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The BattleZone Reboot Round 1 Match 12: Kas'im vs. An'ya Kuro


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I don't think she'd be able to teleport multiple times, she did it once against Vader and it completely pushed her to the limits and left her wide open. If were going with a younger version of An'ya then ya she would be able to, but at her current status? No. Of course this was after some dueling and trying to contain him with plants, which the plant thing...I don't see happening here...but if they duel for a time and she tries it, she may end up pushing herself too far. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I thought that a double bladed lightsaber was an offensive wepon, and it was supposed to increase the rate of strikes. Still, there is no way, for Kas'im to contain her. Also, the double ended saber, isn't the most maneuverable one. Anya can break his defense with the the force, dissapear, hit, dissapear, until he gets mad. And that's the best about stealth: It can come from everywhere, and you can't see it coming, you can do nothing about it. She won't be stupid, engaging Kas'im more than ten seconds. You say it's easy to deflect every single of her attacks , but she can teleport, right behind him, then go stealth, pass through walls, she can make that palace her playground, and Kas'im her little toy. He'll get tired, angry and desperate. As soon as she doesn't get predictable or overconfident, she has it.
Yet she was killed by Vader when he backed her up against a tree. It would seem their are limits to her ability to teleport. And concerning saberstaffs, they are known to be excellent defensive weapons as they provide a far larger surface area for a standard lightsaber for deflecting and parrying.


And Kas'im won't get tired, or angry, or desperate. He'll get patient, and cunning, and tactical. Through superior skill he will deflect her attacks with little difficulty all the while making it difficult for her to extract herself from battle. With each attack he will learn, and get smarter, the same tricks won't work twice and with each attack Kas'im will be more prepared than the last. It will be Kuro who gets tired, angry and desperate and her attacks repeatedly fail, fail and fail again, and eventually she'll slip up, become exhausted or fall into a trap and then she'll die.

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Don't forget to add to the list of possible strategies is that Kas'im could seperate his lightsaber into two in the midst of an intense exchange of blows. I don't know bout you, but for me that would catch me off guard, and seeing how fast jedi and sith move, that may be all that Kas'im needs to get the hit he needs.
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So the apparent strategies are:




Catch Kas'im off-guard with a teleport.




Defend until Kuro tires, then overwhelm her.


Am I right?


Yep pretty much. The whole thing thing is a guess here. I'm guessing that Kas'im, will lose his focus, thanks to various reasons( tirement, annoyment etc), and Anya won't get predictable. Beni is guessing the exact opposite.


Well, I've made most of my arguements. Gimme some time to think a battle scenario, or something else. I'll post something tonight. Meantime, it would be nice for someone to support me while I'm out. Thanks:)

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Yep pretty much. The whole thing thing is a guess here. I'm guessing that Kas'im, will lose his focus, thanks to various reasons( tirement, annoyment etc), and Anya won't get predictable. Beni is guessing the exact opposite.


Well, I've made most of my arguements. Gimme some time to think a battle scenario, or something else. I'll post something tonight. Meantime, it would be nice for someone to support me while I'm out. Thanks:)

Kas'im is a highly disciplined warrior who likely possesses a strong stamina, the chances that his mind or body will falter are unlikely. He has honed himself to be a living weapon, much like Maul. Juyo as a form itself demands a great self of discipline and self-control, which he will exercise to full effect here.
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We should probably discuss the impact of a well-timed teleport...


That'll be in my battle scenario. But we can discus. Though it's kinda simple.


If Anya teleports out of nowhere while Kas'im is on an onslaught, and even making him hit a wall or something, she could take advantage of her groggy enemy, and hit a crippling, if not lethal, strike, or at least disable one of his blades. She could make him fall off a balcony, or something like that. I previously thought she could teleport multiple times, but now, I'm not gonna go over two. I'll be posting something, tonight or maybe tommorow.

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Kas'im is a highly disciplined warrior who likely possesses a strong stamina, the chances that his mind or body will falter are unlikely. He has honed himself to be a living weapon, much like Maul. Juyo as a form itself demands a great self of discipline and self-control, which he will exercise to full effect here.


I agree with Beni. There is no evidence or suggested implications of which Kas'im loses focus through either being annoyed, tired, or emotional. There are in fact a couple instances in Path of Destruction that suggest the exact opposite.


Upon landing on Lehon, Kas'im engaged a rancor in battle. The text says explicitly that Kas'im was patiently dodging its blows and slashing it with its lightsaber repeatedly until it essentially bled to death. Later in the duel with Bane, the main reason why Kas'im lost that battle was because he was patient and not overzealous in his pursuit of Bane giving the latter time to gather his power to collapse the temple.


There are plenty examples of Dark Siders giving into emotions and lacking patience in battle. However, evidence suggests that Kas'im is not one of these such examples.

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Don't forget to add to the list of possible strategies is that Kas'im could seperate his lightsaber into two in the midst of an intense exchange of blows. I don't know bout you, but for me that would catch me off guard, and seeing how fast jedi and sith move, that may be all that Kas'im needs to get the hit he needs.


I was mainly referring to victory conditions, and I don't think disconnecting his lightsabers will get Kas'im the victory.

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Ok one last consideration: What about plant control? I know that the palace won't have anything really dangerous, but couldn't she find anything good enough to distract him? Also does the palace have a garden or something? Cause that would be useful.


I would assume that the Palace has some sort of garden or plant life. At least, that's what I assumed for my fan-fic.

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The thing is I do not believe Kuro would need a huge advantage with her force powers. From what I can tell in saber combat they are close to equals as is so just a little bit of an advantage or distraction would be more then enough for Kuro to kill Kas'im and her force powers can provide that much. (not saying Kas'im isn't better duelist just tha they are close enough that a small distraction from plants or well placed teleport can and will open him up for Kuro's Ataru skills to take him down.) Actually ataru is the perfect form for that since its already a fast attacking form as it is coupled with the distraction of a plant grabbing a leg or a teleport while in mid air for a from below blow when the opponent was expecting it from above can easily kill quite a few people and Kas'im doesn't appear to be so much more skilled to be immune to this. He will be trying hard to fend her off normally trying to wait her out, but that's how we know she will get through she will try to end it before she gets tired out that's the point of ataru.
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Hey Aurbere, some guy started a Forum User of the month thread and you were nominated :p


(Not by me, sorry, I voted Beni 'cause you were in the community roundup)


Pretty useless thread, because the guy won't keep it up (trust me) but isn't it nice to know you're appreciated even outside these forums? :D

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Hey Aurbere, some guy started a Forum User of the month thread and you were nominated :p


(Not by me, sorry, I voted Beni 'cause you were in the community roundup)


Pretty useless thread, because the guy won't keep it up (trust me) but isn't it nice to know you're appreciated even outside these forums? :D


I appreciate the appreciation. I understand why you nominated Beni. Balance and all that. But thanks for alerting me of that thread.

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Hey Aurbere, some guy started a Forum User of the month thread and you were nominated :p


(Not by me, sorry, I voted Beni 'cause you were in the community roundup)


Pretty useless thread, because the guy won't keep it up (trust me) but isn't it nice to know you're appreciated even outside these forums? :D

Oh really? Where?


And thanks for nominating me. :p

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