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Ranked 8V8 PVP


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So first off these are not my words an old guild mate of mine who unsubbed about a month ago wanted to share his opinions on the whole 8v8 going away predicament.


He just didn't want to resub just to post this so he asked me to do it :p


So again not my words but his.

I have been playing this game since the beta and I have seen how this game have been losing subscribers each time BW does an update and is sad for me see that mostly because I remember how they gave the promise for do the 8vs8 RWZ and they made us wait a lot and now they decide to remove it without advice instead ask for help to the people about how they can improve it. I would like to know what the Developers think because as i said they lose subscribers each time they do an update and that’s strange.

These are my personal thoughts about what’s going on in this game

I have been quite angry because the system that BW is implementing for the “RW Arenas” is exactly what the “8vs8 RWZ” needed and I’m talking about these 2 changes in the queue:

a) Locking the respect field once you are queued for RWZ:


This is a really good solution for the unbalances in this game because will be really hard to see teams queuing with 4 healers or 4 smashers that only happens in the WZs because depending to the situation the people decide to respec during the game and then is impossible for the new teams to take a node or something else facing a team using 4 healers and some tanks or to defend a node when the other team puts on you 4 smashers and makes many people who starts to doing ranked WZ get mad and the teams that has time playing ranked get bored because they will find the same all the time.




b) Queuing solo till a 8 man group for RWZ selecting the role that each one is running:


For sure many people will be queuing for RW using this system because that is quick option for get the top tier PvP Gear losing or winning a RW, but at the same time if a pug team face a 8 man premade and lose, this experience will make them improve their skills because they have to see that RWs are a high competitive WZ and make them think about find a good guild or find more friends for start making a group of 2 then 3 till many 8man groups start to queue constantly so they can increase their chances to win because they will lose/win rating.





I’m not sure if this will help but I have some idea about how improve the PvP and PvE and make the Guilds compete and is making a “Ranking System for Guilds” for example

1) Ranking for PVE:


If one guy finish a SM FP his guild obtains 1 point (Getting the points for doing 1 FP per day and can be per character so the people can work in their alts too), for a HM FP 2 points, finishing a SM Ops the guild gets 7 points (how you only can do SM ops 1/week there the points are based in SM FP reward x 7days that have the week), HM Ops 14 Points, NiM Ops 21 points. The points obtained by the guild will be per person, for example if there is a guild with 6 from guild “A” and 2 from Guild “B” running a SM ops and they finish it the guild “A” gets 42 points and the Guild “B” 14 points.



Everyone should be able to watch the ranking in anytime and the rewards should be the 5 top guilds in the Ranking per week and the ranking should get resetted per week. An example for the rewards should be like this:

1st Place a box with a random piece of lvl 72 Gear with bonus set

2nd place a box with a lvl 72 Gear without Bonus

3rd Place a box with a lvl 69 Gear With Bonus (or PvE Commendations that should be discussed by the people who does PvE I am more PvP Guy)

4th Place a box with random piece lvl 69 Gear without bonus

5th Place a box with random lvl 66 Gear

“And the boxes and the pieces you get from it should be tradable because that will improve the guild Banks with items that everyone in the guild won if they decide to sell it they will get money for the guild or they can decide to upgrade the gear of one guy who runs PvE Content.

I think all this will make the Guilds recruit more people for run FPs and ops constantly and use a lot their alts too.


2) Ranking for PvP:


Is more simple, winning a RWZ gives 1 point per person (that will include the win of the person who solo queue) for example like in PvE if there is a pug team with 4 from the guild “A”, 3 from the Guild “B” and 1 from the guild “C” and they win a game the guild “A” gets 4 points, the guild “B” 3 and the guild “C” 1.


The Rewards should be for the 5 top Guilds

1st Place Box with Random piece of Conqueror Gear

2nd Place Box with 1000 RWZ Comms and 1000 WZ Comms

3rd Place Box with 500 RWZ Commns and 500 WZ Comms

4th Place Box with Random piece of Partisian Gear

5th Place Box with WZ 500 Comms

“Should be tradable too and there the guild should decide between sell it for money for the guild or Gear up someone from his guild”

Also you can include something like killing 20 guys in Open world gives 1 point or something like that for make the open world Funny but always thinking about how to counter the people who will farm kills with alts for their own guild.


In general I think all that can help for make all the guilds compete for a reward at the end of each week and reputation for the guild.

