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Stop the madness! WZ's need an overhaul!


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I am tired of joining a 3-4 man team on a WZ when the opponent has a full team. We get no commendations and our time is wasted. I am not sure if people are intentionally manipulating the cue- (In which case, those caught should have their accounts and any accounts affiliated to that account perma-banned) -or if it is just the poor planning by BioWare when developing WZ's


I am on Jung Ma and our WZ's are always dominated by The Regulators; an over geared under talented mob of misfits who tend to work very well together. In so doing they have single-handedly (though perhaps unintentionally) hurt our server's WZ by chasing many people away.


What I propose are a few things I believe may solve these problems (of which I am sure exist on other servers):


1) Make cross server WZ's This was done very successfully in WoW as it reduced cue waiting times. It could also serve to eliminate one or two guilds' monopoly over a single server.


2) Close WZ sessions where less than 80% of the team are present do not award any commendations for a cancelled WZ. This would help with cheating where people cue up but do not log in. It also would help with teams who's members drop off giving the opposing team overwhelming numbers.


2a) As part of 2) If someone logs off or cues up and does not log in to a WZ they should be banned from the WZ for a minimum of 1 hour. Nobody likes a cheater or a poor sport. (I am sorry if your internet sucks but the rest of us should not be penalized because you can only afford dial-up. I play through a VPN in China and I only occasionally have problems.)


3) Allow match choice when cuing into WZ's. I personally hate Hutt Ball and I would like the option to cue into the WZ's that I like.


4) Set up a choice between match WZ's and solo Wz's whereby solo WZs would not allow group cuing. Let guilds like the Regulators be challenged by other organised PVP guilds. It must get boring for them when they have no opposition. I am sure they would welcome the challenge. And it would help others to enjoy the WZ element of the game more.


I believe if we implement these few simple ideas, we will see a better community which will result in a better game.


Please add other ideas if you so like.


PS. note I not only gave my idea but supported the argument. Please respect the spirit in which this thread was written and respond in kind. Trolls will not be fed!



Thank you for your time.



Edited by Marrius
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4) Set up a choice between match WZ's and solo Wz's whereby solo WZs would not allow group cuing. Let guilds like the Regulators be challenged by other organised PVP guilds. It must get boring for them when they have no opposition. I am sure they would welcome the challenge. And it would help others to enjoy the WZ element of the game more.


Here's how this is going to go:


People who don't want to solo queue (and I don't blame them, some people are just too stupid and you want to make sure you avoid ending up in the same group), will tell you to "L2P" and that they want to play "with their friends in an MMO".


You will reply that they can play with their friends against other premade teams.


They will say that then the queue times will be significantly increased for them and that they shouldn't have to "suffer" because you don't know "how to play" or don't want to join a guild.


So let me just sum up why this isn't going to happen:

Because Bioware doesn't care about "fairness" as much as you think. And proof of that is that they are now making it even easier for premades to faceroll pugs, by allowing 4man premades to go up against 4 pugs without even allowing to opt out of Arena queues - yeah, good luck trying to figure out the stupidity of that decision.


They want to keep the most devoted PVPers (who are most likely in a guild and running premades, already) and don't really care about the casual PVPers.


So OP, you are wasting your time.

You will be ridiculed by l33t, pro premade facerollers who will just reply with "lol l2p" as if your whole team is only depending on your playing perfectly, you will be called an idiot for actually asking for what is fair etc. etc. It's been going on for a long time now in the PVP subforum and Bioware completely ignores and actively tries to make matters worse...

Edited by TheNahash
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Thanks for your opinions but I think you are wrong.... here is why...


Here's how this is going to go:


People who don't want to solo queue (and I don't blame them, some people are just too stupid and you want to make sure you avoid ending up in the same group), will tell you to "L2P" and that they want to play "with their friends in an MMO".


You will reply that they can play with their friends against other premade teams.


Actually my response would be to read my suggestion on having two different types of servers, one for group cues and one for solo cues.


They will say that then the queue times will be significantly increased for them and that they shouldn't have to "suffer" because you don't know "how to play" or don't want to join a guild.


Well Nostradamus you are not, With two types of cues AND cross server WZ's there will be virtually no wait times.


So let me just sum up why this isn't going to happen:

Because Bioware doesn't care about "fairness" as much as you think. And proof of that is that they are now making it even easier for premades to faceroll pugs, by allowing 4man premades to go up against 4 pugs without even allowing to opt out of Arena queues - yeah, good luck trying to figure out the stupidity of that decision.


They want to keep the most devoted PVPers (who are most likely in a guild and running premades, already) and don't really care about the casual PVPers.


So OP, you are wasting your time.

You will be ridiculed by l33t, pro premade facerollers who will just reply with "lol l2p" as if your whole team is only depending on your playing perfectly, you will be called an idiot for actually asking for what is fair etc. etc. It's been going on for a long time now in the PVP subforum and Bioware completely ignores and actively tries to make matters worse...



