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BC question and answer


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Someone posted on another thread that there is a lack of 'mentoring' threads on the forum. There are numerous elaborate strategy guides for operations, class build guides for both PvP and PvE and guides for almost every aspect of the game available on different websites. Keeping that in mind I propose a thread where people can ask their questions and some expert will answer it in the same thread.


The questions can be about anything regarding PvE: class build, rotation, operation boss strategy etc. etc. For example one question can be:


I was doing EC the other day and saw a commando did not get thrown off the tank. How did he do that?


I did not include PvP here because I don't PvP much/not that good at it. But if veteran PvPers make an effort to address the questions posted here, I have no objections against PvP questions.


I can guarantee that the PvE questions will be answered by people who are expert at that class and build. If I can not get them to post here I will get the answer from them and post on their behalf.


Have fun BC and happy gaming.

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It may also be a good idea to include topics like how threat works, ops/fp roles, and other basics of MMOs. It has been sobering to see how many people don't know how the game works on a fundamental level. Granted, I know those needing that kind of education, aren't usually frequenting the forums, but when people do get it good explanation, it usually helps.
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Postage stamp (okay large postage stamp) explanation of threat:


Threat on an NPC opponent will determine who they will attack and is based on a threat table for that creature, basic rule of thumb is that:


- DPS generate threat at a 1:1 ratio, i.e. for every 1 pt of dmg inflicted on an opponent they gain 1 pt of threat on that opponents threat table.

- Healers generate threat at a lower rate (of the top of my head 0.5:1 ratio), however the threat generated by healers is spread across all opponents in aggro range or that have been engaged.

- Tanks generate threat at a higher rate, approximately 1.5:1 ratio and also have skills to generate more threat, i.e. taunts, pulls etc...


Special abilities can be used to increase threat (pulls, pushes, slows, etc...) and to decrease threat (extrication, intercede etc...) know as aggro dumps should be used when the DPS or Healers overly crit on their attacks/heals


Typically in a fight the tank will pull the strongest opponent out of the mob using a threat building attack (not always a taunt, I usually open with a slow/pull) and the DPS will attack the weaker targets. If the tank loses aggro due to the healer or DPS managing to out threat them (i.e. pull off them) the tank should use a taunt to get the threat back on them. Experienced tanks no when to taunt off themselves thereby increasing their threat much higher on the threat table. A tank switch (which occurs regularly in Operations) is when the second tank (or off-tank) taunts off the main tank, usually due to some mechanic of the boss.


Taunts have a special station on threat as they will add to whomever has the existing threat and add a fixed number, e.g. 10000, to make sure the person issuing the taunt gets aggro. This can be used to the advantage of an experienced tank to act as a threat multiplier, i.e. by taunting off themselves or another tank.


Guards, each tank has the ability to put a Guard on a person which acts to both reduce the damage the person takes to incoming attacks and also to reduce their threat ratio. Typically this guard is put on the highest DPS players or those with a lot of frontline burst so as the tank doesn't lose aggro on the opponent. In rare situations the guard maybe put on a healer for the reduction in damage but there are less than a handful of situations in this game where this occurs.


Anyway enough of my thesis if a more experienced tank wants to chime in with say common opening rotations, corrections or just tell me I know nothing, all is appreciated.

Edited by bsbrad
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