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Kaggath Tournament - Droid Supremacy vs Undying Brotherhood


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The war scenario:


In the opening stages of the Kaggath G0-T0 immediately begins the consolidation of his forces, having Guri muster the resources of the Exchange as well as rally the rest of the underworld to his side. While G0-T0 combines HK-01’s transmission code with his own resources to create the perfect droid controlling device, attaching it to the Central Control Computer of his droid army and connecting it to various transmitters which he can dispatch and deploy at will. At this point HK-01 is no longer needed and G0-T0 has him deactivated and detained.


Meanwhile Malgus dispatches a large portion of the Undying Brotherhood’s fleet to Mon Calamari with the objective of extinguishing the planet as a threat and preventing the Droid Supremacy from gaining any kind of naval advantage. G0-T0, predicting such a move as well as his inevitable defeat orders his entire naval force to abandon the planet and scatter, evading the incoming forces who find the planet empty. Yet he is forced to allow the shipyards to fall into enemy hands, unable to reconcile the destruction of such a valuable asset with his primary programming of galactic stability. Nonetheless within days of the naval facilities reactivation G0-T0 has already smuggled a transmitter planetside quickly hacking and taking control of all the droids in the shipyard facility, ensuring the subtle sabotage of its ships.


Beginning war in earnest and at Grievous’ suggestion Malgus splits his force to attack Kamino and Geonosis simultaneously in two pronged attack, with the intention of completely crippling the Supremacy’s production capabilities and ensuring total victory for the Brotherhood. However G0-T0 is prepared and Malgus is met with stiff resistance. His fleets harrowed by pirate forces, traps and ambushes en route to their destinations and on the ground his forces engage in lengthy and taxing engagements of attrition against a constantly multiplying droid army equipped with black market tech and deadly bioweapons.


The Undying Brotherhood takes heavy losses on all fronts but retains the advantage of superior naval firepower and superior ground combatants, slowly whittling away at G0-T0’s forces. Armies of Massassi and Sith cut through the droid ranks and targets are orbitally bombarded from space or captured as their shields fail. However G0-T0 ensures the war drags out, attacking trade routes with pirates and smugglers to ensure supplies dry up and using his internal saboteurs to thwart important naval victories while openly turning the enemies’ droid forces against them on the ground. G0-T0 also gains a valuable inside ally in Durge who quickly defects to the Supremacy, allowing the Exchange to hire him so that he might satisfy his blood lust. Initially Durge provides vital intel on the Brotherhood’s movements, tactics and makeup, before revealing his allegiance and causing devastating damage to his forces, dragging the war out further.


The end-game scenario:


However the war has merely been a façade for G0-T0’s grander designs, of which he has entrusted to one of his most lethal of assassins, PROXY. Equipping him with the latest slicing programs and spikes G0-T0 uses the time bought by the war to construct a flawless plan. Fabricating the necessary documents and acquiring top level cylinder codes G0-T0 has PROXY, disguised as a medical droid, appointed to Malgus’ flagship – the Leviathan – to deal with the growing intake of wounded and replace broken units. However upon accessing the ship PROXY uses an in built transmitter to take control of all the droids on the vessel who combined slowly and carefully begin hacking their way into the ships mainframe and taking control of all its internal systems, unbeknownst to Malgus or anyone else on board. As well as ensuring all and any high ranking officials who find themselves in the medical bay tragically succumb to their injuries.


Then at the opportune moment, G0-T0 puts endgame into action. Discreetly commandeering the Leviathan by venting the bridge and ensuring the deaths or incapacitation of all others on board during the Battle of Geonosis. While Malgus leads the ground invasion below unawares. With complete control the vessel PROXY tricks the fleet into believing that Malgus has ordered a surface bombardment on the primary factory his is laying siege too, believing Malgus’ forces to be in full retreat. And so the proud warrior Malgus is not slain on the battlefield but stabbed in the back, taken down by plotting and scheming as his own fleets pulverise his position into molten slag, killing him in the process.


The Droid Supremacy is victorious.

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Victor: Droid Supremacy


Droid Supremacy: 86


Undying Brotherhood: 66


The Kaggath Heats have come to a close, stay tuned for the semi-finals!


Thanks for debating! That is all.


WOOP Go warren!!!!!!!!


Next round by Wednesday.

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Next round by Wednesday.
Oh OK! I'll just put that in my diary! :p


EDIT: No but I'll probably take a little hiatus from the Kaggath for a while. While I sort out matchups and get the REAL Most Powerful up and running again. I've also got a few other things to deal with. But you'll get your semis.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Oh OK! I'll just put that in my diary! :p


EDIT: No but I'll probably take a little hiatus from the Kaggath for a while. While I sort out matchups and get the REAL Most Powerful up and running again. I've also got a few other things to deal with. But you'll get your semis.


Well, I'm excited to see the Most powerful series come back, but I am also saddened that the Kaggath will be stalled temporarily. A bittersweet feeling.


But at least I get to talk about Plo Koon's awesomeness again. Every cloud has a silver lining.

Edited by Aurbere
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I'll be honest, not surprised by the outcome given that GO-TO is almost never found and I can only think of one who would be able to do so....maybe 2 but that would depend really.
Darth Traya it would seem is on that list. But yes, G0-T0 is elusive with a capital E.


Though in reality its a question of staying alive long enough to kill him.

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Darth Traya it would seem is on that list. But yes, G0-T0 is elusive with a capital E.


Though in reality its a question of staying alive long enough to kill him.


I wasn't even thinking on Traya, my choices were


1. Xizor


Actually not even two, really I could only see Xizor finding him, given his intel network is greater than that of the GE and he has reach across the galaxy, also knowing the ins and outs of the Underworld...plus money talks.


My other choice was Jabba, but I dunno.

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I wasn't even thinking on Traya, my choices were


1. Xizor


Actually not even two, really I could only see Xizor finding him, given his intel network is greater than that of the GE and he has reach across the galaxy, also knowing the ins and outs of the Underworld...plus money talks.


My other choice was Jabba, but I dunno.

Well I only say Traya because she successfully defeated him in the Kaggath Final.


See the problem with taking him on on his own turf is exactly that, trying to use what G0-T0 uses best against him tends not to garner good results.

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Unless that someone is better, but yeah there is that.
No one is better than G0-T0. :cool:


One other option, the better option, is to lure G0-T0 out of hiding. Destroy enough over his powerbase and he's going to have to start intervening in matters more personally. That or force some kind of ultimatum...

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No one is better than G0-T0. :cool:


One other option, the better option, is to lure G0-T0 out of hiding. Destroy enough over his powerbase and he's going to have to start intervening in matters more personally. That or force some kind of ultimatum...


Like any man, if you sweep his legs out from under him, G0-T0 will fall. It's just more difficult.

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