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Role Shortage


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I've been thinking about making either a tank or healer here. Is the a shortage of tanks/healers? If so which one is there more of a shortage of? I don't mind playing Imperial or republic, though I'd prefer republic. I'd probably role a Jedi Knight for Republic tanking, smuggler for healing. For Imperial I'd go warrior tank or BH Healer
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Wait until 2.4.


Who's going tank? By and large I'm still not convinced that tanks are very good on this server at all. It's not that there aren't good players who roll tanks, but that we're on a pve server and that unlike healers or dps, tanks have a vastly different role in pvp that they just are not aware of. I'm willing to help anyone out but the fact remains that there are only a handful of players who tank properly.

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Who's going tank? By and large I'm still not convinced that tanks are very good on this server at all. It's not that there aren't good players who roll tanks, but that we're on a pve server and that unlike healers or dps, tanks have a vastly different role in pvp that they just are not aware of. I'm willing to help anyone out but the fact remains that there are only a handful of players who tank properly.


ill give you a few pointers if you want

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Admittedly I've been away from the game for a few months, but I never saw there being much of a tank or healer shortage. At least no more than any other MMO I've played. Although maybe it depends on if you're talking PVP or PVE. I don't know anything about whats what in PVP.


What I will say is that you should pick a role you want to play because you actually want to play that role, not just to get insta queues,

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Yeah, you don't mention if you're asking for PVP or PVE, but my experience trying to queue for PVE Flashpoints and Operations is that the shortage is generally with tanks--although occasionally as a tank I have to wait in queue for a healer.


So the answer is: yes

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