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All we need is three tweaks


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I believe this tread has a point about sent/muard. I started with a muard when the game 1st released, and made battle-master. The class back then was very tough to play, but that is also why I enjoy playing this class. It takes skill in my opinion, but don't get me wrong. I do not think focus tree takes skill. I actually cannot stand it, and refuse to be another no skilled player smashing non-stop. I run a 55 sent now, and I do feel somethings can be tweaked. I like to think I know the class very well, and I handle my sent very well. I know people complain about cd's, damage, etc.. I'm not here to complain about that. I have a few suggestions for BW, and maybe some of you who play the class as much as me can agree? The biggest weakness I feel sent/muard face is knock backs, ranged class, and pulls. All I'm suggesting is couple of tweaks. (1st tweak) I don't mind getting knocked back, I get it, it's other classes defense, so a good sent/ muard will save leap to close the distance after knock back. However, I feel that when I'm using master strike, and I speccd it in combat tree to run full duration on a person I'm hitting, it should not be interruptible. That will help with the class remaining a rush down class. (2nd tweak) I feel with all the holds, slows, and knock backs sent/muard face BW should make saber throw a ranged interrupt. Here is an example. A mercenary can place a hold on a sent so you can't leap at them to close distance, than use rockets an annilate you as you run up to him. You can stealth for 4's, but now your either using your pvp heal, or trying your hardest to do as much damage to the merc. Same goes with snipers and sorc's. Just make saber throw an interrupt, which gives you a chance to not get annihilated before you can pressure. (Last tweak) This is for all classes. When you are fight a sorc or counselor, and they use their bubble shield, and they put their drain on you as they sit in the bubble. I feel that the other class who is attacking them should be able to heal while their shield is up. In group pvp chances are you'll get attacked, so your not really going to be able and use your heal up, but 1v1, this would help balance the pressure a sent/muard were ment to be in their class. Just 3 tweaks to the class.
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I believe this tread has a point about sent/muard. I started with a muard when the game 1st released, and made battle-master. The class back then was very tough to play, but that is also why I enjoy playing this class. It takes skill in my opinion, but don't get me wrong. I do not think focus tree takes skill. I actually cannot stand it, and refuse to be another no skilled player smashing non-stop. I run a 55 sent now, and I do feel somethings can be tweaked. I like to think I know the class very well, and I handle my sent very well. I know people complain about cd's, damage, etc.. I'm not here to complain about that. I have a few suggestions for BW, and maybe some of you who play the class as much as me can agree? The biggest weakness I feel sent/muard face is knock backs, ranged class, and pulls. All I'm suggesting is couple of tweaks. (1st tweak) I don't mind getting knocked back, I get it, it's other classes defense, so a good sent/ muard will save leap to close the distance after knock back. However, I feel that when I'm using master strike, and I speccd it in combat tree to run full duration on a person I'm hitting, it should not be interruptible. That will help with the class remaining a rush down class. (2nd tweak) I feel with all the holds, slows, and knock backs sent/muard face BW should make saber throw a ranged interrupt. Here is an example. A mercenary can place a hold on a sent so you can't leap at them to close distance, than use rockets an annilate you as you run up to him. You can stealth for 4's, but now your either using your pvp heal, or trying your hardest to do as much damage to the merc. Same goes with snipers and sorc's. Just make saber throw an interrupt, which gives you a chance to not get annihilated before you can pressure. (Last tweak) This is for all classes. When you are fight a sorc or counselor, and they use their bubble shield, and they put their drain on you as they sit in the bubble. I feel that the other class who is attacking them should be able to heal while their shield is up. In group pvp chances are you'll get attacked, so your not really going to be able and use your heal up, but 1v1, this would help balance the pressure a sent/muard were ment to be in their class. Just 3 tweaks to the class.


The only one I tentatively agree with is the first. Even then, I would far rather deal with the 'interruption' of Master Strike if there were a way to keep our Precision Slash window from being stymied. Without Precision Slash the Combat spec is lackluster at best. It is difficult for me to opine which is the most important ability (for my money it is Blade Rush), but it seems to center on three primary abilities: Blade Rush, Precision Slash and Blade Storm in that order. Master Strike is the 'hail mary' attack if you will. I use it and use it a lot, but I do not depend on it finishing.


