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Level 30 and not even half way done with Tatooine?


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So, I currently just hit 30, and I'm not even half way done with Tatooine. Is this normal? I've only been running flashpoints once each and even skipped Mandalorian Raiders and Cademimu, which really sucks, just so I stop out leveling content so fast. Also, I only did a handful of PvP matches. Whats going on, and should I skip Tatooine and move on?
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I have the same as the OP. I haven't been grinding or anything. I did all flashpoints and all quests I could find so far. Additionally I did the PVP and Space dailies. I'm currently almost level 31 and probably not even halfway through Tatooine.


I can never really be bothered to log out in a cantina cause it takes too much time to travel to one and the amount of rested you get is very low. Positive aspect for me is that all quests are very easy to do this way. The three heroics I finished so far on Tatooine were easily soloable.


I don't want to start skipping quests cause I enjoy each dialogue and don't wanna miss out on rewards and cash either of course.


Anyway for me it's clear that the amount of XP you can get for each zone, is far more than you actually need. And even then you can do PVP or space combat.

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I've done all the quests I could find, except the Heroics. I've been playing odd hours, middle of the night, only 10 people on the same planet as me... So I never bothered to try and find some company. I did finish one or two Heroics solo, but most of them skipped, and all flashpoints skipped. No PvP, but I did all the space missions at least once.


Currently, I'm level 26 and heading for a level 28 class quest on Tatooine. Usually, the quests I do are exactly the level I am, but it seems right now I'm slightly under-leveled.


Then again, I'm Imperial Agent, so I stealth past a lot of mobs instead of fighting them.

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Level 30 is fine for Tatooine. The world boss is level 30 (a fun fight).

the bonus series Heroics are TOUGH.


A group of level 25s would definitely get slaughtered if they tried to do those (or be very organized). I had a strong group of 28-31 and barely got past one heroic (Blood and Sand) and we probably died 5 times in there. Pulling 3-5 elites at one time is tough to control.


For normal quest content I guess you can be level 24-28 but the bonus series is crazy hard.

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generaly in games like that, they give you more quests then you need to level, to give you an option to skip the quests or the chains that you don't like and still be able to move on. the side effect of that is outleveling the content a bit if you are completionist, but as a completionist, I personaly don't mind.
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I wish I had your problem. I advanced in the story faster than I leveled, now Im stuck in a mission because of 1 guy. Ive gotten 4 levels here and still cant beat him. Thats what I get for getting to lvl 19 areas when I was lvl 13 lol.
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Well first thing id try to stop lying to people trying to hype yourself up. this might help.


Actually, the first thing you should try is to stop jumping to conclusions and accusing people of lying for no reason. Just because you haven't experienced the OP's issue doesn't mean it isn't possible - as the rest of the posts on this thread should show you. If you can't post something constructive, just don't post.


To the original topic: Yeah, I've had the same experience. I was 28 by the time I even got to Tatt, but I've been doing pretty much every single quest I come across including bonus series, as well as a bunch of the space combat.


I think Bioware's originally intended for the suggested levels of each planet to be balanced for players who do *most* of the quests available along the way before moving on to new content. If you're a completionist, it stands to reason you'll probably be a bit higher level than the expected default as you move along the storyline.

Edited by Outcry
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