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Huttball - Please learn to pass


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Ok I dont often whine about things but people if you want to play Huttball please make sure you know how to pass the ball.


It is super frustrating when you have players in a perfect position to receive the ball and score, but instead people just stand there and die and lose the ball.


So if you look in your skills there is a skill that allows you to pass the huttball it works in the same way as the Bounty Hunter's Death from above.

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This is why players should be able to queue for the game of their choice. Huttball is neat, but it requires a different kind of strategy than the others. Also, I can't stand the Attack/Defend doors mission, I think it's horrendous and boring.


I wish I could just queue for turrets and Huttball at my own choosing..


If you could choose queue, you would get more people that know how to play Huttball, in my opinion.

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What's even worse than people not passing is people who go all nerd rage in chat when someone doesn't pass even though that person was chain-stunned and couldn't.


Just because a person doesn't pass doesn't mean they weren't trying to.

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What's even worse than people not passing is people who go all nerd rage in chat when someone doesn't pass even though that person was chain-stunned and couldn't.


Just because a person doesn't pass doesn't mean they weren't trying to.




Just letting the folks know how to pass :)

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I cannot seem to pass the ball. Is there supposed to be something put in my hotbar when i receive the ball?



There is an ability in the "general" tab when u press "P" called "Pass Huttball".


Put it on your hotbar and you´re dandy.



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Not that its a great excuse or anything. But, perhaps if the targeting system wasn't so stupid, it might help.


What do you mean "targeting system"?


You click the ability, then you click on the ground where you want the ball to land.

No need to target anybody for that.



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I rarely get the ball, mostly because I don't end up in Huttball often, and because I'm sticking close to the carrier to heal and am not open anyway. However, when I do, I try to pass immediately but I notice something every single time.


Nobody is open :( They stand behind the guy punching me in the face screaming to pass the ball. Not up on the next level where it's safe or anything. Just... behind more Sith.


I'll start passing when you start getting open ;)


EDITED: For typos.

Edited by Rheeling
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I rarely get the ball, mostly because I don't end up in Huttball often




That was a nice line to read. :p


The time here in Sweden is like 7 in the morning and I've actually been here on the PvP forum for about 10h straight trying to calm ppl down.


Now I pass the ball over to you ;) cause I need some sleep.




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Can ppl please explain the passing function better? So far i have had the ball maybe 50 times in huttball and never been able to pass the ball. I have the ability hotbared, press it and aim to a friendly while pressing right and left mouse button agressively, but nothing happens until i die while trying. Also someone said to aim at the ground, but how can i throw the ball up when it is impossible to aim the ground on a level above you? Please give a good explanation this time. Thx Edited by Cimza
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It's funny when someone does a panic pass and passes it to no one. Hutball is my favorite Warzone.




I'll never understand why so many heroes decide to play huttball.. I see it all the time, and hell most of the time when I do get the huttball.. what are people doing?


They are behind me or no where to be found as i get pounded on with no place to pass.


Occasionally yo u'll see a good player who gets in front of the ball who passes the firetraps before you get to them etc..etc..

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