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A puzzling matter.


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Something puzzles me a bit, and I thought I might share it.


I have been playing around with classes for a while, and I noticed that a sentinel has a temporary stealth button, yet my sorceror does not.


This puzzles me on a couple of levels.


Firstly, from a strictly lore and logic standpoint. Knights and Warriors are the "stand your ground and fight" types by nature, yet they inexplicably have a very sneaky and underhanded ability that lets them sneak away from danger. Not exactly "knightly" in my opinion. Conversely, the entire idea of force stealth seems to derive from illusion and mental subterfuge, two things that a Sorceror or Sage SHOULD be able to do. Take Naga Sadow, for example. He was a master of Sith Sorcery, and he used illusions and mind "magics" all the time.


Secondly, from a game-play practicality standpoint, this seems to make little sense to me as well. Knights and Warriors have a lot of baseline defensive cooldowns already. They don't really NEED another "oh ****" button, nor do they really need a short duration stealth with a speed boost. However, Sorcerors/Sages could REALLY use another viable defensive cooldown that gets them out of the line of fire. Right now, our best bet is barrier, which is nice but it has the overwhelming flaw of being a channeled ability. We have to stay in one place, basically CC ourselves, AND the whole world can see us still and know very easily when our bubble is gonna burst. This is almost pointless in circumstances where you are healing and being mobbed by a group of enemies. You can't continue to do your job, you just get focused again IMMEDIATELY after it breaks, it's basically just delaying the inevitable.


Perhaps I am over-thinking things, but it just seems a bizarre choice to me. It would make a LOT more sense to me if Sorcs/Sages had a short duration stealth/speed boost to escape situations, rather than the armor-clad knightly sorts.

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It's ok, some day you will learn to read the big words. I will help you out for now.


"Big fighting man should not be sneaky. Magic man should be sneaky"


Does that help?


The fact is you cant really compare sorcerers to THE MARAUDER because THE MARAUDER cannot heal to full.

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The fact is you cant really compare sorcerers to THE MARAUDER because THE MARAUDER cannot heal to full.


Neither can a DPS sorc in the heat of battle. Without healing spec, we can't sit and spam heal ourselves very easily, especially with a MARAUDER (since we like using caps for the word) smashing your face in. We can lolbubble, but the second it ends he's just going to pop the cooldowns that have been brewing and finish the job.


And yes, I can compare them. See, I just did in my original post.


It is really just a question of sense. A stealth/speed buff makes little to no sense for a marauder, but it would make perfect sense for a class that has light armor, few defensive cooldowns, and is supposed to use sorcery as it's method of survival and attack.

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His statement was a direct mockery of one of the responses the Dev's gave to our questions about survivability.


Apparently, we're fine and dandy surviving, but THE MARAUDER and THE SENTINEL just can't survive without ten separate defensive cooldowns.

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His statement was a direct mockery of one of the responses the Dev's gave to our questions about survivability.


Apparently, we're fine and dandy surviving, but THE MARAUDER and THE SENTINEL just can't survive without ten separate defensive cooldowns.


Ah, I see. In that case, I apologize for not detecting the sarcasm that was actually well warranted in this circumstance.

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Well, in my opinion, it's fun to read and make arguments and comparisons based off of lore but it's totally impractical when it comes to balancing classes. You can basically argue for or against whatever you want if you're using lore as the logical reason for anything.


It's hard to imagine that you could convince Bioware to implement class changes citing lore and expect them to balance a game's combat mechanics based off of story canon.



I think the best time to use force barrier is way before you're almost dead. Use it when you're at 3/4 health and have multiple enemies targeting you. This will provide the biggest momentum change in your favor.


Regarding Knights having a stealth, well son, the force works in mysterious ways.

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