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Marauder Key Stats and Gear


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This does not compute for me: Marauders should stack crit, then endurance, THEN strength?


I'd like to see the theorycrafting behind these words, because in my mind Endurance shouldn't even be on the list, and strength should come before crit rating.


I am totally willing to change my tune, but one post without any backup just makes me say "buh?"

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marauder key stats, in this priority order: Crit, Endurance, Strength, power (if you can get it without sacrificing the other three)







Reminds me of the troll face-tank sentinel build, where you max endurance, crit and defense, because the self heals are massive and they never hit you.


Though its useless, because the damage output sucks, and its only a 31% dodge rate, and crits with burns are only 96% of the time at max juyo stacks.


Sarcasm is in Itallics.

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I tried your build for the first 10 levels of marauder progression, and I consistently died every time I hit anything stronger than silver. I then bought comm weapons, ran one, single playthrough of Boarding Party and got fully modable armor except for belt and wrist slot. I restacked all my stats to how I initially posted them, and it worked.


:EDIT: Sorry. I checked again and I had:

1) Endurance

2) Strength

3) Crit

4) Power (my Force-ness needed some love, too)

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I've read quite a few things on Marauder stats. Since I pvp mostly I will tell you what I'm focusing. At this moment I am going the power/surge focus and so far have had good results. This is what I focus:


1. Power/Surge

2. Str

3. Acc to 100%

4. End

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I've read quite a few things on Marauder stats. Since I pvp mostly I will tell you what I'm focusing. At this moment I am going the power/surge focus and so far have had good results. This is what I focus:


1. Power/Surge

2. Str

3. Acc to 100%

4. End


See, now this sounds exactly right to me, although I'd likely prioritize STR over power/surge, but that's just me and I don't have a high-level Marauder yet.

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