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Why Smash Should Not be Nerfed


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1 on 1... ok. knockback if he Smash would hit you, knockback 1 sek. earlier and then he Smash... he is a gimp.

shroud + Smash good for you, but rly dear smashmonkeys if your enemy is assassin and it shining like a Christmas tree don't Smash... what you say is if your enemy smashmonkey is a gimp you would win


smart assassin will win again smashmonkey nearly ever, but most time we use the gimpness of our enemies and what you say is 1 on 1, Smash against 4 People i want to see how you want to Counter this. Stack 2x Smash and its more funnier, normal bg and stack 4x Smash and i want to see who would win.


Smash is an easy mode skill, like PT it was and it would be.


Ok, ok... 4 sins vs 4 smashers? If they play smart one smasher will be dead before he can do anything. Vanish, wait 2 min, repeat... Assuming the sins are good the 4 smashers wouldn't have much of a chance. It wouldn't be that simple but still - not much chance for the smashers if the sins blow their cds and wait them out invisibly.

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..i have a guardian and mara and runs every spec..smash on a guardian or jugg is actually fine..on a mara its not really op but considering the tools maras have it becomes a pain..you have 2 or more on team well gg..


i feel smash should be taken away from maras/sents..give them another tree in place..make smash exclusive for guardians and juggs..this would solve alot of the problem also cut down on alot of warrior stacking..i agree smash dont need a big nerf, just 2 warrior classes having the same dps spec is ridicolous..


this will also let other specs on maras get played anni still needs some work but carnage is great when played right..we can all theory craft on this but the dev's have the last call..hopefully dont nerf smash just make it exclusive for guardians and juggs..


i dont want to see arena turns into another rwz where cookie cutter build teams is all you see..cough (2 mara smashers and hybrid jugg tank or full tank with op healer)..

Edited by Xertasian
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It's so good, that it takes to be people like Evolixe or Xinika or other "super unattainable gurus" to even be allowed in a ranked team as a shadow / sin of ANY spec (usually only accepted as tank-in-DPS-gear spec).


Needless to say, with the removal of ranked WZs and the pylons to guard, even that niche has been removed.


Here's the quite disparaging arenas reports by our class representative, Xinika.


"Sins are middle-pack tier in Arena. They are not bad and they are not that impressive. However, even being at middle of the pack, they will require the player to truly perform at a top notch level"






Yeah shadows can heal to full!


Oh wait, that's Sages, Shadows can't heal nor respec to healer.

After super-terrible experience in other MMOS, it's years I am explictly rolling classes that can never heal, as the "if you have 1 heal spell you'll be forced to spec and play healer always and everywhere" is a strong rule that works across the most diverse MMOs.


Anyway it shows how much you know of Shadows and Sins and how qualified are your posts.


I don't care about ranked wzs - I respect success in them but, for me, they aren't usually any fun and the maps don't really support much more than zerg clashes since everyone's almost always within 10-15 seconds of each other. Having said that, sins are still the best node guards and node ninjas. Sins are also still the best class for huttball even if they aren't the fastest runners anymore. Op healers are harder to kill and harder to target/focus first because of stealth. And teams of cc-Ing stealth dps that focus are the biggest nightmare good healers have. They don't matter much in ranked games because of respawn timers and small maps. Ranked games are going away soon.


My scrapper doesn't use his heals -often- but when he does it is usually a deciding factor in whether or not a skirmish or ball carry is won or lost, especially in situations where the enemy team is healer/tank-heavy and mine is light.


in world pvp (and pve), stealth is king of everything. In duels, stealth + cc is extremely relevant. In arenas...? It's way too soon to say.


i do know where you're coming from and I've been with the extremely fickle and extremely "ranked pvp is everything in this game" crowd that doesn't think outside of any given box. With them, everything is awesome or it sucks. The classes with lots of abilities but that don't top the charts/numbers at something are always in the "it sucks" category. We'll see how arenas go.


i never said shadows can heal, btw, but since you mentioned it he can pop out of combat and rest (to full) with a mezzed target right next to him... Ops can do that vs a team of mezzed targets ( that almost never works in practice but in theory...).

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Snipers AOE "" ring of death "" is a joke, it paints a target on the ground giving everyone a good 5 seconds to get out of its way. If you stand in it then you deserve to die for being a bad player... All Snipers/Gunslingers AOE's are good for is keeping people from planting a bomb or taking a turret.


Snipers are only OP if people ignore them. Not to mention were pretty much screwed when people do target us as we can't run and shoot as all are big skills require us to be stationary, which Sins love because it's basically a free kill for them since we can't run away.

Sin/Shadows are your hard counter for one and life iso hard for you while in cover :rolleyes: when standing still with your AOE Mezz, 30M root, leap immunity, and interrupt immunity. make sure to tell that to every Commando/Merc/Sage/Inq.

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