I know how being ignored can make one cynical of people. However If all we do is say "they will never do it" then they will likely never do it. I am living in China right now. Believe me I know how frustrating it can get when you see that something needs to be done but nobody does anything. I have learned that by making a nuisance of myself people will do something if only to get me off their back. If this is what Bioware responds to, so be it. Let it be known I am officially Bioware's new pain in the backside lol.


Anyways, It will help if we get more people posting about this topic. And for those who say L2P all I have to say to them is I can play just fine. But if by L2P they mean I should give up my life so that SWTOR is the only thing I am good at. Then I say L2L (learn to live).


Many MMO's have failed because the companies do not listen to the level headed arguments of their customers. I have met some of the founding members of Bioware when I lived in Edmonton. The people I met do not seem to be incompetent nor are they complacent. I believe that if we as customers present well thought and supported arguments to seek better change for the game, then better change will come about.


We cannot, must not, cow-tail to the bully mentality that many L33T players have simply because they are protecting their status as being one of the best at the only thing they do in life. Many of us do not have the option to spend 16 hours a day playing SWTOR.


Think about this possibility; If those of us who are successful in life were to, instead, use our energies on being better MMO players, the L33T, facerollers would likley be facerolled and would likely leave the game in search of some other exclusive activity where they can use L33T speak and prop themselves up as being less of the loser in life that they actually are.


So why would Bioware listen to these people? Do they pay more than the rest of us? Likely not, those of us with lives will use a subscription AND pay for cartel coins because we do not have the time to farm instances and WZ's.

I myself am working off a 6 month membership and I have just bought my 5th max cartel bundle and I have only been playing one month. I balance my gaming time with a very full workload and a wife so I need to buy what I can to improve my gaming experience.


My money is on the notion that Bioware will serve those that pay for their service before those that don't pay as much. Therefore lets let them know what we want and to heck with the L33T speaking trolls who really don't care about the overall quality of this game we love.

Edited by Marrius
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I agree in theory, but i dont think Bioware would invest the resources or development time to creating cross-server WZ's. At least, not yet.


In reality though, what you've proposed (assuming Bioware doesn't use cross-server), would make WZ's scarce period, for everyone.


I don't mean to sound like some l337 pvper or something, but i recommend doing all you can to be as good as you can, and keeping track of people you pvp with, so you can group up and challenge these "misfits".


I solo-que 99% of the time on a pvp server, and yeah, teams get stacked a lot, but I honestly don't have such a problem that i demand change.


Sometimes you get stuck with a buncha tards against a really good team. Whelp, them's the breaks. Happens to me, happens to you, happens to anyone who doesn't pre-made all the time.


I really think the problem isn't as big as you make it sound though.

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so you have a group of pvpers who when others run up against them leave. now you want bioware to make it cross server and punish those that do leave because of this.


sounds like you might want to make some friends, join a guild or such to queue up with instead of asking the game to solve your solo play style problem for you. you will always find such groups in these mmos. a better solution would be a in game voice chat to help even the lack of coordination of pugs.


besides it has been stated many many times that they are not making anything cross server.

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I find it funny when people complain about PvP when you consider the game was NEVER meant to have it. Ever. But then they did a Beta, and people where all 'WHERES THE PvP!' so they put it in. As far as I am condenser, TOR is NOT a PvP driven game. It never should be. At its core, it is a STORY driven game. That is why each class has its own story. Each flashpoint is a story. Each location has a story. The side missions are there own story. Even PvP maps HAVE story to them, albeit not as much, due to them being a last minute thing.


So, when you complain about PvP, remember this. TOR Is a STORY driven MMO. Not a PvP driven one. It should ALWAYS be that way.

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First off: Its queue, not cue. Queuing not cuing.


Second: If they are so under talented why are you here crying because they keep beating you? You call them under talented and yet praise their ability to work together, which is one of the most important parts of PvP. Could you contradict yourself a little more do you think? Obviously they are better than you, just accept that.


1. No thanks, hurts server communities.


2. This sounds very similar to what they already do. Have you never seen the "not enough players, warzone is ending' message?


Also seriously? You are complaining about 'elitist PvPers' while you are apparently an 'elitist at internet connection'. Pretty darn hypocritical if you ask me. And petty. And selfish. Seriously you want to ban people because their internet might have gone out? Maybe their power went out, maybe they had an emergency. Stop being so selfish.


3. I agree with this one, it was something I complained about in beta, but it did not get changed then so its not going to change now.


4. Wait times will be an issue for both groups. Basically you are going to penalize everyone because you think you should win more often than you do.


But hey, everyone who doesn't agree with you and play exactly how you want to play should just be banned right?

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