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Thoughts on SWTOR from a new player.


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Star Wars is a game that works okay, it didn't do anything terribly innovative or try and break the mold, heck some of the abilities are almost their exact copy from World of Warcraft (Sith Sorcerer's Affliction = Warlock's Curse of Affliction). That doesn't bother me, when people say that a game is a WoW clone then that is what gets me interested, World of Warcraft for all the bad rep its gets nowadays is literally the yardstick by which we measure all other Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games.


The thing that gets me is that Star Wars: The Old Republic is that there are just so many small problems, how much does Static Barrier shield you for? Does it benefit from any additional statistics? If so which?


Resolve (as described by the in-game codex [Codex-->Game Rules-->Resolve]) supposedly makes you immune to Crowd Control when capping at max resolve, when this happens to me in PVP nothing happens, I just keep getting stunned for the maximum duration every time.


Diminishing returns never happens? When accidentally pulling an additional group or two I can just Whirlwind one of them over and over with whirlwind always being off of cooldown when they drop out of it's effect.


It seems to me that a number of things in this game are just plain broken. Not in the sense that they're overpowered or unfair but in the literal sense as in they just plain don't work. The game has so many small bugs, like sometimes not getting something in your collection until you relog or disconnecting at the end of black talon during the warp speed. One time while trying to get the Tattooine Datacron I was on the balloon and suffered a lag spike and was teleported to the ground, I didn't fall, I took no fall damage. Just got plopped onto the ground.


All this and I've been playing for only a month, my highest level character is 37, I can only imagine the kind of stuff you guys see at high end. After all those complaints I still do enjoy the game, obviously right? I'm still playing. The frustrating part is that I've learned from my friends that these things are issues that have been in the game for a long time and will most likely not be fixed.

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Just a few points on the resolve system.


There are no diminishing returns on cc abilities in swtor. The only thing that restricts their use is the PvP specific resolve system.


Resolve makes you immune to all incoming crowd control once you have reached full resolve. Any incoming cc effect that brings you to full resolve will still cc you, however the timer for being immune to cc doesn't come into effect until the current cc on you expires. Moments where you are bombarded with enough cc to fully resolve you are situations where you are likely being focus fired (and you die even when resolve finally makes you cc immune). This often makes it feel like resolve doesn't work, when it is actually working as intended.


Also, snares and roots DON'T build resolve. Resolve only applies to crowd control that locks you out of your abilities (stuns and mezzes) or physics based effects like knockbacks and pulls. Resolve is only applicable to player crowd control. NPC's do not build resolve on your character, and similarly, you don't build resolve on them for using cc effects.

Edited by Marb
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One time while trying to get the Tattooine Datacron I was on the balloon and suffered a lag spike and was teleported to the ground, I didn't fall, I took no fall damage. Just got plopped onto the ground.


Really, that bug is in the game again? How is that even possible. It's about 16 to 17 months that I encountered that nasty bug. They mentioned it got fixed a long time ago. I never dared to try it out again. Obviously, I was right about not wasting my time.


And yes, in general: This game has way too many (smaller) bugs that do not get fixed. It is a shame.

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The chat bugs are what annoy me the most. The inconsistencies. Sometimes when I'm in a group I need to type /p in front of my message every time, while other times it types in group chat per default. I think like in wow it's supposed to stay in the previous chat channel you typed in but half the time it just doesn't work.


Oh yeah, a group disbanding while I type my message sends it to general chat - that's a nasty one! Why have these simple bugs been in the game for 1½ year?

Edited by Coltraine
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