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Here's to you, faithful node guard...


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B/C they are often not recognized (except when ninjad), here's a thread giving the JC PvP community a chance to publicly recognize the efforts of those elite few. The few who have the ability to survive more than 3gcd's--the ability to type "1 inc g"--the ability to not give in to the temptation to afk, no matter the score...


I'll start :)


Two of the best pub side that I've had the pleasure to play w/: Jaenx and Quesadilla--both great players, both willing to guard, both knowledgeable typers.

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I would like to nominate all those shadow/assassin tanks, that never guard and always go mid to leave a smasher or commando to guard a node..so enemy stealthers have a greater chance at a node steal.
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I would like to nominate all those shadow/assassin tanks, that never guard and always go mid to leave a smasher or commando to guard a node..so enemy stealthers have a greater chance at a node steal.







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B/C they are often not recognized (except when ninjad), here's a thread giving the JC PvP community a chance to publicly recognize the efforts of those elite few. The few who have the ability to survive more than 3gcd's--the ability to type "1 inc g"--the ability to not give in to the temptation to afk, no matter the score...


I'll start :)


Two of the best pub side that I've had the pleasure to play w/: Jaenx and Quesadilla--both great players, both willing to guard, both knowledgeable typers.


Thanks buddy for the kind words. I think that a lot people who rolled sins/shadows had the intention of 4 shotting people, so the idea of a full 36pt KC tank is polar opposite of what an "assassin" should be doing. My opinion of course. :)


But with ranked 4v4 arenas we'll see if KC Shadow is even worth rolling. I only played on PTS for 3 pug matches with my sentinel so Idk.

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The only reason I rerolled to tank spec on my shadow was because 1) got tired of guarding nodes day in and out as a DPS 2)I sucked at DPS shadow anyway XD. But yea props to those that actually end up node guarding and not having their keyboard cc'd to actually call out incs :D
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