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Thinking of transfering to this server, I have some questions.


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What are the que times like for 55 hm flashpoints?


Are guilds recruiting raiders to do progression raiding?


Is there world pvp/(rp) events organized by the community?


Server I am from has a bad attitude and more trolls then i care to count looking for a place I can enjoy my gaming a bit more =) so is this the server for me?

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What are the que times like for 55 hm flashpoints?

Not sure

Are guilds recruiting raiders to do progression raiding?

I think so

Is there world pvp/(rp) events organized by the community?

Yes, and it happens by itself quite often.

Server I am from has a bad attitude and more trolls then i care to count looking for a place I can enjoy my gaming a bit more =) so is this the server for me?


I think you should give this server a shot during primetime you get a lot of warzone pops and because we are a smaller server it's a lot more tight knit. We have a few trolls,but not nearly as bad as some servers that I have seen. Come give jung ma a try i'm sure you will enjoy it.

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What are the que times like for 55 hm flashpoints?


Are guilds recruiting raiders to do progression raiding?


Is there world pvp/(rp) events organized by the community?


Server I am from has a bad attitude and more trolls then i care to count looking for a place I can enjoy my gaming a bit more =) so is this the server for me?


During primetime under 2 min, pops often.


Yeah, alot of rp Guilds make event such as owpvp.


There are trolls on Jung Ma.. You find em everywhere, no mather what server you play on. Most ppl are good ppl however.


Welcome to join us =)

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In regards to 55 hm fp pops, as a healer or tank it is usually never more than a minute or two in my experience. As a dps it tends be to longer but not too bad. Guess most people just wanna pewpewpew.


The wz queues are very fast here, rare to not get a queue in a minute or less. Jung ma wzs have some epic losers on both sides but also some really good players. Unranked wzs can be interesting in that way but we have a lot of strong duos, trios and quartets that queue together and can sometimes make some very close matches against a superqueue 8 team.


Trolls exist in any community. For some, trolling is the game. They are easy to ignore.

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What are the que times like for 55 hm flashpoints?

Always depends on the hour of the day. Could get up to an hour during low pop times, could be 5 minutes during peak hours. Best option is to find a guild.


Are guilds recruiting raiders to do progression raiding?

Of course. Since the closure of the Imperial guild Jen'jidai, Republic pretty much owns this server in terms of raiding. A few of the most prominent and talented hardcore raiding guilds are Crimson Elite, Nights Radiance and Remnants of Hope. You also have your average progression Imperial guilds like Infernal Harvest.


Is there world pvp/(rp) events organized by the community?

Indeed there is! Infact, on the 10th of this month my guild had just hosted a very successful world pvp event on Corellia and plan on starting another within a month's time. I BELIEVE Esoteric Order will be having one on the 6th of September too.


Server I am from has a bad attitude and more trolls then i care to count looking for a place I can enjoy my gaming a bit more =) so is this the server for me?

Sorry to say this but when it comes to the internet, you are going to find trolls everywhere. However, the trolls on our server are a rare breed. There is one troll in particular on our server that can either be a huge dickbag...or quite a nice guy. Unlike other trolls though he actually possesses a lot of talent in RP and PVP. I will say that JungMA, despite having trolls, is quite a closer community compared to the other servers and the trolls we may or may not possess. It's a flaw that comes with a F2P system.

Edited by Luniara
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What are the que times like for 55 hm flashpoints?

Always depends on the hour of the day. Could get up to an hour during low pop times, could be 5 minutes during peak hours. Best option is to find a guild.


Are guilds recruiting raiders to do progression raiding?

Of course. Since the closure of the Imperial guild Jen'jidai, Republic pretty much owns this server in terms of raiding. A few of the most prominent and talented hardcore raiding guilds are Crimson Elite, Nights Radiance and Remnants of Hope. You also have your average progression Imperial guilds like Infernal Harvest.


Is there world pvp/(rp) events organized by the community?

Indeed there is! Infact, on the 10th of this month my guild had just hosted a very successful world pvp event on Corellia and plan on starting another within a month's time. I BELIEVE Esoteric Order will be having one on the 6th of September too.


Server I am from has a bad attitude and more trolls then i care to count looking for a place I can enjoy my gaming a bit more =) so is this the server for me?

Sorry to say this but when it comes to the internet, you are going to find trolls everywhere. However, the trolls on our server are a rare breed. There is one troll in particular on our server that can either be a huge dickbag...or quite a nice guy. Unlike other trolls though he actually possesses a lot of talent in RP and PVP. I will say that JungMA, despite having trolls, is quite a closer community compared to the other servers and the trolls we may or may not possess. It's a flaw that comes with a F2P system.


I don't see much of Crimson Elite anymore but Shattered Republic is building back up after a long summer hiatus, just got servers third for the dread guards nightmare.

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