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Have 2 SWTOR instal


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Hey folks,


Actually I have the game instal on a SSD drive but there' isn't enough space to instal the testcenter so I would like to instal another SWTOR on my main disk. Is it possible ?


Sure. That's my setup. The original game was on C:\, where it still is. I moved a copy to my SSD for performance reasons, which is where I play from these days. But you'll either have to keep moving files or update twice for patches, whichever is easiest for you.

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Set up a symlink to the location you want it to be. You want to use the junction option. So if your current location for the PTS is C:\users\scheen\path\to\pts and you wanted it to be at D:\games\path\to\pts you would move the PTS to the new location and then enter the following into the cmd prompt. (You can open with Win+R, and entering "cmd" without quotes, or by searching for cmd.exe)


mklink /j C:\users\scheen\path\to\pts D:\games\path\to\pts


That will create a shortcut in the original location, which points to the new location. The file system treats them both as the same place, so the launcher won't know the difference.


Edit: Since your OP mentions that you want two versions of the game I want to clarify that this will only leave you with one version of the game, split onto two drives. The C:\ drive would have the main game files, whereas the D:\ would have the PTS files that you moved and pointed the symlink to. While not quite what you were asking I mentioned this solution because it would solve your issue without requiring two installs.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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