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AOE Knockbacks


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Why do all the classes except for Marauder/Sentinel have AOE knockback attacks?! I looked through all the possible powers for Marauders and Warriors, and we have an AOE stun, but not an AOE knockback? Why? Make our AOE stun an AOE knockback, please, Bioware.





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I won't mention the source to avoid spamming but if I can paraphrase one of my favorite novels Maras are close quarter specialist but we have to be close before we are special. I think this is why we have a stealth rather than an AOE knockback ability. One of the reasons why we are at a disadvantage in PVP are moving around each other the guy with gun is going to win everytime against the guy with the sword. Thankfully in all other content the guy with the gun is content to stand still and let us be special.
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Ranged ACs (Mercenary, Sniper) get AOE knockbacks. Sorcerors get a conal knockback. Assassins get a conal knockback because they don't get an AOE stun like the other tanks (Powertech and Juggernaut both get AOE stuns).


So that's 4 ACs with AOE knockbacks. The 4 ACs without AOE knockbacks are Powertech, Juggernaut, Marauder, and Operative. These also happen to all be melee-range ACs. The only melee AC which gets a multi-target knockback is, as mentioned before, the Assassin.


Also note that the 4 ACs without AOE knockbacks (Powertech, Juggernaut, Marauder, Operative) all get an AOE stun of some kind. Snipers get the best of both worlds, with a 35m AOE stun for 8 seconds and an off-GCD, free, AOE knockback that also provides a root and slow after. Assassins get the worst deal, as they're a tank AC but their AOE/conal stun is easily the weakest.

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Okay I think I listed this correctly:


Smuggler/Agent: both ACs have that AOE knockback when in cover.


Trooper/Powertech: both get AOE knockbacks before ACs even pop up.


Inquis/Consular: both ACs get conal knockbacks


Knight/Warrior: get no AOE knockbacks, but we get an AOE stun.



But Warrior doesn't even have a single-target knockback.

Edited by Xakthul
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Okay I think I listed this correctly:


Smuggler/Agent: both ACs have that AOE knockback when in cover. - Operatives don't. Only Snipers.


Trooper/Powertech: both get AOE knockbacks before ACs even pop up. - Incorrect. Only - Commandos/Mercs have it.


Inquis/Consular: both ACs get conal knockbacks - Correct. They're pretty weak as far as push distance goes though.


Knight/Warrior: get no AOE knockbacks, but we get an AOE stun. - Not even a stun - AoE mez, it breaks on damage.



But Warrior doesn't even have a single-target knockback. - Sith Juggernaut has Force Push.

To be honest, I think this game needs *less* AoE knockbacks, not more.

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You don't get one because you don't need one. Honestly, who in their right mind wants to be in melee range with a marauder. They are doing you a favor if they are that close. If you need to get away aoe mez and also force camo which rarely fails; occasionally someone will time their root or other cc well enough to catch your camo but mostly they guess wrong in my experience.


I do feel like force push would be a nice addition. Only because I feel left out of being able to use the environment against opponents. We have no way to throw people off cliffs or pull them into fire, that really sucks on some maps. KB is not really needed though.

Edited by skarlson
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I don't even care that we can't get AOE. We have plenty of AOE melees and such, but we do need to be able to push a single target. With an Inquis, I was able to beast my way through Alderaan and Korriban by running away and pushing the NPCs over a convenient cliff.:cool:


My Marauder is kinda OP, as he's built as a balanced tank/crit/str build. However, I should be able to push the guy who's beating the crap out of me over a cliff as a Warrior, even if it's only a single-target thing.

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I don't even care that we can't get AOE. We have plenty of AOE melees and such, but we do need to be able to push a single target. With an Inquis, I was able to beast my way through Alderaan and Korriban by running away and pushing the NPCs over a convenient cliff.:cool:


My Marauder is kinda OP, as he's built as a balanced tank/crit/str build. However, I should be able to push the guy who's beating the crap out of me over a cliff as a Warrior, even if it's only a single-target thing.



I have never seen a better reason then this to give a class a new ability. :jawa_eek:

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I don't even care that we can't get AOE. We have plenty of AOE melees and such, but we do need to be able to push a single target. With an Inquis, I was able to beast my way through Alderaan and Korriban by running away and pushing the NPCs over a convenient cliff.:cool:


My Marauder is kinda OP, as he's built as a balanced tank/crit/str build. However, I should be able to push the guy who's beating the crap out of me over a cliff as a Warrior, even if it's only a single-target thing.

Please tell me that you don't go stacking Defense.

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Don't you want to ask for 35m plus ranged attack, maybe even a self healing abbility, you don't want to get too op? Whatnd bout a push want one too?

Now seriously you even got steath and you want and aoe knockback? some even said like the juggs.LOL

Well maybe once your maras you can get it. BTW ask for an healing abbility, sorc like so you can heal to full

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I'm not a sorc. My main is a marauder. I'm just sayin that we're at a disadvantage cause of all the PvP people and NPCs that have either insane knockbacks or high-damage AOE stun/damage attacks, and we get Smash, which does less damage than any other Force power I've ever seen.
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I'm not a sorc. My main is a marauder. I'm just sayin that we're at a disadvantage cause of all the PvP people and NPCs that have either insane knockbacks or high-damage AOE stun/damage attacks, and we get Smash, which does less damage than any other Force power I've ever seen.




Rage. Increases smash. To oblivion levels of damage.

I'd say that "it is a humungous controversy in the pvp forums", but it isn't. Everyone but people who use the spec think that it's horribly overpowered.


Sure, a push would be nice, but at the moment, snipers have a massive advantage over marauders because a marauder cannot force them out of cover to use a leap to build rage and/or an obliterate charge. I hate it, but it's there for a reason. A knockback may not be that overpowered to give to a marauder/sentinel, but at the moment, it's going to be hard to convince anyone that they need something else.

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