We do not need a ranged interrupt. That would make us insanely overpowered. I am not fond of the abundance and ubiquity of cc in PvP either, but there are usually ways around it. Snipers are not impossible to take down by any means unless they're being cheap and squatting on a platform that is out of range of the Sentinel. Commandos and Mercenaries needed the electro-net (though I hate it) because they were pretty much auto kills prior to that. Personally, I think the electro net needs to be adjusted a bit. It seems a bit too strong when it is there (preventing leaps, Force Camoflage, it seems to cause more damage the more one moves and it snares for about six seconds). I hate asking for nerfs on other classes--but electro net does seem to be a bit strong. Any advice on how to get around it would be appreciated.


You're asking that the bubble take you out of combat in 1v1? Am I reading that right? So you want to be able to make the sorcerer or sage think about using the bubble during a 1v1? I disagree. The bubble is annoying, but allowing for what I think you're suggesting would completely defeat the purpose of the bubble. Sorcerers can prove challenging to take down, despite their gripes, but the bubble is not the problem imo. If it is, it's only because it can be tactically used to wait for specific attacks or defenses to come off cool down. That's just smart play. Sorcerers are calling for buffs (I think) and I don't think they need them. I don't think they need nerfs either.

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My best play against Merc is to get as close as fast as I can without using leap. I use transcend a lot so I'm faster running to close the gap. I save leap if I get knocked back. I have to agree with you on the net being a little to op. We should be able to at least cloak, as we do when we are closing distance against snipers. What tree do you use?
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I say up our healing debuff to 70%, make master strike un-interruptable as said and a lot of the issues we have in pvp would be fixed. If Bioware did this, I would bring my 55 Sentinel out of retirement. The knock back issue is manageable get knocked back and rooted just camo up sneak behind Sniper (since 60% of empire plays them), and go to town (with a un-interruptable Master strike:D.


I do agree, Sentis and Marauders need something as given.

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The only one I tentatively agree with is the first. Even then, I would far rather deal with the 'interruption' of Master Strike if there were a way to keep our Precision Slash window from being stymied. Without Precision Slash the Combat spec is lackluster at best. It is difficult for me to opine which is the most important ability (for my money it is Blade Rush), but it seems to center on three primary abilities: Blade Rush, Precision Slash and Blade Storm in that order. Master Strike is the 'hail mary' attack if you will. I use it and use it a lot, but I do not depend on it finishing.


We do not need a ranged interrupt. That would make us insanely overpowered. I am not fond of the abundance and ubiquity of cc in PvP either, but there are usually ways around it. Snipers are not impossible to take down by any means unless they're being cheap and squatting on a platform that is out of range of the Sentinel. Commandos and Mercenaries needed the electro-net (though I hate it) because they were pretty much auto kills prior to that. Personally, I think the electro net needs to be adjusted a bit. It seems a bit too strong when it is there (preventing leaps, Force Camoflage, it seems to cause more damage the more one moves and it snares for about six seconds). I hate asking for nerfs on other classes--but electro net does seem to be a bit strong. Any advice on how to get around it would be appreciated.


You're asking that the bubble take you out of combat in 1v1? Am I reading that right? So you want to be able to make the sorcerer or sage think about using the bubble during a 1v1? I disagree. The bubble is annoying, but allowing for what I think you're suggesting would completely defeat the purpose of the bubble. Sorcerers can prove challenging to take down, despite their gripes, but the bubble is not the problem imo. If it is, it's only because it can be tactically used to wait for specific attacks or defenses to come off cool down. That's just smart play. Sorcerers are calling for buffs (I think) and I don't think they need them. I don't think they need nerfs either.


I agree, Sorcs don't need buffs or nerfs, they go a lot of get the **** out of dodge tools, hell as someone has said, they are using the CC, dot, then bubble trick to kill people off now and on average I have seen more Sorcs kill people with this tactic in Ranked and PUGs WZ than not.

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