Also I think it should be a ranking per faction so we don’t have the problem that only one faction gets all the rewards. You can call this system something like the Republic/Imperial Contribution.

And the guilds will be more interested in form more groups for do PvE Content and RWZs

Another idea just for counter the teams that will try to run GvsG rated for win points just for their own guild when everyone is sleeping can be a schedule for RWZ something like you can only do RWZ between 11am~3pm and 8pm~1am that will depend of the server time I suppose and that can help to make many teams queue at the same time.


Well those are my personal thoughts, I don't think BW will do something like that but I think that would help a lot to this game that is close to the end because of the developers.


Inmórtal – Sage – POT5

Edited by mfourcustom
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First rule of ranked WZ's is no one talks about ranked WZ's. No wait that was fight club. No wait they are the same thing.


Ranked WZ's are leaving because they were bad and only fight clubbers used them to get their ranked gear fast.


There may be a few who did not do this but it was the rule not the exception.


Cold hard truth.

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^^ Using your server as the norm for what ranked is like for other servers shows that you have put no thought into anything sorry if that's offensive. Lets be real every server is going to be different then others take mine BC we are a RP/PVE server so pvp shouldn't even be that big a deal yet we have a good ranked scene going on. We have over 90+ people(those that have registered with the ranked website) that come together just to do ranked, and these players are not all in the same guild. From whats being said about the pvp servers they are popping ranked left and right as they should be since they are a pvp server. What doesn't make since is that people who choose to play on a RP or PVE server cry that they aren't getting ranked pops. These players choose a server that isn't catered for Ranked, yet they cry for ranked. If you wanted to do ranked you should have joined a PvP server in the first place. If RP and PVE servers want to do ranked they should get off their collective butts and build a community for it like BC did.


Lets be honest about something else as well Ranked 8v8 isn't being removed cause they aren't being used cause we all know that the pvpers are most certainly using them on the pvp servers like they are designed for. They are being removed simply cause bioware doesn't want to work on ranked 8v8 they want to push the 4v4s more. Now i know Arenas can be fun as its told that other games are doing great with arenas, but those other games have other modes of pvp as well including larger type battles. Bioware is only limiting its options and going to seriously hurt its pvp community. This is biowares game though so if they want to slap their players in the face its their choice to do so.

Edited by Khalind
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You keep saying, lets be honest, then you follow it up with something that is not. Weird.


BTW Bastion is a PVP server. All the ranked WZ's here are just fight clubbers. There may be a team who has long since left that did not fight club, but all that is left is fight clubbers. I am sure people will claim it's not. But let's be honest, if we go by that analogy I can use a better one. The prisons are all filled with people who claim to be innocent. So just because people claim they don't do it does not make it so.


And BW is shutting them down because the amount of people who play them, including the fight clubbers is a fraction of a percent, lets not kid ourselves here. There is not some great conspiracy against you, there is not some great ranked PVP solution hidden in area 51 that BW is keeping under wraps. They are shutting it down because the tiny amount of fight clubbers do not justify the amount of work it would take to make them work right.

Edited by BarronWasteland
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You keep saying, lets be honest, then you follow it up with something that is not. Weird.


I'll be honest. the 2nd paragraph is spot on. I don't know what world you live in, but BW admitted themselves that they didn't put any effort into 8v8 and rather than do so, they're shutting it down.


you'll notice that a solo queue/solo rating system is being instituted for 4v4, complete with a grp finder-type of matchmaking system. you don't think that would have breathed life into 8v8, objective play? you really think the majority of players who pvp think that TDM & dueling are the only true forms of pvp? I hate to break it to you, but the number of ppl who pvp isn't going up. it's the same. and of those, there are purists and what I'll call "casuals." TDM is going to exclude the latter. the rated scene will be smaller.


it's the solo queue with its group finder feature that will do anything for rated pvp, and that has nothing to do with 4v4 or 8v8. it's simply a matter of BW never using it for 8m. and from what I hear, those matches suffer from the same failings that rated WZs always have: no reconnects/rejoins, no effective incentive to stay in a losing situation nor a debuff to discourage leaving, no "choice" about map/teammates, crappy incentives for those who achieve high ratings, and crappy matchmaking because at the end of the day the only teams that are going to sit in the Q are elite teams meaning -- again -- population playing them isn't going to change.

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