and a no energy ability to keep myself in the high regen range, bursting and using colldowns to put me back in the range as necessary.

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My smuggler is at lvl 23. These are her keybinds (for the time being)

1 - Flurry of Bolts

2 - Quick Shot

3 - Shock Charge

4 - Vital Shot

5 - Charged Burst

6 - Quick Draw

7 - empty

8 - Slice Droid

9 - Sprint

0 - Call Shuttle

- - Lucky Shots

= - Recuperate



1 - Flurry of Bolts

2 - Charged Burst

3 - Sabotage Charge

4 - Aimed Shot

5 - Pulse Detonator

6 - Quick Draw

7 - Shock Charge

8 - Quick Shot

9 - Vital Shot

0 - Blaster Whip

- - empty

= - Recuperate


Center Bottom

` - cover

q - Thermal Grenade

e - Leg Shot

mmb - Distraction

shift - q - Smugglers Luck

shift - e - Escape

shift - mmb - Dirty Kick

shift - w - Flash Grenade

shift - a - Cool Head

shift - s - Hunker Down

shift - d - All In

shift - z - empty


finding there is too much that needs to be accessed while in cover, and in a hurry my hand rarely likes to go beyond 5... so might add a ctl line to the q, e, w,a,s,d,z. Also, MMB is middle mouse button

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  • 1 month later...
I'm constantly changing up my (sharpshooter) gunslinger's hotbars, and she's only level 21. I may just go with the 'instants to the left, crowd control to the right, anything with a long cooldown on the bottom' rule. I find myself getting frazzled as I try to keep track of cooldowns and such.
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